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Abwehran Government Budget

Each Quarter1), the Abwehran Star Empire has a set budget it attempts to stay in without drawing any debt from banks. Sometimes, they're able to stay within the budget while in other times they exceed it by a percentage. Based upon the current economic climate, the following describes the government's expenditures and waste.

Government Expenditures

Total Budget: 12.34 Trillion Credits
Waste: 649 Billion Credits


Administration Budget: 1.23 Trillion Credits 10%

The Abwehran Star Empire is a heavily bureaucratic government with layers of layers of ministers, aides, and departments. Because of this, the Administration part of the budget is abnormally high currently, though plans to cut back on management level employees are in the works.


Education: 2.84 Trillion Credits 23%

One of the primary expenditures of the Abwehran Star Empire is in Education. With Public Education given freely to its citizens up to undergraduate degree programs as well as government grants for research and graduate degree seeking students, it's no wonder Education is one of the higher expenditures of the government.

Environmental Protection

Environmental Protection: 740.4 Billion Credits 6%

While not a primary concern, the lobbying of environmentalist organizations on abwehr have led to a sizable portion of the budget being directed to environmental protection and the maintenance of historic / nature sites on the planet.


Healthcare: 2.47 Trillion Credits 20%

Another primary expenditure is in Healthcare. With nationalized healthcare system for all citizens, Healthcare seems to drain quite a bit of the government's budget.

Industrial Subsidization

Industrial Subsidization: 370.2 Billion Credits 3%

The smallest percentage of the budget is diverted to a category known as Industrial Subsidization, which is comprised of loans and grants to commercial and industrial organizations for the purpose of meeting environmental and safety regulations as well as modernizing them to meet the standards of the known galaxy.


Protection: 2.22 Trillion Credits 18%

Unlike many other nations, Defense and Law Enforcement are all placed into a single budget category. This is mostly due to the fact that all Abwehran Law Enforcement is done by the Schirmherrschaft for planetary law and the Weltraumflotte for intersystem law.

Public Transportation

Public Transportation: 740.4 Billion Credits 6%

The development and maintenance of Public Transportation in the Abwehran Star Empire is funded specifically from this category. This not only includes the railways, air transport, and ocean transport of abwehr, but also funds the Civilian Space Administration Agency and its efforts for interstellar transportation.

Social Policy

Social Policy: 493.6 Billion Credits 4%

The social policy category of the budget is normally comprised of child protection services as well as providing public defenders for individuals unable to properly represent themselves in court proceedings. This also includes a variety of colonization programs as well.


Welfare: 1.23 Trillion Credits 10%

Providing the unemployed2), the disabled, and the homeless, the Abwehran Star Empire runs a variety of state-operated shelters and food card programs to insure many citizens are kept reasonably healthy. However, it still relies upon many charity and religious organizations to supplement their aid.

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2013/06/18 14:29 by Abwehran Commander.

standard year
for a period of time

faction/abwehran_star_empire/government/government_budget.1694365397.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/21 01:30 (external edit)