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Egress Residential Ship

While the Tripster Shuttle was designed for private ownership as a primarily planetary recreational vessel, the Egress attempts to cater to the unwashed masses and corporate ownership. Able to host just over 300 people for almost a decade at a time (though this is not recommended), it is effectively a space 'village' with all the necessary tools to make sure everyone stays alive and happy.

History and Background

When Zen Armaments polled its marketing department one week, then one month after the release of the Tripster, it turned out that civilian craft were 'in style' and that there were billions' worth of untouched profits on the lower end of the socio-economic spectrum. In other words, ZA needed to release something to cater to the even poorer. The Egress hopes to serve that purpose; at 9 million KS for a standard model without frills, it brings the cost per passenger capacity from 50,000 KS down to 30,000, and markets to organizations the potential for re-use, thereby potentially only costing a person 300-1000 KS for a month on board (plus food costs etc. ).

Basic Information

Organizations Using This Vessel:

  • Zen Armaments
  • Go To Space™ travel agency

Statistical & Design Information

  • Type: Medium Passenger Ship
  • Class: Zen Armaments Class 1 Logistics Ship, first production model
  • Designer: Zen Armaments (Various sub-organizations throughout the Black Syndicate)
  • Manufacturer: Zen Armaments (Again, various sub-organizations)
  • Production: On demand, usually takes about half a year for construction

Crew: 14-16 Command: 2 Navigational: 1-2 Starship Operations: 1-2 Medical Staff: 61) Support: 2 Maintenance: 2

Maximum Capacity: 300-340, depending on living style of occupants

Appearance: A large egg-shaped hull ends in a cylinder with stabilizers.


  • Length: Approx. 150m; 120m egg + 30m for the tail
  • Width: Approx. 40m radius for the egg
  • Height: Approx. 40m
  • Decks: 8

Mass: Approximately 25,000kg

Performance Statistics

  • Speed (STL): Theoretical maximum: 0.275c
  • Speed (FTL): 6,790c
  • Speed (Aerial): Mach 9 (maximum recommended at greater than .6 atmospheres)
  • Speed (Water): Though not designed for underwater travel, can reach speeds of 20 knots.
  • Range (Distance): No limit at sublight, 15 LY FTL
  • Range (Support): Approx. 116 months + 6 month emergency supplies ⇒ 22.68LY
  • Lifespan: As long as the parts still work.
  • Refit Cycle: Should be retooled and repaired every time it enters the atmosphere as well as regularly when in transit.
  • Hull: 11 SP (Ship)
  • Shield: 10 SP (Threshold: 2/5)

Inside the Egress

Decks Sub-Compartments
Deck 1 Solarium
Decks 2-3 Docking Area, Apartments
Decks 4 Recreation, Offices, Bridge
Decks 5 Cafeteria, Mall, Residence
Decks 6 Economy Quarters
Decks 7 Crew Quarters, Custodian Office
Decks 8 Storage, Escape Pods
Decks 8.1 Engineering, Main CPU Core, SEAS System

Deck 8

Storage & Escape Pods: Luggage and stuff that doesn't need to be accessed often goes down here; in the event of an evacuation, luggage is ejected from the escape pods and people are stuffed in instead. The floor is curved due to the shape of the ship.

Deck 7

Crew Quarters & Custodian Office: Life support system is on this deck. 16 rooms, all fairly nice but compact. Individual washrooms.

Deck 6

Economy Quarters: Small, minimal - many multi-bed rooms available (standard 4 bunks), with secure storage. Shared washrooms & kitchens. Capacity: 150

Deck 5

Mall, Cafeteria & Residence: A few shops line the hallways, interspersed with sub-hallways leading to rooms. Rooms tend to have individual washrooms but shared kitchen facilities (or people just eat at the cafeteria). Capacity: 100 (assuming some shared rooms)

Deck 4

Recreation, Bridge, Offices: Deck 4 is significantly taller than the other decks, and in some places is divided into 3 levels.

