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Liquid Soldier

Wz-g3905 Liquid Soldier is a human-sized mass of Liquid Ally that has been infused with special materials to turn it into a non-newtonian fluid armor.

* Pressure Suit with Liquid Soldier


The material was developed in YE_39 by heram_j._wazu based on the work of LargeGear Cloudy Truffleclub M447-8-09. At the time Wazu was working on board the YSS Eucharis, and was not permitted to use a Mindy power armor due to his not being enlisted in the star_army_of_yamatai. For the time being he had been making due with his Voidwalker Suit, which was unarmored. While this was suitable for most tasks, it would not hold up well to a fire fight. Rather than replacing the suit with a powered armor, he sought to just upgrade the existing suit using other equipment. For the armor component he would look to the Liquid Ally, infusing the material with short strands of high tensile strength material that would help it solidify upon impact to create a flexible, if somewhat heavy, armor system.


The Liquid Soldier can be controlled by a communicator/datapad or directly linked to a user through mindware. It can take up a variety of basic shapes, as well as create a blobby humanoid form or envelop an existing form such as a pressure suit's individual. Its shape can also be adjusted as needed to be thicker or thinner where needed, to help address protection or movement concerns.

Like the original Liquid Ally, the Liquid Soldier is squishy and soft to the touch. Upon impact the material rapidly hardens, quickly spreading out the heat and kinetic energy of the impact over the armor's surface. A strong impact is enough to effectively kill the area impacted, turning it from a gooey black substance to a hard ceramic-like grey material. This material is usually then expelled from the mass and can later be replaced simply by providing more organic polyp micro machines.


While the liquid soldier does include some Huron Cynobacteria and can filter the air, it is not designed as a space suit. Since there is no ventilation process to move clean air towards a person's mouth it is highly recommended to wear a rebreather or some other life support system before having the liquid soldier evelop the operator.

The Liquid Soldier has a reduced number of Huron bacteria so that it won't glow in the dark like the Liquid Ally. It is, however, capable of changing color and becoming semi-transparent.


The Liquid Soldier comes in a 15 gallon drum, and weighs about 125 lbs. While it can support its weight and move on its own, it is not much stronger than an average human.


A can of Liquid Soldier is free to any members of Wire Guided, and can be used within the forces of the USO Star Organisation.


SARPv3 Tier: Tier 4, light Armor.

OOC Notes

corp/wazu/liquidsoldier.1522295196.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 21:14 (external edit)