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Ine'dan'ir Kel'ryn

Ine'dan'ir Kel'ryn is a player character played by Aendri and is currently involved in the Bloody Claws (She'na Academy) plot.

Character Profile
Species: Shukaren Daur
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Homeworld: Nesha Prime (Planet)
Medical Condition: Central Heterochromia
Retrograde Amnesia
Mother: Ine'dan'ir Ri'shona, Age 37
Father: Ine'dan'ir Gar'cero, Age 34
Sister: Ine'dan'ir An'ath, Age 16
Sister: Ine'dan'ir Est'tana, Age 14
Sister: Ine'dan'ir Lye'sero, Age 14
Brother: Ine'dan'ir As'elm, Age 10
Organization Kingdom of Neshaten, Youth Corps
Occupation She'na Academy Student
Division Sh'ishen
Placement Bloody Claws (She'na Academy)
Physical Profile
Height: 4' 6“
Weight: 74 lbs
Build: Slighlty built
Fur Color: Ashen silver fur, with a black stripe along the middle of the back. Fur shades lighter running from the underside of the chin, running down along his belly.
Ears: Fox-like ears that are grey with white fuzz
Tail Color: Ashen silver fading to black, with the tip being fully black
Facial Features, Eye Color: Dark brown eyes, with a rich purple ring around the iris
Distinguishing Features: The heterochromia in his eyes is rather noticeable

Psychological Characteristics

Personality: Kel'ryn is a young kit, and as such, still has a lot of developing to go. He's already shown a marked tendency towards being playful and friendly though. Despite this, he doesn't tend to take the lead in much, preferring to let others take charge, and tends to coast through life a bit more than is really good for him. He has shown a definite streak of hedonism in general.

  • Likes: Kel'ryn is a big fan of food, and pretty much any kind of it. Pretty much anything that he has fun doing is good in his book, though.
  • Dislikes: Kel'ryn isn't a big fan of people who tend to take things too seriously.
  • Goals: Who cares about specific goal, so long as you have fun?



Kel'ryn doesn't remember much about his life before he was about 11, thanks to his medical condition of retrograde amnesia. While this doesn't affect his knowledge of anything going ahead, aside from minor flashes of familiarity, he retains nothing from his younger years. After being told that trying to force his memory could cause more damage, his family has opted to let him move on without his memory for the time being, in the hopes that his condition might improve over time, and by spending time with people and places familiar to him whenever possible.

To that end, Kel was been sent back to school, and put into a recently reconstituted class, to allow him to get back to a semblance of a normal life.

List of Skills

  • Knowledge: Despite being incredibly laid back about his education and pretty much anything else that requires effort, Kel'ryn is remarkably good at learning in general. He has a great memory, and tends to recall things after only hearing about them once, though he falls just short of an eidetic memory. His amnesia, being of the retrograde variant, has no impact on his studies or knowledge moving ahead, as he only has problems with remembering things from before it triggered. While he'll get faint recognition of some things, for the most part, he isn't particularly conscious of anything he would've known before.
  • Fighting: Kel'ryn has shown absolutely no interest in furthering his knowledge or ability as a fighter, though he showed some aptitude for it when he could be bothered. He enjoyed playing around with swords and knives, though.
  • Mathematics: Thanks to his naturally good memory, Kel'ryn is naturally gifted at math, being more than capable of recalling formulae and other mathematical rules.
  • Vehicles: Kel'ryn utterly loves driving, and loves it in very nearly form. Strangely enough, though, he has absolutely no talent whatsoever for it. It's just a generally bad idea to let him behind the wheel of anything at all, for any reason.
  • Physical: Thanks to far more time playing various sports and other games than most his age, Kel'ryn is in incredible physical shape for his age. While he has no specific aptitudes, he has good stamina, and is fairly capable at very nearly any physical task he needs to do.
  • Communication: Kel'ryn is decently fluent in his native language of Tinacen, and thanks to his time in the Youth Corps, has at least a general understanding of basic encryptions and communications protocols.
  • Rogue: In addition to a slight tendency towards pranks, Kel'ryn has picked up various skills, such as lockpicking and sleight of hand, because absolutely nothing should get in the way of fun, so far as he's concerned.
    • Entertainment: As a subset of his Rogue skills, Kel'ryn can sell whatever story he has decided on at the moment. He's a very believable actor, and can slide seamlessly into and out of an act.

More about Kel'ryn


Kel'ryn is a student at She'na Academy, in the Sh'ishen division. He has no income outside of his school allowance.

Savings Additions Subtractions Details
6000 RN Starting funds
Character Data
Character NameIne'dan'ir Kel'ryn
Character OwnerAendri
Character StatusInactive Player Character

characters/neshaten/kel_ryn_ine_dan_ir.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/27 14:11 by wes