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Sigrún-class “Rikugun” Regimental Assault Carrier

As a part of the Rikugun’s attempts to become more mobile, studies into developing an assault carrier to replace the Kagai-Class Assault Ship was launched. The Kagai, which began its life as a cruiser, didn't have the internal lay out to move more than a Rikugun century and their equipment. This had the potential to cause unit cohesion issues as the movement of a single battalion would require personnel to be spread across several ships. Rikugun leadership felt that this was an inefficient use of resources.


After the Yugumo Corporation was contracted to design the Teisatsu-class Special Operations Support Transport, they were approached by the Star Army Rikugun to build them an assault carrier capable of moving an entire Regiment along the same design philosophy. Functionally, the Rikugun Regimental Assault Carrier is a scaled up and less modular version of the SOST.

In 44.8 Mizumitsu Benji Taisho Rikugun Chief of Staff designated the Rikugun Regimental Assault Carrier as the Sigrún-class “Rikugun” Regimental Assault Carrier.


Forgoing the Aether Shock Array found on most larger Star Army of Yamatai vessels, and opting for an overall taller frame and more compact interior, the RRAC manages to maintain the Star Army’s customary swept look while managing a much more space efficient deck plan. Sacrificing the internal comfort of a similarly sized vessel such as a Fuji-class Expeditionary Gunship, the ship can transport and support an entire Rikugun Regiment along with its associated vehicles and equipment. The resulting use of vertical space results in a taller and bulkier silhouette than Star Army vessels of a similar length. The RRAC is down right cramped compared to most Star Army vessels. The RRAC is not a craft designed for long range patrols or exploration missions. Instead when not involved in exercises, operations, or on standby, these ships remain docked with space stations or large command ships such as a Tanya-Class Expeditionary Heavy Cruiser or an Izanagi-Class Dreadnought.

Like with its sister design, the SOST, the aft portion of the RRAC is given over to cargo and hangar bays. There is a command spire at midship and crew living quarters and training facilities are located towards the bow.

Mission Specialization

While the ship is intended to be versatile these are the primary mission profiles.

  1. Contested troop landings
  2. Regimental troop transport
  3. Fire support for planetary forces
  4. Rapid response
  5. Field resupply
  6. Humanitarian aid




Statistics and Performance

General notes about ship stats and performance


General notes about armor stats and performance

General Statistics for the Sigrún-class “Rikugun” Regimental Assault Carrier
Year Introduced YE the starship was introduced
Class/Nomenclature Yu-S2-1a
Alternative Nomenclature Sigrún-class “Rikugun” Regimental Assault Carrier, Rikugun Regimental Assault Carrier, Regimental Assault Carrier, RRAC
Designers Yugumo Fleetworks, Osman Heavy Industries
Manufacturer Yugumo Fleetworks
Fielded By Currently the rte_battalion
Range Roughly 1 year of non strenuous operations
Maintenance Cycle 5-year refit cycle and overhaul, inspections and maintenance between missions
Lifespan Estimated 30 years with regular maintenance
Pricing Nothing found 2,296,550 KS


Crew: ~104 recommended for full carrier operations. There are a large number of technicians and logistics personnel on the ship. Can fly with a minimum of 1-3



Propulsion and Range

Star Army of Yamatai Starship Speeds.

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.

Inside the Ship

Deck Layout

(fix up table and put it here)

Standard Deck Features

Yugumo standard items add details and customize.

Compartment Layouts

Some ideas for compartments below…

Bow (Living Space)

Crew Cabins

Ships officers use cabins based off of the MFY Type 30 Standard Officer's Cabin that are modified to hold a pair of twin beds. There are eight such cabins allowing room for a standard compliment of officers and leaving room for guest officers. Enlisted personnel sleep in the twenty-two standard MFY Type 30 Standard Enlisted Bunkroom. The Captain's and XO's quarters are unmodified Type 30 Standard Officer's Cabins. As per Star Army regulations, the crew cabins are modified with Military variant Type 40 Star Army Bunk Beds.

Dining Hall

Because of the cramped quarters aboard the RRAC, while there are two small MFY Type 30 style dining halls, both are mixed dining. Officers do tend to congregate to one side or other, but there isn't space to make an entirely separate officer's mess beyond the Wardroom. By maintaining two small dining halls instead of a single large one, one facility can be closed and converted into a recreation room, briefing room, or theater while the other remains open for diners.


Food prep and stuff. (determining if there should be a public use one)

Guest Quarters

Visiting Flag officers, diplomats, other VIPs. Visiting officers of field grade or lower tend to bunk in the crew quarters if space is available.

General Recreation Room

Known to the crew as “the land of comfy couches,” the General Recreation Room contains a large number of the coveted couches, general gaming tables, and electronic entertainment and is an excellent place for crew to mingle and unwind between shifts. The Recreation Room is the best place on the ship to find a Catacombs & Creatures group that meets regularly.

