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Abwehran Independent Parties

The Abwehran Independent Parties are small groups of politicians and their constituencies that do not belong to any of the four major political parties of the abwehran star empire.

Total Percentage of Independent Parties

House of Representatives 12%
House of Lords 9%

Galactic Unification Party

Percentage of Seats
House of Representatives 0.5%
House of Lords 0%
Head of Party Open to Players

Political Stance

The basic stance of the Galactic Unification Party is for the Abwehran Star Empire to join the Yamatai Star Empire. While that is their current stance, their main goal is the political and economic unification of the known galaxy. To that end, their foreign and domestic platforms lean more towards the annexation side of the spectrum.

Abwehrans Only Party

Percentage of Seats
House of Representatives 0.5%
House of Lords 1%
Head of Party Open to Players

Political Stance

A party created in response to the Immigration Act of AF 260, the Abwehrans Only Party is an extremist faction of the Abwehran Conservative Party that broke off to pursue its xenophobic policies. While small politically, they are one of the fastest growing reactionary movements in the abwehran star empire.

Corporate Reform Party

Percentage of Seats
House of Representatives 1%
House of Lords 2%
Head of Party Open to Players

Political Stance

Contrary to their name, the Corporate Reform Party is looking to improve the political standing of Abwehran Corporations rather than check them. Due to the discovery of other nations in the galaxy, members of the labor that were tired of their colleagues not paying attention to Foreign policies gathered together in order to support native corporations using protectionist policies.

Federalist Union Party

Percentage of Seats
House of Representatives 2%
House of Lords 1%
Head of Party Open to Players

Political Stance

A collection of politicians from all four main political parties, the Federalist Union Party believes that alliances between the government and iromakuanhe astral commonwealth are inevitable. With the nmx losing its war and the Yamatai Star Empire's previous history of expansionism via conquest, the Federalist Union Party believes forming a stronger connection with both government and iromakuanhe astral commonwealth would be of greater interest to the Empire.

Democracy First Party

Percentage of Seats
House of Representatives 2%
House of Lords 0.5%
Head of Party Open to Players

Political Stance

Extremists from the progressive grew tired of “letting the Conservatives have their way” joined together to form a party based upon the removal of the Monarchy and its “brown-nosing nobility” in favor of a true Representative Democracy.

Abwehr Protection Party

Percentage of Seats
House of Representatives 2%
House of Lords 0.5%
Head of Party Open to Players

Political Stance

A political party founded upon the environmental protection of the Home World, the Abwehr Protection Party disagrees with the heavy industrialization of their world as well as the “fraudulent spending” that colonization takes from what could be used to protect the Home Worlds environment.

Space Without Borders Party

Percentage of Seats
House of Representatives 2%
House of Lords 3%
Head of Party Open to Players

Political Stance

Discovery of the the free state as well as the immigration of Freespacers to the abwehran star empire led to the quick growth of a brand new party. This party believes in getting rid of the current system they have in favor of a government much like that of the Free State.

Crown Imperialist Party

Percentage of Seats
House of Representatives 2%
House of Lords 1%
Head of Party Open to Players

Political Stance

A political party founded on strengthening the Imperial Family's power and becoming a more absolute monarchy.

faction/abwehran_star_empire/government/independents.1477924481.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 01:30 (external edit)