Table of Contents

Teisatsu-class Special Operations Support Transport

A modular light troop transport designed for supporting small specialized units on finite deployments.


Originally Combat Rescue units were looking for a replacement to the aging Kyaa-class Search and Rescue Vessel that kept its core assets of speed and situational awareness and supplemented it with a small hangar for shuttles and or ground vehicles and the ability to provide fire support to ground units from orbit. The idea caught on with Star Army Special Operations as a whole and suddenly personnel from all Echelons were requesting some sort of light transport. Yugumo Corporation was tapped to work on the project thanks to its attention to detail and successful implementation of the Tanya-Class Expeditionary Heavy Cruiser

Where to put the hangar bay became a thorny question. The ship was expected to operate both in atmosphere and in space.1) The designers wanted small craft to be able to launch at all times and vehicles to be able to roll down a ramp while on the surface of a planet all while not requiring the limited crew of technicians to have to spend time in vastly different parts of the ship. After studying a wide variety of from across the Kikyo Sector, they eventually settled on a design that turned the majority of the aft of the ship into launch space and cargo storage.

Early in YE 44.9 Iemochi Feyani Chujo, chair of Star Army Special Operations Command decided that the Special Operations Support Transport would be designated the Teisatsu-class Special Operations Support Transport in honor of Star Army Reconnaissance, a foundational part of the SAoY special operations community.


The designers wanted a minimal footprint to allow the SOST to have a wider pick of landing zones. so they prioritized utilizing vertical space. A layer cake design was considered, but it had the issue of limiting small craft air operations while landed.

Upper level for shuttles and another small craft. Lower level is for ground craft. Power armor can use either side depending on the mission. Middle deck is gear storage. There are stairs and a freight elevator connecting the three levels. The middle level has two docking umbilicals.

The ventral section of the bow houses the ship's mission module. While it’s stated to have a modular design, it is not designed to be modified in the field. Instead in dry dock, the lower decks can be removed and replaced with standing configurations or new The top decks are permanent decks with general mission stations, and stations necessary for any ship.

It is a sister class to the currently in development Sigrún-class “Rikugun” Regimental Assault Carrier. Which is shares a lot in the way of design philosophy, but is a much larger assault carrier that substitutes modularity for livability and armaments.

Mission Specialization

Depends on mission configuration But generally, covert insertion, fire support, intelligence collection and fusion. Configurations


With its tapered bow section, starboard and port drive assemblies, and absolutely flat stern, the Special Operations Support Transport resembles an overgrown shuttle. This description is not too far off the mark, though users of the SOST have been known to describe it as the love child of a scout ship and a light freighter.

While the SOST doesn’t masquerade as a civilian vessel, its design is intended to be rather visually unremarkable. Beyond its point defense cannons, its primary weapons and powerful sensor equipment are hidden behind panels. The ship does maintain the sleekly angular look of most Yugumo designs. During standard non-combat, fleet operations, a SOST’s Omnihue matrix will be set to give the hull a standard SAoY periwinkle hull and displaying the Star Army Hinomaru. During combat operations, however, the SOST’s computers choose colors and patterns that will decrease its ability to be visually detected.

Statistics and Performance


General notes about armor stats and performance

General Statistics for the Teisatsu-class Special Operations Support Transport
Year Introduced YE 44
Class/Nomenclature Yu-S1-1a
Alternative Nomenclature Teisatsu-class Special Operations Support Transport, SOST
Designers Yugumo Fleetworks
Manufacturer Yugumo Fleetworks
Fielded By Limited numbers for testing by Star Army Special Operations and 1st Rikugun Test and Evaluation Battalion
Range Roughly 1 year of non strenuous operations
Maintenance Cycle 5-year refit cycle and overhaul, inspections and maintenance between missions
Lifespan Estimated 30 years with regular maintenance. Reviewed every 5 years
Pricing Nothing found 639,750 KS


Crew: 13 recommended. Can fly with a minimum of 1-3

Mission Compliment: Dependent on configuration

Maximum Capacity: The maximum capacity depends on the mission module, however with a transport specific module the ship can comfortably fit 100 passengers and can uncomfortably fit around another 100 if the cargo bay is cleared out.


Propulsion and Range

Star Army of Yamatai Starship Speeds.

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.

Inside the Ship

Deck Layout

Standard Deck Features

Yugumo standard items add details and customize.

Permeant Compartment Layouts


At just behind amidships, there is a 4m x 6m cargo sized airlock on either side of the fuselage. Each airlock comes with an extendable and self articulating docking umbilical that can seal to the hull of other vessels or adjust its dimensions to fit other airlocks. The mouth of the docking umbilical mounts a system similar to the Dageki Strike Module allowing crews to breach vessels for aggressive boarding, salvage, or search and rescue. The umbilical is sized for moving extra large standard starship shipping containers and constructed from a series of Yama-Dura rings in a flexible sleeve of vacuum rated plastic and Yarvex.


