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Ken-TEC Product List

Established in YE 39, Ken-TEC focuses itself as a company fitted around the working class of the Kikyo Sector, intending to provide equipment of various sizes to accommodate those within the civilian classes of nations. Below, one can find the equipment organized by size and/or classification.

Personnel Equipment

This includes supplies and tools useful to individuals outside of power armor.

  • None

Robotics and Civilian Droids

This includes any or all equipment that qualifies as human-like and drone-like robotics not intended for combat.

  • None

Suits & Power Armor

This includes suits and powered armor


These include anything that is or can be sealed, but lacks the defensive capabilities of power armor while often benefiting the wearer with some advantages such as resistance to toxins or enhanced strength.

Powered Armors

These include anything that can be sealed and boasts protective armor, regardless of amount, up to a size of roughly 4 meters.

Planetary Vehicles

This includes any vehicle of any size that is intended for use within gravity-supported interiors and planetary use. All vehicles in this list can be used in space, either with a suit or via built-in systems, but are not fitted with traditional abilities to maneuver if they leave proximity to a surface.

Bikes and Small Vehicles

These include generally one or two-person vehicles, such as fast bikes or modifiable personal craft.

Cars and Medium Vehicles

These include larger vehicles, such as basic transport or small-scale industrial vehicles.

  • None

Trucks and Large Vehicles

These are traditionally vehicles that are large, whether they exist to carry something, industrial vehicles, or field bases.

Auxiliary Craft

These are essentially atmospheric craft, such as more primitive-based aircraft or submersibles.

  • None


This includes anything intended to act as shuttles that allow transport from the ground-to-space, ship-to-ship, and space-to-ground.

Space Equipment

This includes normally space-bound technologies, such as satellites, support craft, or industrial equipment in space.

  • None


This includes ships of any size, with the ability to move through space and the stars.

Personal Starships

These include ships akin to fighter-craft, often with minimal armament and size.

  • None

Small Starships

These include small-crew ships, often outfitted with basic living conditions for a group between 10-50 people.

  • None

Medium Starships

These include a broad range of medium-crew ships, often outfitted with advanced living conditions and anywhere between supporting 50 to 300 people.

  • None

Large Starships

These include generally the largest ships in service, often outfitted with the ability to house 1,000 to 3,000 crew and act as bases of operation.

  • None

Capital Starships

These include designs of immense size, normally supported and bought only by the largest of nations in need of status symbols and specific role-craft. Industrial workshops and even shipyards are often part of these, allowing them to create more.

  • None

Space Stations

This includes any sort of fixed-position station, regardless of size, that is intended to remain in orbit as a base or hub of some kind.

  • None

OOC Notes

legix created this article on 2018/01/10 10:03. It is only used as a list page, to keep Ken-TEC items clearly listed, and therefore was not put through approval. Any red links on here are either intended works or are articles that have been removed and need to be sorted by legix. If you see them, please contact him.

corp/kentec/productlist.1554315795.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 20:49 (external edit)