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NAM 'Talon' Guided Mortar Shell GMS-01a

Developed in YE 41 by Nepleslian Arms and Munitions to equip the NAM Guided Assault Fusion Mortar GAFM-02a, the Talon Guided Mortar Shell GMS-01a is a self guided gliding shell that incorporates various smart measures to provide battlefield commanders with long ranged fire support options.


The Talon is a stubby shell, composed of an aerodynamic shell with pop out wings, integrated guidance and defense systems, and a very large warhead.

  • Length: 20cm 1)
  • Diameter: 82mm 2)
  • Nomenclature: GMS-01a
  • Effective Range: 17km in Atmosphere, 42.5 KM in Space
  • Initial Velocity: 2000 m/s in Atmosphere, 5000m/s in Space
  • Propellant Reserves: 40 seconds worth.
  • Recoil: Heavy, forcing the weapon directly back and up.
Mortar Ammunition Damage Quickchart
Type Purpose Area of Effect Radiation Duration
Fusion Shell Tier 8, Medium Anti-Mecha 470 Meters 6 Hours
Scalar Pulse Tier 4, Light Anti-Armor to unshielded electronics and organic nervous systems 200 Meters 1 week
EMP Detonator Tier 9, Heavy Anti-Mecha to shields and electronics 800 Meters N/A


The Talon GMS-01a is guided by its own internal guidance system and AI, which has four tracking modes:

  • Infrared Guidance, where the shell homes in on a heat source.
  • Anti-Radiation Guidance, where the shell homes in on the largest source of electromagnetic or subspace radiation
  • Aspect Seeking, where the shell homes in on an object which fits the initial aspect or visual profile of the target
  • Radar Guidance, where the shell's internal radar locks onto a target before being fired.

In all of these modes, the Talon is self guiding and does not need further input from the firing platform.


The Talon has its own integrated defensive measures, based on a scaled down and cut back version of the Na-M/V-E4100 Black Veil Electronic Warfare Suite. This version of the suite has only the following features:

  • ECM and ECCM
  • Active Defenses
  • Stealth

OOC Notes

Firebrand created this article on 2019/09/14 08:33.

๐Ÿšง This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.

7.8 inches
3.2 inches

wip_2023_or_older/talon_gms.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/12/27 15:02 by wes