  • Recreation: A small swimming pool (25m long by 10m wide; deep end 2.4m) and hot tub are in a separate, elevated room. There is a field with real grass, a few trees, and goals designed for adaptability to soccer, football, and such as well as a paved section for running, basketball, etc. The walls are lined with 3 levels of offices; higher levels are reached by means of a catwalk and stairs or anti-grav shafts. The ceiling is holographically masked to look like a blue sky during the day and the outside of the ship at night.
  • Bridge: A fairly large semicircular room, it consists of a Captain's command chair with appropriate digital interfaces, on an amphitheater-esque raised platform in the center. Under the platform is a PRISM computer, the frontal processing unit, which is connected via a thick fiber-optic cable to the main core in the tail of the ship. There are two doors, one on either side of this high ground. The other controls are positioned around the circumference of the semicircle, in what ZA hopes to make an industry standard for all their larger ships.

Above and around the Bridge are a series of small lecture halls, such that organizations offering educational courses or corporations requiring boardrooms can rent them for a nominal fee.

  • Offices: Generally little more than cubicles with desks and electrical/internet connections in them, they nonetheless provide work and study space for anyone willing to rent it. Can also be used as additional storage for people using them on a long-term basis.

Decks 2-3

  • Apartments: Generally rented on long-term bases to corporate employees etc., they have their own combined kitchen/living rooms, as well as the bedroom and bathroom. Between the two decks, these host about 50 people.
  • Docking Area: There are two ship-sized airlocks on deck 3 where shuttles can be stored/docked/etc. Personnel airlocks, pressurized separately from the two “shuttle garages”, connect the landing areas to the waiting area, where there are seats and two additional airlocks leading out to extendable docking tubes.

Deck 1

  • Solarium: Transparent high-resistance polymer with geodesic titanium-alloy frame. Additional vegetation. Generally considered a place of learning, makes an excellent sparring ground, or a place to sit under a tree and read a book, or a relaxing, low-distraction area to finish that assignment at the last minute…

Deck 8.1 'Tail'

Engineering, Main Computer Core, SEAS system, etc.


The Egress's hundreds of rooms are connected mostly via hallways. There are also elevators and anti-gravity shafts at key points around the ship, as well as an escalator at the front, leading from the crew quarters to the bridge.

Ship Systems

Hull: Constructed by building a geodesic oval-sphere with struts made of a strong metal alloy and easy-to-replace triangular panels. The tail is similarly constructed.

Airlocks: 4 in the docking area, plus 1 in engineering for maintenance purposes. Emergency airlock designed for escape pods in the bottom deck.

Escape Pods: Located in the underbelly of the ship, they are uncannily similar to those found in the Tripster; one might suspect that they were designed by the same person, and that said person did not put very much effort into the new model.

Life Support: The Egress uses the TOWELS system to keep the living conditions of the inhabitants in order. Additionally, most residents are expected to bring their own food or buy it from one of the stores or the cafeteria.

Sensors and Computers: The Egress has an impressive array of photosensors around the ship, to the point of being able to generate holographic images of anything that can be seen using parallax deconstruction/reconstruction. The bridge contains a PRISM computer system. This is connected to the main supercomputer in the back of the ship, which handles all of the faster-than-light data transmission, internet connections of residents, power flow control, etc.

Propulsion: DRIP Drives are used for sublight speeds, while something that suspiciously resembles a CDD system allows Egress ships to travel faster than light.

Shields: The matrix that keeps the hull of the Egress together nicely supports the EMBLEM system; as a result, the magnetic fields surrounding the egg are perfectly uniform. The tail is less so, but it is specially organized to prevent deflected particles from rejoining their counterparts before the end of the tail. A SEAS overshield is also produced, forming a neat shell around the egg and making the entire ship look rather like a cartoonesque drumstick when active.

CAUTION: Please remember to deactivate S.E.A.S. At least ten minutes prior to docking with absolutely anything. Failure to do so may result in vaporization of either party.

OOC Information

This page was made by doshii_jun on 2011/03/10 14:30.

  • No approval information could be found in forum search.
Pediatrician, Geriatrician, General Doctor, Surgeon, 2 Nurses

corp/zen/egress.1674149742.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 21:18 (external edit)