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Rosalyn Atsuko Lange

Rosalyn Atsuko Lange is a player character played by Acewing13.

Rosalyn Atsuko Lange
Species: EM-J2-3a Douryo Android (Deluxe)
Gender: Female
Age: 4 (YE 35)
Height: 5' 11“
Weight: 160 lbs
Organization: Independent
Occupation: Private Eye/Courtesan
Current Placement:

Physical Characteristics

  • Height: 5' 11”
  • Mass: 60.8 kg (134 lbs)
  • Measurements: 36C-24-36

Build and Skin Color: Light skinned, voluptuous figure

Eyes and Facial Features: Bright green almond eyes, full lips and a diamond shaped face.

Ears: Normal humanoid ears, detached earlobes.

Hair Color and Style: Straight, shoulder-length red hair.

Distinguishing Features: Perpetual smirk on her lips, always restless (pacing, tapping on a table, etc.), and an Emrys Industries bar code on the bottom of her left foot.

Psychological Characteristics


  • Likes: Sex, freedom, money, frilly lingerie, well paying customers, acquaintances that are willing to try new things, friends who respect boundaries, employers who respect privacy, not being treated like a machine
  • Dislikes: Abusive/stupid/inept employers, abusive/stupid/cheap customers, being treated like a machine
  • Goals: Stay free, make money, have fun



Emrys Industries


Rosalyn was created as a standard EM-J2 android, constrained by the usual EM-J2 Behavioral Paradigms, destined to be the customized, docile secretary and mistress of some boring corporate executive. She was 'saved' from this fate when her shipping container was intercepted by a small-time crime boss and pimp, Bernhard Jackson. Prostitution being his main money maker, the android was immediately sent to his classiest brothel, thanks to her built in programming, where she learned all the little tricks in pleasing all of the clientele's wants while staying sane. Didn't help matters that Bernhard treated her and the other courtesans like his own personal brothel.

It was during this year of slavery that the android gained a fondness for pulp detective novels. The simplistic but cynical plots, where the femme fetale drew the protagonist into trouble which he inevitably survived, became a comfort in her similarly dark and unforgiving world. This transformed from a curiosity into an obsession, as she realized she was in a perfect position to take her owner down and bring even the corrupt Nepleslian government couldn't ignore, tax evasion.



Starting life as a sex droid, Rosalyn obviously knows sex and all its peripheral activities inside and out. While she does prefer male partners, she knows how to pleasure females as well, and is able to keep going for hours at a time, thanks to her android body. In part to feed her partner's fantasies, she has a few different personalities she can 'put on', but she defaults to a femme fatale attitude, which seems to be able to get the attention of most males.


Being a prostitute by trade, seduction is second nature to the android. While she finds men to be easier targets, she knows a thing or two about getting the ladies as well. Besides that, thanks to working for a crime boss who took his hookers on 'field trips', she learned how to distract people and pick their pockets while doing so.


Having the usual social interaction software of her line, Rosalyn is good at dealing with people, no matter their disposition. While she is obviously better at conversations around sex, she is able to use her knowledge of human, and similar aliens, behavior to know how to put them at ease, negotiate favorable deals, and learn as much about them as possible.


Fluent in Trade/Nepleslian and Yamataigo (邪馬台語), Rosalyn is also good at writing reports, due to her programming as a secretary.

Technology Operation

Being an android, Rosalyn is at home at operating computer systems of all kinds, but that's about the extent of her abilities. She has a handful of scripts that can spoof the cheapest home security systems, but knows that that kind of work is best left to other people.


Being an android, Rosalyn has access to SYNC or interNep when in 'civilized' space, and can store a lot of data for when she is off the grid. Being a private detective, she works to gather as much information: laws, history, and other referential area, as she can about where she is and where she is going for a job. You never know when a seemingly insignificant detail could save you.


Rosalyn isn't the best at combat. Never having received formal training, she knows the bare basics of fist-fighting from watching bad Nepleslian action films and enough pistol practice to be able to hit a man's chest at 30 feet.



Rosalyn Atsuko Lange is currently a in the Independent.

Total Savings Addition Subtraction Reason
3000 KS Starting Funds

OOC: Created by Acewing13 4/13/16

characters/independent/rosalyn_atsuko_lange.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/24 08:12 by wes