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Diamond is an NPC created by GM Wes (See Wes's NPCs).

Species & Gender Anthro Female
Current Placement: Yamatai Star Empire

Character Description

Unlike many other anthros, Diamond is largely furless, having smooth skin in a russett/falcon color, which is grayish reddish brown. She has vibrant teal eyes. She has long, hip-length hair kept in twin tails and cat-like ears and tail.

Diamond has piercings in her nose (septum nose ring), lower lip (labret), and both nipples.

History & Relationships

Diamond was born in YE 20 and turned 21 in the first month of YE 41.

Diamond has not appeared in the RP yet.


  • General Service Pistol, Type 28 (received in YE 41 giveaway)
  • 44 x Cart (15 KS, 200 lb)
  • 2 x Bag of Chestnuts (1 gp, 1 lb)
  • Desktop telephones (Pirating YE 34, TC: 55-90, IC: 5007-24807-139)
  • 21 x Rope Net (10' x 10') (4 KS, 40 lb)
  • 1,000 Star Army Emergency Ration Pills
  • 10 1-liter carton of UHT Pasteurized Milk
  • 10 Barrel of Oil, 150 lbs
  • 10 books
  • 10 Stylish Formalwear Outfit
  • 10 Fancy Outfits
  • 10 Large Cages
  • 10 Large Chests
  • 10 Large Iron Box (100 lb)
  • 10 Life Jackets
  • 10 Miner's Pick
  • 10 Noble's Outfits
  • 10 pairs of shears
  • 10 Rope Ladder, 50 foot
  • 10 Rotisserie Chickens
  • 10 sets of Manacles (2 lb)
  • 10 Spades
  • 10 Vials of Ink
  • 120 Eggs
  • 2 Cold Weather Outfits
  • 2 Telescopic rifle sight
  • 5 bottles of good wine
  • 5 Large Wooden Chest (50 lb)
  • 8 Tables, wooden
  • Amphora of Common Wine (80 lb)
  • Amphora of Vinegar (80 lb)
  • Andirons and Spit
  • Bag of Rare Spice
  • Barrel of Ale
  • Bath Towel, Cotton
  • Bed
  • Bottle of Olive Oil (4 lb)
  • Bow Saw
  • Cabinet
  • Can of Coffee beans
  • Cart, Wooden
  • Cauldron
  • Chandelier
  • Chariot
  • Common Wig
  • Computer, Laptop style
  • Computer/video game
  • Explorer's Outfit
  • Fishing net
  • Large Bag of Plant Fertilizer
  • Large burlap bag full of peanuts
  • Large wheel of delicious cheese (20lb)
  • Loom
  • Marble Altar
  • Mortar and Pestle
  • Pair of Snowshoes
  • Pairs of Oars
  • Pavilion Tent (300 lbs)
  • Pitchfork (5 lb)
  • Rake
  • Riding Saddle
  • Rope Net (10' x 10') (40 lb)
  • Round Table
  • Rug
  • Signet Ring
  • Sled
  • Small Cage
  • Small Carpet
  • Massive can of baked beans
  • Small Hunting Trap
  • Spinning Wheel
  • T-Shirt, 100% Cotton
  • Tent (20 lbs)
  • Throne
  • Vial of Exotic Ink
  • Coupon for 2 free large pizzas from Kikyo Pie Company
  • Weapon racks
  • Whiskey Flask
  • Wood Axe
  • Wooden Drum
  • Workbench
  • Yamataian-type Shrine
  • Synthetic Diamond chunk (intact) (YE 44 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 31-48, IC: 1545-15513-76)
  • Large Crate of Nepleslian โ€œSPEEDโ€ Energy/Anti-Sleep Soda! (YE 44 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 62-65, IC: 4025-21052-120)
  • Sheet Music (mod decides what of) (YE 44 Salvage Giveaway, TC: 97-30, IC: 2094-9777-116)

OOC Notes

This NPC was created by Wes on 2018/01/21 19:44.

Art by Softbruises. Paid adoptable purchased by Wes.

Character Data
Character NameDiamond
Character OwnerWes
Character StatusNPC Available for GM or FM use
Current LocationThe Pulsing Pearl

characters/yamatai/diamond.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/05/28 12:27 by wes