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:!: This article was approved for usage in the RP (15/1/2014).
โ™ซ Edorti - Leiana

A new concept in control systems, FLOW flash-reads the users neural patterns and compiles them into a ROM-Construct. The ROM-Construct is ran at tremendous speed - its output surpassing the accuracy, speed and constitution of any organic person and the unpredictability, resourcefulness, spontinuity and lateral thinking of any AI system. Unfortunately, run at these speeds, the construct rapidly enters heat-death and corruption. FLOW also has a number of undesirable side-effects.

It was created in early YE35 and remains highly classified and blackbox technology wherever it is implemented.


Type: Specialist Neural Control System Designers: Lazarus Consortium, Dr. Aiesu Kalopsia (Ayetseu Karoupshea) L'manel, Miles Gunn Nomenclature: N/A Manufacturer: Lazarus Consortium Production: Limited basis

More about the FLOW control system

While conventionally the raw bandwidth and accuracy required for a near complete neural read wouldn't be possible because of biological limitations, FLOW overcomes these barriers by essentially moving the goal-posts.

This is achieved by altering the neurochemical balance of the users brain to induce a state of controlled neuralfalaptic shock - similar to the state of 'shock' entered during fight or flight - specifically after a severe injury - in which various hormones and neurotransmitters heighten the sensitivity and responsiveness of the pilot's brain beyond conventional limitations. All non-critical neural functions consuming processing bandwidth in the brain (such as recording memories, consciousness, etc) are also put on hold briefly, leaving the user in a vegitative state. In this state, pathways can be lit up in very controlled ways via electromagnetic stimulation (akin to a flash-bulb in the dark) to be read by an electrogravitic scanner which reads the three dimensional shadow on a per-atom basis.

This model is then compiled into neural pathways and then into the hard-logic of a conventional ROM Construct. This rapid 'shake and bake' compiling method unfortunately has a much lower accuracy than 'slow burn' methods - though it is well within acceptable bounds for focused operation.

After reading and writing information in this brief cycle, the user is then returned to a normal state.

FLOW verses competitors

While similar technologies exist such as the Silhouette/Mirror Neural Operating Construct, the technical mechanism of the read-cycle somewhat faster by using the neuralfalaptic shock response for a cleaner faster read. This means the number of cycles and the scale of acceleration can not only be much faster but it can be scaled far beyond what the onboard equipment can likely keep up with (since the system can pool more often) โ€“ though this isn't without its problems, obviously.

In addition, FLOW specifically does not require or excel in a humanoid form: essentially granting a sentient being with similar signals processing, memory recall, problem solving and information warfare capabilities of high-end synthetic intelligences similar to those of clustered Freespacers, rather than high-tier neural construct which is just an un-augmented cold-read of a living person.

With the construct, without the pilot

Potentially, through something of a dirty kludge, a construct can be inserted in place of the bioreading systems. The Construct is lifted up into live resident memory, executed and then is run again. And again. And again. Unlike a living pilot who has the benefit of learning from their mistakes since they survive each run-cycle, a construct typically does not unless they set information aside and review their past mistakes by using the black-box. This is somewhat costly in terms of available runtime (taking up to a quarter of what's available) โ€“ meaning with the same resources, a living person will unfortunately always trump a pure construct.


A feature specific to FLOW and not found on its spiritual predecessor, the Silhouette/Mirror Neural Operating Construct is the capacity for massively parallel networking of constructs using OPSCURUS encryption system over the Lazarus Quantum Modem technology. In short, the rate at which the construct can be accelerated leverages not just local systems and hardware for the computational process itself but the full sphere of what Lazarus have to offer โ€“ 'the cloud'.

In addition, if security permissions are rendered, the cloud can take total control of the unit post-pilot death or in the case of automated drones where a human-like response is required over whatever local hardware is capable of offering.

The obvious advantage here is in computationally based attacks and digital warfare โ€“ but the technology scales up into signals analysis and even tactical choices a pilot can make.

Live Construct Rendering

If a network is known to fail within a set time or a unit go out of contact, a construct can be custom rendered out on the spot based on the user's psychological profile (produced by FLOW) and assigned to a pilot or user for the purpose of information processing, psychological assessment and motivation - to essentially represent the interests of whatever commanding body is present and act as an interface but primarily to prevent the psychological trauma that comes with extreme isolation such as deep space or being lost on an uncharted world.

