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Yeger Armaments

Yeger Armaments is a Nepleslian-based weapons production company located a few miles outside of Funky City that was established in late YE 42, it is run by Radomir Ony โ€œRoachโ€ Cassidy under the false identity of a retired big-game hunter named Vasya Pupkin. It is closely guarded by a sect of customized, open-market androids and a few automated defence systems he has cobbled together.

About Yeger Armaments

Yeger Armaments is a rather small and low-profile operation that primarily produces cheap weapons, simple drones and occasionally pimps-out their security for the right price. While the parts used to produce said weapons may come from designs of much more well-known companies and even have previous crimes tied to them it cannot be denied they are dirt cheap and shoot straight.

It was founded in late YE 42 after the unkillable Radomir Ony โ€œRoachโ€ Cassidy managed to free himself from his cryogenic prison, down on his luck and with Shasta's stolen heart now pumping blood through his veins the forgotten cyborg needed a place to hide away from the public eye where he could regroup and work towards reclaiming his reputation. So a small company that produced cheap but fairly reliable knock-offs of popular weapons and gear seemed like a good place to start, Roach bought out a few pallets of old assembly automatons and paid local mercenaries to clear the squatters out of an abandoned mining operation he felt would afford the man the privacy he sought, he then went to work setting up a small company and a false identity under which he'd run it.

Later that month, Yeger Armaments was born.



โ€By Tooth and Clawโ€

General Information

Yeger Armaments
CEO Vasya Pupkin1)
Faction Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia
Product Symbol YA


A few miles outside of Funky City lays an abandoned mining operation that has been gathering dust for a while now, up until now it was merely a quiet asset used by a shady security company to launder money, until Radomir purchased the land and hired local mercenaries to clear out any unwelcome guests.


The surface remains mostly untouched and rather boring, fences that have been reinforced and better-equipped guards being the most notable differences. A thick layer of lung-damaging dust still coats many of the tunnels though they have been further reinforced and outfitted with second-hand assembly automaton, what used to be a mineral storage area has since been refitted to act as more of a warehouse, lined with rows upon rows of shelving units and cargo containers. The deepest levels of the facility feature a maglev system leading to a quiet cargo depot closer to the city, which is how Radomir moves his products around with discretion, with how quickly the whole operation was abandoned official documentation on the infrastructure is spotty at best.

The whole place is powered by a series of solar-panels, banks of capacitors and a small backup fusion-generator that can keep the place running at a reduced capacity if the surface systems should fail. Radomir controls his facilities via a rather hodge-podge supercomputer made from a mix of Freespacer and Nepleslian components, allowing him to monitor and modify anything he might need to.


Radomir controls his facilities at every level, from R&D to repairs and arranging cargo on the maglev sleds, though he does employ a skeleton crew of simple drones that manage the bulk of the physical labour for him.


OOC Notes

sirskully created this article on 2020/12/26 23:14.

in reality, this is an alias of Radomir Ony โ€œRoachโ€ Cassidy

corp/yeger_armaments.1668875148.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 15:43 (external edit)