Rikugun Quarters

Cramped, even for the officers, the Rikugun Quarters are treated more as temporary housing than the more permanent and elaborate quarters most ship's crew enjoy. The quarters are a warren of narrow hallways connecting barracks, bunk rooms, heads, laundry facilities, and common rooms. Rikugun officers are bunked two to a room in quarters resembling MFY Type 30 Standard Enlisted Bunkroom6). There are 135 such cabins. The Regiment Commander and their XO are allowed small single occupant cabins. Enlisted troops bunk in barracks in the Star Army Half-Century Barracks (Plumeria Type) configuration. There are 44 such barracks, allowing room for every soldier and potential spillover. These extra bunks are often occupied by specialists on temporary assignment such as Star Army Special Operations elements. The barracks include an extended version of the MFY Type 30 Standard Enlisted Bath House and two MFY Type 30 Standard Laundry Facility at either end of the enlisted section and a single one in the officer's quarters.

Training Area

Volumetrics room, fitness center, small briefing rooms


Ships officers often dine in the MFY Type 30 Standard Wardroom. Officers from the attached Rikugun Regiment can choose to use the Wardroom, but due to the small size, generally only field grade officers dine there.

Amidships (Operations)

Bridge and Combat Information Center

The RRAC is commanded from a Star Army specific version of the Misha-class Bridge SAoY Update located in a conning tower. In the exterior hallway, facing the bridge, there is a port side door to a conference room and a starboard door leading to a Combat Information Center (CIC) in the model of the Ascendancy-class Flagship’s Fleet Information Center. The CIC provides advanced command and control for air and ground assets and communication and coordination with other fleet assets allowing the bridge to focus on ship’s operations. SPINE compatible chairs (need to elaborate)

Computer Core

MEGAMI and KAIMON-Gate cores and cryo cooling systems.


Taking influence from the MFY Type 30 Warship Engineering, the engineering bay is somewhat oversized for the ship's size. This is to account for massive aether generator powering the ship's powerful sensor, comms, and E-War suites, and allowing its Yumeoibito Hyperspace Fold Drive to charge at record times.

Fabrication Area


General medical facilities, Hemosynthetic Reconstruction Tube, Type 30 Mental Transfer and Backup Unit, trauma suite, counselor's office, CMO office. Soul saver pod


Ready Rooms and Briefing Rooms

Vertical Launch Missile Tubes

Maintenance access S

Stern (Carrier Decks)


(4×6 cargo)

Cargo Storage Area

The primarily for cargo bays, mech and power armor bays, and houses a workshop and armory. It has a deck has a roof clearance of 12 meters Apart from a lower ceiling clearance, all three bays are heavily based off of the Yugumo Standard Cargo Bay. While this bay is primarily a warehouse for mission equipment, there are spaces for overflow from crew storage. This level also includes the storage for Mecha and Power Armor.

The Magazine

A portion of the storage bay is armored and grounded.7) Only accessible by armorers and stores missiles and bombs and the like and keeps them safe from tamper or accidental detonation. Limits the damage such a detonation can have to the rest of the craft.


Four freight elevators8) freight elevators are positioned towards the fore and aft of the cargo decks. They facilitate the rapid movement of troops, vehicles, and equipment between floors. Yellow safety lights flash when the elevator is in use, and the floor around the elevator shaft is marked in black and yellow warning stripes.9) There are also two smaller personnel lifts near the airlock.

Flight Ops

Garage and Surface Vehicle Launch Bay

The Garage and Surface Vehicle bay is split into two 5400 square meter vehicle bays, each 6 meters tall. The front and rear of this deck have airlock/boarding rams that allow vehicles to roll directly on and off the ship into the upper bay. Ramps, stairs, and freight elevators connect this these levels to the main cargo level and the Hangar and Launch Bay hangar.

Hangar and Launch Bay

The top deck is a 3600 square meter small craft hangar that leads into a launch bay Ke-A1-R4200 Vehicle Subspace Deployment System.


Wing Assembly (External Docking)

External Docking Pilons

Propulsion Drives

Ship Systems

Hull and Frame Construct

Like many of Yugumo’s modern designs, the RRAC utilizes Yamataium 10) for the hull structure. All windows and viewports utilize Transparent Durandium, and most have a retractable armored exterior covering for opacity against beam weaponry.