This construct has a limited life-time of around two years as typical constructs do but has a primitive backup memory to update it on scenario in the event of a reset and a diary system to pool through which doubles as a black-box mission log.


The technology is far from perfect for a wide variety of reasons - legal, ethical and even in terms of the health of the user and its tragic capacity for abuse.

Despite what is stated by the Consortium, FLOW is based on an Occhestran conceptual control system pioneered as far back as YE 13. With the current state of affairs regarding the Occhestran, use of such a technology would be classified as leveraging the spoils of war-crimes and hence illegal under a number of different international treaties.

Ethical Concerns

In addition, this rapid and lethal exploitation of ROM-Constructs โ€“ which in many nations, might be viewed as life-forms in their own right โ€“ is legally, morally and ethically debatable as a form of digital slavery and perhaps even torture.

Health Concerns

Unfortunately, due to the strange nature of FLOW, pilots may experience a number of possible side-effects and even health hazards with extended use beyond stated tolerances.

Common phenomena

If a pilot experiences a skip in time momentarily, do not be alarmed: this is the FLOW engaging in another read or write-back cycle, which overrides the users ability to form conventional memory, interfering with their perception of time.

This phenomenon, known by pilots as 'the jumps' is not unlike the heightened state of awareness humans enter during fight or flight (a state of shock in which all non-mission-critical functions cease). FLOW's read/write cycle induces a form of controlled neuroleptic shock - minimizing possible interference and thus the margin of possible error during the process.

Important is that the pilot should not panic: they are not in any danger as their product construct remains entirely lucid through the entire procedure.


Extensive use of FLOW during any single sortie has a number of notable side-effects caused by unnatural neurochemical inbalances, hormonal changes, extended vasodialation, blood-calorific consumption and severe stress.

These include (but are not limited to):

  • Dizziness
  • Facial flushing
  • Fainting
  • Tachycardia
  • Hypertention
  • Temporary speech difficulties
  • Dry mouth
  • Nausia
  • Shortness of breath
  • Muscle weakness
  • Shaking
  • Numb extremities
  • Bone pain
  • Hallucinations
  • Memory loss

While the neural control of a unit may allow a user to completely negotiate these problems (often being completely unaware of them), they usually only become obvious when disembarking, sometimes requiring hanger crew to aid exhausted pilots.

Post Flow Neural Shock syndrome

Long-term abuse of FLOW can result in serious cognitive changes in the user, usually linked to changes in the user's neurochemestry and hormonal systems - known collectively as Post-Flow Neural Shock Syndrome or PFNS. While entirely preventable in its early stages with regular medical checkups, PFNS is close to irreversible once it sets in.

Early symptoms to look for include unusual behavioral changes such as cognitive bias, self-obsessions.

Later symptoms include audiatory, tactile and visual hallucinations and later delusions - descending into negative symptoms, such as emotional blunting, slowed cognitive performance and eventually in severe cases, a vegetative state, coma and eventually without treatment, death.

In simple terms, Post-Flow Neural Shock Syndrome is essentially the brain growing so used to the state of controlled shock during the read-write process that the neurotransmitters of the user adapt to the new neurochemical climate, similar to opiate addiction. Eventually, through continued extensive use, the user will be unable to function normally within proper neurochemical tolerances - experiencing many of the side-effects experienced normally after conventional operation of FLOW - yet none of the side-effects when disembarking or in the cockpit.

Often, the body and mind grow so acclimatized that their performance during FLOW is actually heightened - at the cost of their standard of living and even their lives.

Post Pilot-Death Operation

Since the construct itself is essentially independent aside from its read-write cycles, in the event of a system malfunction that kills the pilot (for example, inertia-cancelling failing and the constructs maneuvers crushing the pilot), the construct will continue operation even after the pilot has died for as long as 3 minutes.

During this time, the construct - being a cognitive copy of the pilot - will be aware that the pilot has died of this and will be faced with the inevitability of being wiped when the read/write process occurs next (since there is no source material) or being corrupted by the life-time limitation of all ROM Constructs.

Notable history

wip_2023_or_older/corp/lazarus/flow.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/02/24 07:39 by wes