While immediately accessible weapons and armor generally stored in the mission module, the SOST also has a Shiori Style Standard Armory for the storage of the bulk of the weapons and armor on the ship. Because the SOST is intended for SASO personnel, who often take a degree of ownership over maintaining and modifying their equipment, access to the armory is nowhere near as restrictive as on most vessels.


The SOST’s flight crew operate the ship from a Misha-class Bridge SAoY Update. Thanks to a large degree of automation, the SOST can be controlled by a single operator, however a fully crewed ship greatly decreases operator workload. Because the SOST is generally supporting larger and more complex away missions than other ships of its size, the away team activities are monitored from a Combat Information Center (CIC) to even further decrease crew workload. The SOST’s CIC is in many ways a smaller version of the Ascendancy-class Flagship’s Fleet Information Center. Most stations in the CIC serve a generic function and can mirror data from most ships systems. Generally a commander, Intel officer, ATC, Comms, senior enlisted advisor, IT, Mission ops type personnel are stationed here. Also specialists such as civilian experts and science officers. Sometimes the CIC is staffed by a combination of bridge officers and personnel from the mission complement. In emergencies some or all bridge functions can be handled from the CIC. The bridge and CIC crews have access to the wide array of sensing, computing, and electronic warfare capabilities provided by the ship’s powerful Integrated electronics.

Computer Core

MEGAMI and KAIMON-Gate cores and cryo cooling systems.

Crew Cabins

The crew cabins are primarily for the ship's crew. The mission crew bunk separately simply because those bunks are part of the modular aspects of the ship. They consist of four MFY Type 30 Standard Enlisted Bunkrooms utilizing the Star Army Bunk Bed, Type 40. While officers generally bunk together, there isn't any true difference between enlisted and officer rooms. The captain also sleeps in a MFY Type 30 Standard Enlisted Bunkroom, however theirs is only set up for one person. Most CIC crew bunk down in the mission module, but if space permits, they may choose to bunk with the ship's crew.

Dining Hall

The SOST has a small MFY Type 30 Standard Enlisted Dining Hall style dining hall that has mixed officer and enlisted seating. There is a public galley at one end, sharing a wall with the main galley and scullery, where crew can prepare snacks outside of designated meal times. During off hours, the space functions as the primary recreation room. There are lockers that can be used to store electronic games or board games, and there are screens which are often used for gaming or watching entertainment or news programming.


Taking influence from the MFY Type 30 Warship Engineering, the engineering bay is somewhat oversized for the ship's size. This is to account for massive aether generator powering the ship's powerful sensor, comms, and E-War suites, and allowing its Yumeoibito Hyperspace Fold Drive to charge at record times. Additionally a bank of batteries are slowly charged by collecting excess generator power or from utilizing photovoltaics which can then be utilized to power the ship during times when the SOST wants to decrease its energy output.

Freight Elevator

A single 15×15 Yu Standard Freight Elevator connects the Shuttle Bay to the Vehicle Bay. The upper and lower bays are also connected by a cargo ramp and and stairs.


There is a small medical facility that is primarily for crew injuries, however some mission modules, such as Rescue, include larger medical facilities. The SOST's medical facilities consist of a standard observation table, Hemosynthetic Reconstruction Tube, a Type 30 Mental Transfer and Backup Unit, and a general surgical suite. The SOST's primary medbay is not designed for high volume casualties. Crew ST backups are immediately stored in the Soul Savior Pod.

Shuttle Bay

The small craft bay has both rear bay doors and a force field keeping atmosphere in and protecting the interior of the ship. The landing area uses both visual and infrared signaling devices to help guide crafts in. Additionally the bay uses a Ke-A1-R4200 Vehicle Subspace Deployment System to assist in launching and recovering craft.

Vehicle Bay

Carries the small complement of ground vehicles. It doubles as a maintenance space and contains a Star Army Fabrication Chamber, Type 39. Includes a large bay door to deploy them from. Additionally, there is space that can be used as extra storage.

Vertical Launch Missile Tubes

Maintenance access

Mission Module Configurations

Ship Systems

Hull and Frame Construct

Like many of Yugumo’s modern designs, the Special Operations Support Transport utilizes Yamataium 10) for the hull structure. All windows and viewports utilize Transparent Durandium, and most have a retractable armored exterior covering for opacity against beam weaponry.

Hull and Frame Assembly
Primary SpaceFrameForcefield Reinforced Yama-Dura Major Truss
Secondary SpaceFrameYama-Dura Secondary Truss and Rod Assembly11)
Outer PlatesXiulurium coated Yamataium Plate with Omnihue matrix
LiningYarvex Lining

Computers and Electronics

Much like its sister class, the Sigrún-class “Rikugun” Regimental Assault Carrier, the SOST utilizes a combination of the MEGAMI and KAIMON-Gate suites for sensing and computing. The KAIMON-Gate suite handles most of the ship’s mundane tasks while MEGAMI handles primary computing, sensing, and communications.

