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'Mega' Macro Missiles

Amongst the orders of magnitude categorized within the Shastas World corporation there exists Micro, Meso, and Macro for most things. A category above the corporations Macromissiles exists the Mega Macromissiles. Broken into several different types and categories the mega macromissile makes up the second heaviest propelled munition fielded by the Strays of the Terror Wolf Project right behind the Devils Deathbell tactical munition.


The MMM share the history of their smaller Macromissiles. Being repurposed ordinance salvaged, scavenged, or bought on the cheap the mega macromissiles are simply rehoused missiles found anywhere in the sector but having their payloads replaced or repurposed. They began seeing increased usasge from their initial conception in YE 42 in the field with the increase presence of the Terror Wolf Project in YE 45

Missile Types

Each mega macromissile is considerably larger than its normal macromissile siblings and does not fit in the same launchers. Larger and longer with a larger payload they are fitted to larger missile loaders with the tradeoff of a lower overall missile capacity. Like the original macromissile the mechas flare with a visible glow and low radioactive signature due to each missile being detailed in the corporate famous Star Paint; Making each missile becomes a bright flare of light1) like a tracer but upscaled several orders of magnitude to represent a miniature sun.

They are also, of course, each radioactive and contaminate anything they make contact with.


Like the originals the starburst has its high explosive payload replaced with Star Paint. The missile detonates four meters before its target, coating it in the highly radioactive and illuminating substance that not only makes everything coated in the star paint easier for other targeting systems to acquire and keep their lock but also visibly illuminates them like a miniature sun on even the brightest of days and especially at night like a flare(sans any actual flame, and does not get any dimmer over time.)

The star paint is also in such large quantities lethally radioactive. And will burn and blister skin within minutes, hospitalized within hours, and kill within days. It is not easily washed off and its radioactive signature will permanently scar anywhere it is coated for years as it sinks into the soil, bedrock, buildings, water, etc. of the surrounding area.

  • SW-M1-w4502
  • Damage Rating: T-3 Heavy anti-personnel(radioactive)
  • Damage Description: Covers a large area in radioactive star paint enough to cover a large house that makes targets easier to acquire with targeting systems and makes them stand out in any environment. Deals damage via radiation; Burning and blistering within minutes, hospitalizing within hours and potentially killing within days.
  • Effective Range: 4,900m (6 mile)
  • Muzzle Velocity: 800mps
  • Energy Source: Combustion


A mega macromissile with its payload replaced by the same holographic nanites used in the Fairy Ai and most of its mechs. Create a cloud of optical camouflage around the impact site 150x150x150 square foot wide that mimics closely to Yamatais' common volumetric capabilities. When stationary it can mimic things such as scenery, bushes, flora, debris, etc. And even more advanced projections such as fire, plasma, light, and so forth and can project from the inside of the cloud an outside perspective or holes in it to allow optics to see through.

The nanites are controlled via the nearest Fairy AI remotely and do not impede movement or weapons fire both in and out of it.

  • SW-M1-w4503
  • Damage Description: Covers a 150x150x150 square foot area in holographic camouflage nanites.
  • Effective Range: 4,900m (6 mile)
  • Muzzle Velocity: 800mps
  • Energy Source: Combustion

High Explosive

A standard missile containing a warhead of several fully charged macro cell for a payload. Unlike a conventional, HE styled explosive the HE macromissile damages with an energy based explosion which replaces shrapnel and concussive force with a hyper-lethal wave of expanding energy from the destination energy source which deals energy-based, radiation, and heat-based damage where other deal kinetic and concussion.

  • SW-M1-w4504
  • Damage Rating: T-7 Light anti mecha(explosive), T-1(radiation)
  • Effective Range: 4,900m (6 mile)
  • Muzzle Velocity: 800mps
  • Energy Source: Combustion


A large missile with its payload replaced by a high-powered but short-lived laser system designed to damage, drain, or tax shields by activating a powerful laser that focuses on multiple spectrums of energy at a single point three meters before impact. The Energy Cell that powers the laser drains near-instantly and retains no remaining power when destroyed to create any kind of explosion, leaving any additional damage from the kinetic force of the missile.

  • SW-M1-w4505
  • Damage Rating: T-3 Heavy anti-personnel(kinetic), T-5 Medium anti armor(laser against armor), T-7 light anti-mecha(laser against shields)
  • Damage Description: Powerful shield-calibrated laser fires a fast-draining laser that is designed to drain, tax, or outright overcome shields before hitting the target with kinetic force
  • Effective Range: 4,900m (6 mile)
  • Muzzle Velocity: 800mps
  • Energy Source: Combustion


A standard missile with its payload replaced with a simple EMP-style device. While in flight pulses electromagnetic pulses that scramble, disable, or destroy sensitive and unshielded electronic devices ranging from armors and optics to vehicles and electronic-based payloads. Upon reaching a target The payload detonates a powerful EM pulse three-meter before impact to cover a wide area of effect.

  • SW-M1-w4506
  • Damage Rating: T-0(EMP), T-1 light anti-personel(radiation). T-3(kinetic)
  • Damage Description: Damages or disabled unshielded electronics large and small. Temporarily decreases effectiveness or scrambles shielded electronics.
  • Effective Range: 4,900m (6 mile)
  • Muzzle Velocity: 800mps
  • Energy Source: Combustion


An HE-style missile with its warhead replaced with twelve Macro cells that blanket a small area a dozen small but effective energy-based detonations. The payload releases five meters before it would otherwise strike a target and releases the detonating energy cells in a forty-five-degree angle cone to cover a wide but effective area in munitions.

  • SW-M1-w4507
  • Damage Rating: T-5 medium anti-armor, T-1 light anti personnel(radiation)
  • Damage Description: Covers a 45-degree cone in front of the missile five meters before impact in detonative meso cells.
  • Effective Range: 4,900m (6 mile)
  • Muzzle Velocity: 800mps
  • Energy Source: Combustion


A standard HE macro missile with an added SABOT style penetrator that is propelled through armor via the internal energy cells detonation.

  • SW-M1-w4508
  • Damage Rating: T-8 Medium anti-mecha
  • Damage Description: Sends an AP-style SABOT penetrator through armor.
  • Effective Range: 4,900m (6 mile)
  • Muzzle Velocity: 800mps
  • Energy Source: Combustion

Rocket Drill

Exclusively made for use in the Super Rocket Gun, these MMM are designed to be fired from an SPG type weapon. While categorized as MMM they do not fit in the normal launcher tubes.

  • SW-M1-w4509
  • Damage Rating: T-8 Medium anti-mecha
  • Damage Description: High-impact rocket proelled drill that drills into enemy armor before detonating.
  • Effective Range: 4,900m (6 mile)
  • Muzzle Velocity: 2,400mps
  • Energy Source: Combustion

OOC Information

This page was made by Charmaylarg on 2023/04/11 09:55.

This article was approved by Andrew on 2023/05/202).

Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesweapons: missiles, weapons: vehicle mounted
Product NameSnS Mega Macromissiles
ManufacturerShasta No Sekai
Year ReleasedYE 45

corp/shasta_no_sekai/mega_macromissiles.txt Β· Last modified: 2023/12/21 00:58 by