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Character Data
Character NameEuphemia Argyris
Character OwnerSyaoran
Character StatusInactive Player Character

Emrys Industries Grenades

Emrys Industries A TC Company

Manufacturer: Emrys Industries

Emrys Industries has just released a new range of grenades:

Potassium Spike Grenade

This grenade is a improved and more anti-personnel version of the standard Needler. It hurls out 2,500 potassium needles that catch fire as they enter the body, reacting with the bodies water, the needles having a range of around 20m from the point of explosion. As such this is a horribly effective weapon against unarmored or lightly armored targets, but does not do the massive damage to property that other grenades can inflict. It is a small black sphere with a red button on the top, with the letter P stenciled onto one side. It explodes 5 seconds after the button is pressed. Price: 75 KS


These grenades spread a highly flammable and sticky gel in a 15m2 radius, which burns on contact with air at 17,500ยฐ. It is a small black sphere with a red button on top, with the letter I stenciled onto one side. It explodes 5 seconds after the button is pressed. Price: 75 KS


When this grenade explodes it hurls out approx. 5,000 minute needles in a roughly spherical area. The needles have a range of around 35m from the point of explosion. It is a small black sphere with a red button on top, with the letter N stenciled onto one side. It explodes 5 seconds after the button is pressed. Price: 75 KS


When this grenade explodes it projects approx. 1,000 small metal balls in a roughly spherical area. The blast radius is around 20mยฒ, and the balls ricochet off any objects they hit (so long as the object is sufficiently hard). It is a small black sphere with a red button on top, with the letter R stenciled onto one side. It explodes 5 seconds after the button is pressed. Price: 75 KS

High Explosive

This grenade explodes violently, creating a highly powerful blast with an effective area of 15mยณ and an area of partial damage around 25mยณ. It is a small black sphere with a red button on top, with the letters HE stenciled onto one side. It explodes 5 seconds after the button is pressed. Price: 75 KS

corp/emrys/grenades.1581163334.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 20:39 (external edit)