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Endrol Travan

Endrol Travan is a Norian played by Bloodyscarlet.

Endrol Travan
Species & Gender: Norian Male
Height: 190.50cm(6'3โ€)
Weight: 65kg
Date of Birth: 100 BYE
Faction United Norian Imperium
Occupation United Norian Imperium
Rank: Kol'Vartan
Current Placement:

Preferred Plots

Physical Description

Endrol would be seen as quite a typical Norian, but he is also quite tall. He has tanned skin that is only broken up by multitude of tattoos, Artemesia on his chest, a sleeve on his left arm depicting Uathotho and a sleeve on his right arm depicting Morggho in a white ink, so they are very visible against his darker skin. He has a scar running down the left side of his face, from his brow to his cheek. He has long white hair, he normally has up in a topknot or bun. His eyes are a pale purple with silver specks in them.


From the outside watching Endrol, he is a quiet and solidary person, seeming to enjoy the company of himself over others. Endrol has this demeanour, but get him talking about an interest, or get him drinking and he will seem like a different person, being loud, friendly and talkative. He is someone who trusts slowly and with that comes a cold and distancing exterior but his actually personality breaks through every now and then, more if he knows he can trust the others around him.


Endrol Travan was born in 100 BYE, he showed promise and conviction to his family as a Myl and warrior in the Drenai Ysi. He knew what he was doing when fighting, both close combat and range and he enjoyed it, amassing a good amount of friends and good family while training. Being around mid to late Falcon Movement meant that while a lot of the missions he got as a what he would now call a grunt was keeping scientist safe as they travelled between worlds, dealing with wildlife that was a little too aggressive. He was around when the Quaen Universe left and didn't think much of it, people should be allowed to choose what they want and he wasn't going to stop them unless they tried anything by force.

Endrol fought in the Dysterian War, this was a hard fight for him as his family had settled with Dysteria and were some of the people that had wanted independence. He knew what had to be done, but it didn't make the job any easier for him, with this he fell out of love with his role and place in the grand scheme of things. With the war ended and new allies around to help, Endrol decided it was time to explore, his old life was gone, for the moment there was nothing keeping him attached to his people and he left to to explore the universe and maybe find a new purpose for himself.

The next few years were tough on him, he went planet to planet, working as a mercenary with many small groups, joining, doing a couple of missions and moving on to the next place, all these jobs were a means of getting money, so he could survive. The old good thing in his mind was with each new species he found, he learnt a bit more of other languages, an easy way to past the time with a group of people, teach each others swear words and basic phrases to help get by. While doing this, he also kept up with the news of his people and the empire it had become and their allies.

So many wars and his people suffered, the feeling of guilt for abandoning them started to grow more and more. But he hadn't thought of a new path, he was a failure, he couldn't return yet, how could he, he was some random mercenary, fighting for money, how could he return. His exploration of the stars away from his people took twenty five years until he couldn't take it anymore. All the stories and the horrors of three wars for him to make up his mind, he needed to be with his people again. He was a fighter, but that didn't always mean jumping into the trenches and fighting the enemy head on, he had learnt from the multiple species and people he had fought with, there were ways to teach war, when to fight and when stay the blade. He believed he found his calling still as a warrior but also an advisor and diplomat.

He returned to his people and made sure to register back with his people in the time of need, but this time he had his own family now, just him. He decided that it should be named after someone he met on his travels, the last person he worked with before making the decision to come home, Trava, so his new Ysi was Travan. With this, his new life began and he work hard to be useful in his new role.

Skills Learned

Endrol has the following notable skills:

  • Communications - Endrol has learnt a multitude of different languages Nira'las, Kodians, Separa'Shan, Trade (language) and Yamataigo (้‚ช้ฆฌๅฐ่ชž).
  • Culinary - Endrol had learnt to cook multiple foods as a child and in later years while traveling with mercenaries as the whole team had to do every job that was needed.
  • Domestic - Endrol had learnt to take care of where their lived from their Ysi and then also with the mercenaries as everyone had to pitch in and work as a team.
  • Fighting - Endrol has been trained for both ranged and close combat, with him favouring a standard rifle as it is reliable at all times.
  • Humanities - In his new life, Endrol has been learning how to communicate with people and also learning about sociology and psychology for his new job role to make sure he can do what is required.
  • Leadership - Endrol has been taught how to give polite public speeches and how to act diplomatically with the group they are in.
  • Physical - Endrol has kept up a tough regime of cardio and workout, to keep himself fit and being on top form to work with other military personnel.
  • Survival and Military - Endrol has the skills to keep himself and others alive if he got stranded somewhere. He can start a fire, knows how to hunt and forage and how to set up a base.
  • vesper expression - Endrol's Vesper Links to those he cares about are known to be intense and he's mastered the ability to use images or projected thought spaces to participate in communications with others.

Inventory & Finance

Endrol's inventory.

Endrol currently has 3,000,000 Gilmar as he has made sure he has bought what he needed at his new home.

OOC Information

In the case Bloodyscarlet becomes inactive:

  • Can this character be used as an NPC by a GM or FM? YES
  • Can this character be adopted after I've been gone for a year? YES

characters/uni/endrol_travan.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/12/20 02:07 by bloodyscarlet