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:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.
Not Available
Species: Ecitoninae / Apoidea / Termitidae
Gender: N/A
Lifespan: 20 years
Height: 2 feet tall
Length: 4 feet long
Weight: 70-80 lbs.
Occupation: Caretaker and Gene manipulator


The Breeder's Role

A breeder egg only takes 5 days before a new Breeder is born, and can begin work almost immediately. The Breeders primary role is the welfare of the Queen's eggs, making sure they grow and evolve into new and better citizens and drones. The Queen uses telepathic mind control over the Breeders to be sure the work gets done, and to keep an eye over her colony.

After 2 months, hatchlings are given over to Drones for education.

Physical Description

Head - Triangular with solid black eyes, these eyes are not covered by the shell and thus give the look of a single emotion. The Breeder lacks an antennae to communicate and has soft shark like teeth and mandibles.

Body - The squishy insides are covered by a light solid shell, color is determined by the location which it's colony or race it was grown from. Eight jointed legs allow movement making the Breeder look like a Scorpion / Ant hybrid.

Hands - Breeders have claws that are specifically tailored for taking care of eggs, and non-combat duty.

Tail - Breeders have a scorpion like tail that can release DNA into soft targets such as eggs or Solenichi, however this ability is worthless for combat and is more wildly used for genetic experiments or mutations.


Breeders are born with minimal intelligence and hard wired to be a mind slave to the Queen that birthed it, everything the Breeder experiences the Queen will too. The Queen then easily controls Breeders without too much thought on her part, much like how one feels an itch, she can manipulate a Breeder. The number of Breeders that a Queen can control depends on the biological makeup of the Queen, and is typically indicated by the size of the colony. They serve as the Queen's eyes and ears, filling many roles in the colony that the Queen cannot do personally due to her size and benevolence.

Breeders typically act as personal attendants to the Queen, and take care of the eggs as Drones can be too clumsy or too stupid to care for the delicate eggs, as well as being poorly equipped with the knowledge, ability, and know how to use genetic technology to create the better Queen, Solenichi, Drone, or other creatures.


-Breeders lack a nervous system, and don't feel pain.

-Breeders can't carry anything more than half their weight.

-Claw like hands dedicated for for egg care, however too brittle for combat.

-Lacking antennae, can only speak though its mandibles.

-Eight legs.

wip_2023_or_older/species/ecitoninae/breeder.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/12/27 15:04 by wes