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Neshaten Tai'ka'ye'ausye Technology

:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.

Tai'ka'ye'ausye are a technological innovation thought up by the Neshaten, and put into practical use, in EE002.


Tai'ka'ye'ausye, or the Neshaten words for 'Shield Pailing', refers to any kind of a shielding based technology that projects a solid shaped shield up from its emitting point, the actual distance that the shield can extend depends on its practical usage and the kind of power it might have available to it. Regardless of this, the Tai'ka'ye'ausye are designed from the ground up to prevent anything from passing through it, whether that be organic, or inorganic, energy, physical, kinetic, the shields are intended to block most known forms of weaponry.

They're primarily intended to augment the Neshaten City Shield Generator that is designed to project a shield over an entire area, instead the Tai'ka'ye'ausye projects one only in a specific region to create a wall that can't be breached easily. While it is used to augment the C.S.G., the Tai'ka'ye'ausye also has other uses, two of which serve the military and starships quite well.

Power requirements for the Tai'ka'ye'ausye depend on it use, but efficiency was built into the very hardware and software to allow the system to automatically determine its own power requirements so that it could function at a low power setting during non-emergency and then at a high power during emergencies, this saves on power and permits it to be active longer.


The Tai'ka'ye'ausye is an innovative piece of technology that had been born not from an accident but rather from a video game, a piece of tech in an MMO that Neshaten Kit's are commonly addicted to, had found its way into the hands of a number of military scientists who saw its function in a game and attempted to mimic that functionality outside of it and into the real world. Although theses attempts took many years, as the original concept behind the Tai'ka'ye'ausye was thought up ER 704, it wasn't until ER 750 that scientists finally made a breakthrough during regular test trials of starships based shield generators - which one of the shield generators had projected a shield in only 'one' direction, this left scientists at the time baffled as to how this happened until an additional discovery had been made; it all had to do with harmonics.

With this discovery, scientists were able to figure out a method to produce a particular kind of shield while also being able to determine 'what' can pass through that shield, such as ships set to that shields harmonics while others weren't. This also meant that, because weaponry lacked shielding of its own, weapons couldn't pass through the shield and continue to chase whatever it had been fired at.

Although shield harmonics are not entirely employed within traditional starship shielding, they are employed in the Tai'ka'ye'ausye and scientists have been constantly at work trying to figure out new ways and new uses for the technology.


The following lists creations associated with this technology.

Name Purpose Status
Tai'ka'ye'Haa'Ye City Shield Wall Concept
Tai'ka'ye'Vasy'Ahe Replaces shield containment fields, shield doors Concept
Tai'ka'ye'Uuas'Ye'As Portable shield cover Concept

wip_2023_or_older/faction/neshaten/tai_ka_ye_ausye.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/12/27 15:02 by wes