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Aeonic Manufacturing




Agaricus is a mixture of a liquid that oozes from a Plumicus mushroom that has been altered to grow underground and is mixed with drone saliva to create a glue like substance that is primarily used as structural support to keep ecitoninae tunnels from collapsing on itself. Agaricus is typically a green glowing substance, though depending on the area of growth or changes made to the mushroom can produce other colors.


Basido is a mixture of liquid used with Plumicus mushroom like the Agaricus, however mixed by the saliva of a Solenichi or a Breeder. The Substance acts similar to Agaricus, however Basido binds two objects biologicaly, binding the two parts together as one. This bonding however only works with creatures or objects that are compatable with the Basido substance, which otherwise feel like slimy spit.


This is a cleaning substance, to make things look shiny!


A bonding substance used either for ship creatures or creating parts of a weapon. Mycetes stops a Rukakuve Evolution of an object or creature so that rooms or chambers of specific sizes could be created.

Specific Solenichi are required to make this Substance.

Colony / Hive Construction


New Colonization

A typical Formiga Queen burrows a hole in the ground and makes room for herself as she stays put and waits for Drones to hatch. Until supplies are available or found, Solenichi would be bred and the colony will begin expanding. Some Colonies take a different approach if the Queen can find a tree large enough to sustain a colony, or use a corpse of an animal for a temporary living space.


The Queen's room is the first to be created followed by a hatchery area for the eggs so the breeders can begin educating the young. As drones and Solenichi grow in number, living quarters for the workers are created including a storage area. Manufacturing and Leisure areas are created last, typically within a year or two.

Typical Rooms

"Breach" Point

While not a room, it refers to an entrance to a colony with the dirt piled on top in a dome shape. The β€œBreach” point is later shifted to create a more covert or convenient entry point, but the dome is important to note as it indicates a newly created tunnel entry.

Queen's Lair

The first room to be created is the Queen's Lair, which is the largest room of a colony. A large bed is crafted for the Queen to lay on for the reminder of her long life, standing only if meeting a visitor personally. The kind of room is dictated by the ego of the Queen, often vary fluffy though some may prefer spartan or even sleeping what a human would think of as the ceiling. Things that are in the room other than eggs need of transport would probably change time to time if the Queen is bored of her own room. The Queen may have personal projects that it may undertake whatever their curiosity.


This is the primary storage areas for eggs until they are ready to be hatched and one is created when at least 50 eggs surplus is created. The room is coated with a chilling jell giving a light blue glow. As the colony grows in size, smaller classrooms and child raising rooms are branched off the hatcheries.

Child Raising Room

These are small rooms with puzzle objects that can only be solved via teamwork. The room glows green like the hallway or redish when the warming gel is in use.

Storage Area

Storage areas are separated into different categories so that the proper substance can be used effectively for certain items.

Drone Area

A Drone sleeping area is a tube like space with beds along the wall with at least 10 Drones can sleep in. Sometimes it seems Drones do not sleep when they do, sleeping areas for Drones are made for 1/10th of the Drone population to save space for more important rooms.

Solenichi Living Area

Living areas begin with one large room, then branches to smaller bedrooms of 6. The Large room becomes the living space for that group of Solenichi, with each living area differs depending the job that the unit of Solenichi that live there do for work. Each room also has its own share of achievements and decoration that show the personality of the unit that works there.

Feeding Area

The busiest area in a colony, when the colony increases it's size another feeding area is created specifically for Solenichi to avoid Drone traffic.

Growth Area

Mushrooms are kept here for creations of various substances for building and various applications.

Growth "Factory"

This is where Aeonic grows their weapon and ship parts. They also assemble weapons and devices here too.


Research and development here.

wip_2023_or_older/faction/aeonic/manufacturing.txt Β· Last modified: 2023/12/27 15:04 by wes