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Lz-AC-02c Lazarus AutoComp

A combination of multi-function drone-worker, artificial intelligence and companion, the AutoComp or automatic companion is a levitating spherical robot, able to form a hard-light avatar body around itself or plug into a multitude of civilian and military platforms.

  • The Automatic Companion was revealed to the public by the Lazarus Consortium and entered sale in YE 37 and retails for 12,000 KS and includes a life-time guarantee.


At its simplest, an AutoComp is composed of a faceted maesus core computer, quantum modem, a simple high-fidelity optical sensor, a speaker system, a gravitic centrifuge, high-grade batteries, a hard-light projector, and a very sturdy casing. These components come together to form the AutoComp's core identity: A floating spherical computer.

Additionally in the default configuration the AutoComp has accompanying it two smaller spheres, referred to as orbitals which are usually housed within the main chassis when not in use. Each of these small spheres contains an assortment of specialist tools and can be thought of as free floating β€œhands”.

Designed with a synthetic construct sentient intelligence, the AutoComp can autonomously perform repairs, act as a communications tool, long-range telescope, black-box, as well as being capable of constructing simple objects, manipulating vehicles and hardware, administering limited medical aid, displaying volumetric images, acting as a computer terminal, and being capable of being assigned to carry heavy objects.

As the AutoComp is able to construct a hard-light avatar body around itself the AutoComp is well suited duties as a companion allowing it to present a friendly face that users can not only see, but also feel. In addition it is capable of plugging into a multitude of civilian and military platforms allowing it to aid with more technical tasks.

By design, much of an AutoComp can be modified by the user based on what's required of it: The power source, centrifuge strength, tools, software, almost any feature can be modified or expanded upon. This provides the AutoComp with a an impressive amount of versatility allowing users to create an ideal unit with time and investment.


The development of the Automatic Companion began as a tangential fork resulting from the research of Dr. Aiesu Kalopsia (Ayetseu Karoupshea) L'manel in her attempts at pursuing the goal of improving the ROM construct AI. To this end she had pooled her resources to construct a massive gestalt consciousness formed by thousands of parallel linked ROM Constructs. This gestalt referred to as AK-101 was intended to use its capabilities to produce a more ideal ROM Construct.

An unexpected encounter between an avatar of AK-101 and Sesshoseki Tamamo resulted in a discussion that delighted and inspired the construct to produce a very different product with the resources allocated in its brief life.

This encounter, and the gifts given would result in the awakening of Kanshi Koa nearly a month later in early YE 37. In the aftermath of the discovery of the newly awoken intelligence and the request for their abilities to be put to use, Aiesu tasked the pair with producing another β€œKoa.”

Using their limited resources bolstered by a 'research grant' provided by Aiesu, the pair worked over the course of the year slowly expanding their infrastructure, allowing them to finally produce the schematics for the commercial model as well as a functional example of the unit, that would be referred to as a Automatic Companion.

With the completion of the civilian model, a second project was started with the intent to mate the unit with the successor to the AMX-102 WINTER. As of late YE 37 however, project was put on hold when it was determined that the project could not be completed before the new powered frame's hardware was finalized.


Though they vary contextually, a stock model of automatic companion is a dull grey metallic sphere decorated with a number of movable panels featuring components beneath. Usually the front is designated with a large cavity on with a lens-like eye, fitted with a hard blast-shutter panel over its top. The entire unit is slightly larger than a human head and floats freely through the air.


Upon activation, an AutoComp's intelligence is assigned a primary user via filial imprinting similar to the way children will imprint after their parents – or geese after the first moving thing which acts like an organism which is bigger them that they see. This very biological behaviour then shapes the construct's resulting intelligence. The relationship that is then formed between the two is unique and is unlike mother/child bonding, sexual relationships or master/slave relationships, baring instead some resemblance to that of a mentor and student.

Starting at the point of imprint, over its first 90 hours the AutoComp absorbs information and slowly develops a base personality, pulling components from what are called platonic forms from its own databanks: Simple habits, thoughts and feelings that can be blended together to form something richer and more complex. This compound product is then further influenced by events in its own memory, as well as its own conclusions, the replications of behaviours and imported behaviours – all of this occurs with the user as its main anchor. It has been described as similar to seeing a child grow into a peer.

The end product develops a personality distinctly their own, often with their own worries and concerns, sometimes even going as far as to choose their appearance, developing their appearance based on how they are treated by their owner and becoming what is needed for a more conventional relationship as time goes on.

Importantly, under most circumstances unless directly instructed, an AutoComp will not contravene the actions of its owner, even if they break the law. As they are sentient intelligence they can be considered complicit accomplices under law.

Projected Avatar

Using built in hard-light projectors, the companion can form a body around itself. Given its size, the AutoComp itself is usually formed into the thickest part of the object's mass: The belly of a humanoid doll, for example. By default, the projection is about the size of a prepubescent child with pronounced mechanical joints with a simple and idealized but very emotive face, including hair which is usually a single sculpted piece.

As time goes on, the projections appearance becomes more vivid and specific: appearance, texture, temperature, size, shape and physical sensation all differing based on user preference. Some may remain doll like, others may choose to become famous or seemingly fantastical characters, animals, mascots or even surprisingly authentic replications of real people – and almost always, the design of the AutoComp's avatar fits somewhere between all of these things simultaneously: A compromise between user preference and the AutoComp's own wishes.

Orbitals are importantly used in the formation of hands and complex manipulators, since hard-light while very useful, can be incredibly draining to the unit's power supply.

If a supply of structol is available (from military hardware), the unit can with time construct a physical body. In doing so the unit is able to dis-engage both its hard-light projectors and the gravitic centrifuge. The end result allowing the operational life of the AutoComp to be vastly extended.

