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Violine Defense Drone

A fast drone capable capable of protecting the ship both in an atmosphere and in space.


Largely resembly a typical manned fighter, the drone's forward section houses the complex sensor systems while the wings house the weapon systems along with additional thruster systems. In the center part, from the front toward the back, is a darkened, reinforced armor lattices. Toward the rear, but located above the wings, are latch points for when the drone is in the drone bay and can be deployed at a moments notice.


The Violine was designed by Kozan in YE 02 to serve the role of operational defense, the first small batch were built in YE 05 in the Kozan's fabrication bays. Equipped with four forward mounted cannons and a chaf system in the rear. Originally intended to go after rogue asteroids, the fighter was refitted later on with a small shield generator so it could last in a firefighter with pirates. Its four cannons can be switched out and replaced with other weapons, including EMP based weapons, missile launchers, or plasma guns.

Although it wasn't originally intended to operate within an atmosphere, the drone was later updated with an improved airframe and wings were attached to give it better lift while in atmosphere, the addition of two extra engines gives it more thrust. An array of solar panels are located toward the rear of the fighter, allowing the drone to recharge its internal components and systems via solar power energy.

YE 22 saw the drone being upgraded with Durandium armor plating along with its overall structure being reinforced, this increased its mass, however it improved its ability to survive engagements.

In YE 33, YSS Eucharis Chief Engineer Takeyu Nayacesen went about upgrading the drone to present day technology, improving upon its weapons and range, along with replacing the drone array and battery cells but also added on a shield generator to improve longevity.

Statistical Information


Class: Drone Nomenclature: To-01-2C Type: Defense Drone Designers: Takeyu Nayacesen Manufacturer: Takeyu Nayacesen Fielded by: Nayacesen Family Organizations using: None Production: Ten


Length: 6 ft Width: 3 ft Height: 2 ft Mass: 85 lbs

Range, Speed and Durability

Sublight Engines: 150 m/s Range: Limited, has to remain within 2200 feet of the ship Lifespan: Limited, requires constant maintenance.

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.

  • Hull: 6 SP (Armor)
  • Shields: 6 SP(Threshold 2)



The defense drones armor plating is composed of Durandium, though the hull can have additional armor plating added but this tends to add extra mass to the drone and should only be done if the ship the drone serves on is operating in hostile territories.

Laser Cannons

Four laser cannons have taken the place of the original plasma cannons, improving the drones damage and attack range while reducing the amount of power the drone uses, freeing it up for the drone array and shield generator. (Tier 9, Heavy Anti-Mecha per laser)

Sensor Array

Within the nose area of the ship is a complex network of sensors and scanners along with an array of cameras. Two cameras are located in the cockpit itself, one in the rear, and two on the top and bottom of the craft. These cameras give the drone a full three hundred and sixty degree surrounding view, allowing it to monitor several hostiles and to respond to enemy fire quickly.

Drone Control Array

Located just behind the forward sensor dome is the DCA, which serves as the brains of the drone itself as well as its means of receiving signals from the Kozan. The control array operates the fighter itself, determining the proper course of action in dealing with hostiles or whether or not a mining drone may be in trouble. Thus, there is a very limited form of an AI onboard these drones.

Drone Control Array Update

A modification to the drone array allows it to operate without instructions from the main computer and also operate at much further ranges than was originally responsible. The update also permits the owner of the drone to update its software with more improved combat routines than is already available on the drone.

Shield Generator

The Violine originally lacked shields of any kind, relying entirely on its armor plating. The newer Violine is equiped with a standard energy shield generator to improve its survivalability.

Fusion Generator

Although the ship possed a fusion generator before, it wasn't very powerful and could only operate the ships main systems, relying almost exclusively on the battery cells for the weapons. This was changed, the battery cells have been religated to backup power duty or to provide a quick extra burst of power to the drones systems or weapons. The generator outputs enough power to allow the defensive drone to operate for nearly thirty minutes continously in combat, or while out of combat, for nearly several hours. Combiend with the solar panels, the drone's onboard computer can easily swap from three differente power sources for the onboard systems.

Battery Cells

There are three battery cells located along the fighters under carriage that can be accessed via two access hatches, these batteries can be replaced either in the drone bay or onsight. The batteries can be refueled by the onboard solar panels. The cells serve the duty of providing backup power in the event the main generator goes offline, or if extra power is needed.

Solar Panels

Originally the solar panels only provided power to the onboard batteries to help augment the ships power usage. Now, the panels help power more than just the batteries but also the various onboard systems.


The drone uses three Ion Engines, one located in the center and one located on each wing. The engines provide enough thrust for the drone to easily catch up to an escaping target.

Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesrobots
Product NameVioline Defense Drone
Year ReleasedYE 05

corp/takeyu/violen_defense_drones.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/12/21 00:58 (external edit)