The designers of the SOST and the Sigrún-class “Rikugun” Regimental Assault Carrier use a number of tricks to eke every last ounce of processing power out of the computer systems. By allowing the MEGAMI to focus all of its attention on pressing tasks, the SOST is able to make FTL Fold navigation calculations in record times. Additionally, both the MEGAMI and KAIMON suites are stored in armored rooms kept below −153 °C with the use of pulse tube refrigerators. The temperature can be temporarily brought up to livable temperatures allowing maintenance technicians to service them.

The Sorakagami Aerospace Operations Suite KAIMON-Gate plugin turns the SOST into a battlespace management juggernaut. The Mineral Scanner and SachiTech Tech-Scanner place a wider spectrum of intelligence collection tools in the crew’s hands. The Umikagami Subsurface Operations Suite allows the SOST to operate underwater, giving SASO operators another method of insertion and extraction.

The Star Army Electronic Warfare Suite, Type 44 a mil-spec variant of the Yugumo (ELECTRA) E-War suite further increases the SOST’s offensive and defensive capabilities.

Emergency Systems

The Tanya-Class Expeditionary Heavy Cruiser is equipped with Yugumo Standard Emergency Systems. It has its own fire suppression system and Forcefield-Nested Isolation Doors, and Yugumo Standard Damage Control Alcoves to assist with the repair of damage to the ship in the event an emergency occurs. All windows and viewports are Transparent Durandium, with retractable armored blast shields to provide further protection or opacity against beam weaponry.

Escape Pods

In the event of a catastrophic failure or impending doom, the ship has 40 "Ikigai" Escape Pods. Additionally, the SOST's small craft compliment can be used for additional evacuation.

Emergency Lockers

There are more than enough Yugumo Standard Damage Control Alcoves, Yugumo Standard First Aid Lockers, Yugumo Standard Armory, and Yugumo Standard Survival Lockers easily accessible at key points throughout the ship, all fully-stocked, for any emergency.

Emergency Shielding

In the case of a hull breach, atmospheric containment fields similar to those used at airlocks and the small craft bay are automatically activated near the point of the breach.

Life Support Systems

Star Army Standard Life Support Systems (Primary) Yugumo Standard Life Support Systems (Backup)


A pair of Hoshi III Series Multi-stage Turbo Plasma Drives located high on either side of the fuselage allows the SOST to maintain a combat speed of 0.375c. Additionally, the Umikagami Subsurface operations suite enables the use of Magnetohydrodynamic Propulsion via the Hoshi III drives.

A bank of ion maneuvering thrusters and pps aid the SOST in fine maneuvers such as docking or atmospheric maneuvering.

The SOST is designed for rapid responses. On top of its incredibly quick hyperspace fold cooldown, the Yumeoibito-2 Hyperspace Fold Drive transports the ship at speeds of up to 447,066c (0.85 ly/m). The Integrated CFS Array functions as a backup FTL propulsion maxing out at 19,723.5c

Shield Systems

The SOST utilizes a Integrated CFS Array for its primary shielding. The barrier is customarily configured to provided six-faced protection.

Secondary Shields

No strangers to redundancy, the SOST uses its oversized Aether generator to power an array of secondary shields such as electromagnetic and gravitational shields. The bays and airlocks also have backup force fields that keep the ship’s atmosphere in when the doors are open. These force fields are not strong enough to keep out water, requiring the Sigrún to surface in order to open the hangar bay doors.12)

Psionic Signal Controller

The SOST mounts a standard issue Geshrinari Psionic Signal Controller.

Weapons Systems

Vehicle Complement


OOC Notes

Locked 0ut created this article on 2022/11/13 20:59. Players and game masters are encouraged to create new mission modules to suit the needs of their stories.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.

the introduction of the Umikagami Subsurface Operations Suite opened up a whole other range of possibilities
More likely to be in the CIC
role is often filled the science officer
The Hoshi III's Jet Mod can theoretically push the ship to Mach 5 (~6,458/km/h) using a combination of Sorakagami AeSOP, Umikagami SSSS, or Integrated CFS Array's Streamlined Mode to minimize drag. This however is rarely done for reasons of safety because it places unnecessary stress on the aerospace frame and on the crew.
calm seas
Generally carries roughly 1 year's supplies for compliment and embarked mission crew
extends to deck 02
8) , 9)
The SOST only has a single Modular Mission Bay
Yugumo Corporation is a major corporation in the Yamatai Star Empire with authorization to produce products with this material.
Examine if structure should change
Air locks can be used underwater. Any water that is let in is simply pumped back out.
Can be modified to fire other similarly sized missiles
for small craft launch and recovery, towing, salvage, and rescue
configurations are at the digression of the operating unit
usually Ke-T7-1C Xiulurium armor stealth variant