Hull and Frame Assembly
Primary SpaceFrameForcefield Reinforced Yama-Dura Major Truss
Secondary SpaceFrameYama-Dura Secondary Truss and Rod Assembly11)
Outer PlatesXiulurium coated Yamataium Plate with Omnihue matrix
LiningYarvex Lining

Computers and Electronics

Like other Star Army crafts of its size, the RRAC uses a MEGAMI as its primary ship’s computer. This system is utilized for primary computing, sensing, and communications. By allocating secondary tasks to the KAIMON-Gate suite, a large amount of extra processing power is cleared up leading to even faster problem solving and target identification. The KAIMON system isn’t without its own tricks. The Sorakagami Aerospace Operations Suite gives Tower Officers, Air Traffic Controllers, and Mission Operators advanced Battlespace Communications, Command, and Control capabilities. This helps the RRAC carry out its vital duty of gathering raw data and processing it into a usable intelligence product in order to coordinate between its organic surface and aerospace assets and with wider fleet assets. The Umikagami Subsurface Operations Suite further expands the RRAC’s operational capabilities. As with the sensor suite on the recent Yugumo Tanya-Class Expeditionary Heavy Cruiser the RRAC's impressive sensor suite includes a Mineral Scanner and a SachiTech Tech-Scanner available to the science officer, expanding the types of information available to ground assets.

Both the MEGAMI and KAIMON suites are stored in armored rooms kept below −153 °C with the use of pulse tube refrigerators. The temperature can be temporarily brought up to livable temperatures allowing maintenance technicians to service them.

The RRAC also mounts the Star Army Electronic Warfare Suite, Type 44 a mil-spec variant of the Yugumo (ELECTRA) E-War suite.

Emergency Systems

The Tanya-Class Expeditionary Heavy Cruiser is equipped with yu_standard_emergency_systems. It has its own fire suppression system and Forcefield-Nested Isolation Doors, and Yugumo Standard Damage Control Alcoves to assist with the repair of damage to the ship in the event an emergency occurs. All windows and viewports are Transparent Durandium, with retractable armored blast shields to provide further protection or opacity against beam weaponry.

Escape Pods

In the event of a catastrophic failure or impending doom, the ship has 3200 "Ikigai" Escape Pods. 12)

Emergency Lockers

There are more than enough Yugumo Standard Damage Control Alcoves, Yugumo Standard First Aid Lockers, Yugumo Standard Armory, and Yugumo Standard Survival Lockers easily accessible at key points throughout the ship, all fully-stocked, for any emergency.

Emergency Shielding

Life Support Systems

Star Army Standard Life Support Systems (Primary) Yugumo Standard Life Support Systems (Backup)


Not ones to unnecessarily reinvent the wheel, the RRAC’s design team utilized lessons learned from the Star Army of Yamatai 1B variant of the Tanya-Class Expeditionary Heavy Cruiser when designing propulsion systems. The RRAC's primary sublight propulsion comes in the form of a pair of Hoshi III Series Multi-stage Turbo Plasma Drives located on the ends of its wing assemblies. Sublight performance for this craft usually can withstand 0.375c.

(Ion thrusters) and the Plasma Projection System are used for attitude adjustments and docking among other precision sublight maneuvers .

For FTL travel, the RRAC utilizes a Yumeoibito - Max Hyperspace Fold Drive capable of speeds of 394,470c (0.75 ly/m) and their Integrated CFS Array for secondary FTL propulsion maxing out at 18,750c

Umikagami Subsurface operations suite enables the use of Magnetohydrodynamic Propulsion with the Hoshi III Series Multi-stage Turbo Plasma Drives for underwater propulsion.

Shield Systems

Weapons Systems

Combat Regiment Vehicle Complement

Combat Regiment Small Craft Compliment



OOC Notes

Locked 0ut created this article on 2022/11/13 06:02.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.

the RRAC has an unusually large support staff for a ship of its size, but with the increased complexity of 2500 passengers the large support crew is necessary to keep the ship in good repair
The Hoshi III's Jet Mod can theoretically push the ship to Mach 5 (~6,458/km/h) using a combination of Sorakagami AeSOP, Umikagami SSSS, or Integrated CFS Array's Streamlined Mode to minimize drag. This however is rarely done for reasons of safety because it places unnecessary stress on the aerospace frame and on the crew.
calm seas
Generally carries roughly 1 year's supplies for compliment and embarked mission crew
But with only two beds
Maybe include some sort of blow out panels
personnel and equipment should not be in the warning zone unless they are in the process of loading onto an elevator platform
Yugumo Corporation is a major corporation in the Yamatai Star Empire with authorization to produce products with this material.
Examine if structure should change
Not right, but some escape system needs to be devised because there are nearly 3000 people crammed onto this ship at any time
Can be modified to fire other similarly sized missiles
for small craft launch and recovery, towing, salvage, and rescue
2 Centuries: each with 4 platoons comprising 4 tanks each
16) , 18)
Armored Battalion
1 Century: 4 platoons comprising 5 TASHAs each
2 Century: 4 platoons comprising 4 mechs each
replaces 2 Infantry Century
including ambulance and water tank variants
can hitch other gear
using external docking ports
One or more design selected by the Next Gen Fighter Program is slated to replace them