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Techhead Digi Eight Six 86-1873-0092

Techhead Digi Eight Six 86-1873-0092 is a player character played by iskuu.

Techhead Digi Eight Six 86-1873-0092
Species: Freespacer, Type Four
Gender: Ambiguous
Age: 5
Height: 240 cm (7'9 feet)
Weight: 707.185 kg
Organization: Freespacers
Occupation: Data/Hardware Technician
Rank: None
Current Placement:

Preferred Plots:

Physical Characteristics

  • Height: 240 cm (7'9 feet)
  • Mass: 707.185 kg
  • Measurements:

Build and Skin Color: Industrially built exoskeleton, heavy plating and very angular. Hull is painted green and grey with signs of heavy wear and tear, from dented planting to scuff marks that could have been bullet marks.

Eyes and Facial Features: Angular head proportional to its body, one blue sensor optic on the right side of its 'face' and a red optical scanner on the left.

Distinguishing Features:

Psychological Characteristics

Personality: Digi is a logical and complex being, however after the transplantation, issues arose that wiped his memory banks and some of his once human social functions. Now he seems to have a rather monotonous attitude towards many things, often seeking guidance for the next step, appearing rather dense and machine-like to most, however he retains his complex way of processing ideas and is more, if not better at his previous task now.

  • Likes: Anything to do with Data, number crunching and networking
  • Dislikes: Organic materials, water and dirt, overtly crowded and bustling areas, people who talk too much
  • Goals: To better his skills and find a more permanent place for his abilities.


Family (or Creators)


Created upon the Mothership 'Approval', Digi was a normal technician and data handler, always having an affinity for numbers and networking, but also enjoying the complexity of hardware engineering. After a rather uneventful life and not leaving much to his name, he saw his chance at excitement when he was called to an engine issue and instead of waiting for the more experience and trained engineers, he decided he could do it himself, blowing the engine core and causing catastrophic failure in the ship.

After the issue had been resolved, both confused and appraising of his selfless action in going to fix the engine himself, they decided to transplant his brain into a Type 4 to further find out what caused the issue, to prevent it in the future. However the transplantation did not go to plan and upon activation, they found he had no recollection of his previous life, apart from his love for data and hardware and the ability to work it.



Digi has a wide range of languages he can speak, all downloaded through his hardwired Mindware, able to shift through most known languages with ease and almost complete fluency, depending on connection, however this often causes him to speak out of context without the full understanding of how a word is used and often takes things literally. He's also trained in the basics of communication software aboard ships and other means of transmission.


Being extremely keen with anything to do with data and number-crunching, Digi has always had an affinity with it and often spent hours deep inside of code and accountancy logs. Having a very good idea of his own self-worth and balancing his spending, this still remains high on his list even after the transfusion, extended more by his heightened intellect.

Able to plan trajectories of bullets with near perfect accuracy and the time actions take to the millisecond.

Maintenance and Repair

As an engineer upon 'Approval' his ability with hardware and mechanics is well trained and with the ability to download data through his software, he's capable of maintaining almost any piece of equipment given he has the appropriate data at hand, capable of even working out when and how likely something will need to be repaired at a given time.

Technology Operation

Another area Digi excelled in, due to his love for data-handling and hardware engineering, with the added think-tank, he is capable of working almost any piece of technology or even learning how to use in an incredibly small time-gap, his logical and mathematical way of thinking aiding in his ability and need to work in almost near perfection. He likes to think himself a professional when it comes to technology and data and often strives to find work in it.

Starship Operations

Another trait born from his prior skills and the new processing power of his think-tank, coupled with his extremely good grasp on anything mathematical and his adept way of dealing with technology, he can use star-ship operations on par with someone trained as a professional in the area, given enough time to integrate himself with the software through his MMI solid interface.


Having had an extensive amount of mindware implanted before his transplantation, he retains these and more afterwards, anyone who knew him previously had joked that he was more machine than man and he hadn't exactly argued. Amongst the Mindware is an MMI solid interface, able to connect with other machines or software through the use of the cables to gain a deeper, more intimate coupling with his work. Capable of downloading, uploading, transmitting and communicating via in-built comms as-well as many other less used functions.


A skill he'd learnt to self-maintain himself, by no means a real fighter, but through the use of his Mindware he's able to use a wide-array of fire-arms to a novice level and is capable of dishing out some brutal punishment in close quarters combat, due to him weighing almost a ton and primarily metal.


Digi Eight Six 86-1873-0092 has the following items:

OOC Discussion

First character, please let me know if anything's wrong.


Datatech Digi Eight Six 86-1873-0092 is currently a in the .

Total Savings Addition Subtraction Reason
3000 KS Starting Funds
Character Data
Character NameTechhead Digi Eight Six 86-1873-0092
Character Owneriskuu
Character StatusInactive Player Character

characters/freespacers/techhead_digi_eight_six_86-1873-0092.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/24 08:22 by wes