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Type 3 High Energy Xaser (HEX)Weapon

The Type 3, designed by NovaCorp originally for the No-C1-1b - Mersina General Cruiser, is more powerful than the basic Type 1 and is housed within turrets to accent versatility. The weapon fires photons in a tight beam, like a 'laser', yet into the extreme end of the electro-magnetic spectrum, in the area reserved into the area of gamma and cosmic ways. Indeed the term 'HEX' is not particullarly correct but retained due to aesthetic purposes. The energy is highly penetrating and especially damaging to circuits and organics. The turrets takes the form of smooth domes with only a gentle incline from the hull.

Primary Purpose: Anti-fighter, Anti-Mecha.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-ship.
Damage: SDR3
Range: 4 AU (takes 32 minutes to reach destination).
Payload: Effectively infinite as long as the generators are activated.
Rate of Fire: One beam lasting two seconds with a one second interval between beams

corp/novacorp/type_3_hex.1542047768.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 20:59 (external edit)