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Vehicle Template

The following are two vehicle templates to be used when creating vehicles, whether it is ground-based such as tanks, jeeps, and cars, or flight, such as fighters, bombers, or dropships.

This is the template for a military vehicle, you can find one for the civilian vehicle below this one:

====== Vehicle Template (This line becomes the page title) ======

**Ensure your article is in the wip:namespace**

🚧 This article is a work in progress. Is it not currently approved

⚠️A condensed version of all the article's information should go here in no shorter than one paragraph. Include Manufacturer, Years Produced, Current Users, and a short description of the vehicle.

==== Nomenclature Information ====
⚠️**All the relevant information at a glance goes here for ease of reading should go here. Add links where applicable.**

^   Vehicle Name   ^^
|  >>Optional Image<<  ||
|  **Year Created:**  |  [[X]]  |
|  **Faction:**  |  [[X]]  |
|  **Designer / Manufacturer:**  |  [[X]]  |
|  **Nomenclature:**  |  X  | 
|  **Role:**  |  X  |
|  **DRv3 Tier:**  |  TX-X  |
|  **Production:**  |  X  |
|  **Price:**  |  X-DA/KS  |   

⚠️ **Reference Sheet: Delete This Section Before Submission:**⚠️

  * Year Created: (YE it was created)
  * Designer/ Manufacturer: (Person(s), Group or Company, etc Responsible For Vehicle's Design and/or Manufacture)
  * Nomenclature: [[international:standard_product_nomenclature_system|Nomenclature System Found Here]]
  * Type: (Type Of Vehicle, ie; Tank, APC, Mech, Aircraft, etc)
  * Role: (Role Of Vehicle, ie; Recon, Cavalry, Space-fighter, ect)
  * DRv3 Tier: [[guide:damage_rating_v3|]] (Armor rating of vehicle) 
  * Production: (Prototype, Limited Production, Mass Production)
  * Price: (Base Price for Item. Include appropriate currency type.)

⚠️**If unsure about DRv3 category leave blank and request reviewer assign damage.**

===== History =====

⚠️**Insert the In-character reason for designing the vehicle in no shorter than one full paragraph. Include the following relevant information in the process:**

  * Basic IC history behind the reason for creating/designing the vehicle. 
  * Relevant persons/people included in the process (include links).
  * Relevant groups/factions/corporations/companies who aided in its design or that the vehicle is intended for use by (include links).
  * Where the vehicle was used in RP (include links/list if applicable)

==== Key Features ====

⚠️**What are the vehicle's key features? Is it capable of moving over water or under? Does it have jammers? What about the damage of its weapons? Decoy launchers?  Are there other versions of the vehicle?**

==== Rivals (OPTIONAL) ====

⚠️**Does the vehicle have a rival? If so, describe what advantages it may have over this vehicle, this can either be given its own section, or be merged into the history, this is up to the designer.**

===== Appearance =====

⚠️**Describe the basic appearance of the vehicle as you would to an artist to commission art. If there is art include at least one piece of it here for reference.**

===== Description =====
⚠️**Describe the vehicle. What does the vehicle offer that makes it special?**

==== Statistical Information ====
  * Crew: (How many are needed to crew the vehicle) 
  * Maximum Capacity: (How many can be in or on the vehicle) 
  * Passenger Capacity: (If it has any) 

⚠️**See** [[| Here]] **for a general guide.**
^  Height  | Insert height in meters and feet here |
^  Width  | Insert width in meters and feet here  |
^  Length  | Insert length in meters and feet here   |
^  Weight  | Insert weight in kilograms and pounds here  |

==== Speeds ====
  * Ground speed:  ⚠️if ground capable, such as a tank or jeep or anything that moves across the ground) 
  * Airspeed: ⚠️If air capable, such as a fighter

  * Range: ⚠️how far it can go with onboard fuel or power
  * Lifespan: ⚠️OPTIONAL How long of a service life the vehicle has (example: ten years)

===== Interior ====

⚠️**Label what’s inside of the vehicle, such as the location of entrances and exits, where the driver, gunner, commander, loader, pilot, co-pilot, etc, and passengers sit but also the location of onboard systems.**

=====Weapons Systems=====

⚠️**Main weapon, secondary weapon, and all other weaponry should be described here briefly in no less than one paragraph, listing all the weapons and some information about them and where they on the vehicle. You can also use the bellow template, a list, or use sub-headers to describe weaponry when/if applicable.**
^  Primary:  ^  [[Link to weapon here]]  ^
|  **Purpose:**  |  X  |
|  **Amount:**  |  X  |
|  [[guide:damage_rating_v3]]:  |  T-X  |
|  **Location:**  |  X  |
^  Secondary:  ^  [[Link to weapon here]]  ^
|  **Purpose:**  |  X  |
|  **Amount:**  |  X  |
|  [[guide:damage_rating_v3]]:  |  T-X  |
|  **Location:**  |  X  |

===== Onboard Systems Descriptions =====
⚠️**Describe in no less than one paragraph about the below subsections. Examples include the armor and unique systems, what it is made of or powered by, etc.**

==== Armor ====
⚠️**Convey to the reader the materials the armor is made out of and what it is immune to and what it is susceptible to.**

==== Shields ====

⚠️**Describe the vehicle's shield if it has one. What it looks like, what kind it is, and how it functions in relation to the vehicle.**

==== Life Support ====
⚠️**Whatever happens in the event of near-fatal events goes here as well as how long the vehicle can support the life of the occupants.**

==== Power Systems ====
⚠️**The kind of power and backup systems that the vehicle has at its disposal will be put here.**

==== Sensors and Communications ====
⚠️**The sensors and communication equipment for the vehicle should be put into this section.**

===== Cargo Capacity =====

⚠️**How much cargo can it carry, or if it comes with cargo upon purchase**

===== Standard Equipment =====

⚠️**What comes as standard on this vehicle? IE, Does it have lockers?** [[items:equipment:fire_extinguisher]]s? First Aid Kits? What?)

===== OOC Information =====

(Any information that you want people to know about this vehicle for out-of-character purposes.)

wip_2023_or_older/templates/vehicle_v2.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/27 13:58 by wes