Technical Information

The stock model of the Automatic Companion contains the following components:


The basic chassis consists of a Duremium Alloy sphere slightly larger than an average human head. On the 'front' of the unit is a transparent Durandium Alloy lens that provides protection for the primary sensor cluster. To further protect the unit a duremium blast shutter is installed allowing the more vulnerable lens to be covered.

Additionally located in a ring around the 'middle' of the sphere are a series of nearly seamless interlocking panels that hide and protect the tools and components of the AutoComp. The two largest of these panels located on the 'sides' of the unit conceal a pair of smaller spheres referred to as 'orbitals.' These controlled and manipulated by the gravitic systems are laden with specialist tools and function as the hands of the unit.

Faceted Maesus

The heart of the AutoComp is a faceted Maesus superficially similar to the one used in the ROM construct AI used to provide computational power, as well as to store the personality and knowledge of the unit. Due to a lack of redundant and highly precise checksums to ensure invariability of the data within, the personality is capable of developing and changing in a manner reminiscent to Freespacer SI or ARIA-SI units. Curiously this results in the AutoComp, despite sharing the same hardware, failing to demonstrate the same entropic decay in its code as a Lazarus ROM Construct.

At the core of the programming is a black box system where the initial learning and start-up algorithms are stored. Unique to the AutoComp is the ability to overwrite this blackbox section with new data allowing it to store information as well as developed personality characteristics as ROM allowing the unit to potentially recover important data even in the event of catastrophic damage or component failure.

Unless directed by the end user to overwrite the default files with its current data, it should be understood that a complete loss of power to the AutoComp will result in a reversion to its default state. This can be used as a reset function if desired by the owner.


The AutoComp is equipped with a high capacity rechargeable battery allowing for 500 hours of operation, or 24 hours of high capacity operation. This battery can by recharged by either mounting the AutoComp to a compatible port, or attaching a power cable.

Due to it lacking an internal generator it is recommended that the user provide access to a power source to ensure continued operation of the AutoComp. This is especially important should a user become attached to the personality present, as a loss of power will reset the personality.


The AutoComp is equipped with speakers and audio pickups to facilitate vocal conversation, however it is also capable of wireless digital communication, and 1:1 quantum communication provided by an allocated Lazarus Quantum Modem pair.


Equipped with a powerful optic sensor cluster located safely behind its durandium lens the AutoComp is capable of observing its surroundings with up to a 120x zoom allowing it to either observe distant objects or preform actions that require finesse. Secondary to its optical sensor cluster it is equipped with a directional microphone which is generally used to facilitate communication.

Located under the panels present across the surface of the unit are medical, and technical systems that allow the unit to monitor a potential patient's vitals, or to take readings of the status of a mechanical or computer system. More sensitive sensors are present within the orbitals of the AutoComp taking advantage of the dexterity of the system to acquire more accurate data.

A final system uses the inbuilt gravitic centrifuge allowing the unit to detect gravitational forces with a low resolution and with only general accuracy.

Gravitic Centrifuge

The AutoComp features a Gravitic Centrifuge unit that provide basic motive power for the unit as well as providing the capacity to manipulate objects in its environment, and at a heavy cost to the power reserves function as a makeshift vehicle at speeds of up to 40km/h.

Molecular Applicator

For the purpose of preforming repairs to broken components the AutoComp has been equipped with a pair of Molecular Applicator. This allows for precise high quality repairs to be made at the cost of taking time and taxing the power reserves of the unit. These are located within the orbitals of the AutoComp allowing it to dexterously preform repairs.

Hardlight Projector

Also hidden beneath the panels of the AutoComp's body is a inflection used to provide physical form to the avatar as well as the production of simple tools. Most often these tools are medical objects such as scalpels, forceps, or pins. On the other side of the spectrum tools such as screwdrivers, ratchets, and even drill bits can be formed allowing the AutoComp to preform a wider variety of maintenance.

Volumetric Projector

Equipped with a powerful volumetric projection system the AutoComp is capable of projecting images within a four meter cube of itself. This system is intended to be used to provide the bulk visual information of the companion's avatar for the purposes of providing a sense of companionship. It is important to note however that larger projections or more complex displays, such as attempting adaptive camouflage, are notably more draining on the power supply making them impractical in most situations.

Known Models

  • Lz-AC Type-1 K.O.A. - A test-model, the K.O.A. (K'ylar Oun Auanllar – loosely translating to 'My automatic friend' from Lorath) is a public use trial by fire of sorts. Fairly simple in construction, its backup battery is fortified for up to 1000 hours of standard operation or 48 hours of high-end operation with a write-back capability to store the memory state of its ROM-construct, should its power source fail: The first use of ROM constructs having a load/save state capability for improved debugging. This unit is currently on board the ISC Phoenix.
  • Lz-AC-02c - The civilian model, provides all of the basic features; the faceted maesus, a durable casing, rugged high volume power supply, two orbitals, centrifuge, hard-light projector, volumetric projector, initial learning and personality development software, as well as a streamlined read-write functionality. It is provided with the intent of allowing and encouraging an end user to customize and improve their own unit over time. These units are available on the open market and are sold to any interested parties.
  • Lz-AC AMX-2G - To be completed and issued with the upcoming Winter II, the AMX-2G simplifies the gravitational array, includes a fortified armored exterior, more rugged mounting plugs, a black-box system, and internal storage channels for structol. Additionally it is equipped with a quartet of orbital nodes equipped with molecular applicators to facilitate faster repairs. Replaces the scout-sphere or connects inside the intermediary cavity for additional protection. At present no models exist.


Products & Items Database
Price (KS)12β€―,000.00 KS

corp/lazarus/automatic_companion.1674751367.txt.gz Β· Last modified: 2023/12/20 20:52 (external edit)