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Lazarus emission managed anechoic contact chamber

:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.

The Lazarus Emission Managed anechoic Contact Chamber (or LEMACC for short) is commonly used as a means of neutralizing scans and transmissions, specifically for the testing of specialist equipment and the concealment of equipment and privacy of individuals during transit.


Type: Emission management system Designers: Lazarus Consortium Nomenclature: N/A Manufacturer: Lazarus Consortium Production: Limited Production

About the Lazarus emission managed anechoic contact chamber

Important is that all potentials and mass within the space of the Lazarus emission managed anechoic contact chamber are recorded and decoded - meaning any object which sets foot in the Lazarus emission managed anechoic contact chamber can be decoded in the Lazarus Mainframe into an accurate atom-for-atom simulation of an object or person, for reverse engineering, interrogation, disassembly or physical reproduction in the majority of cases. Advanced systems, such as quantum computers which rely on a more complex system than simple energetic potential (and instead, wave potential) cannot be replicated via these means, meaning most organic neural systems cannot be replicated โ€“ without the use of a FLASH-ROM Reader.

The primary purpose of the Lazarus emission managed anechoic contact chamber is to ensure that the consortium is able to function as a single entity and make relevant informed decisions as if they were on the scene themselves.

How the Lazarus emission managed anechoic contact chamber works

Similar in premise to an anechoic chamber, the Lazarus emission managed anechoic contact chamber is designed especially to allow no energetic emission, thermal change or radeological emission to enter or leave it without specific control.

Any emission which takes place inside the Lazarus emission managed anechoic contact chamber is monitored.

This is established through the use of ultra-high resolution quasicrystaline substrates (visible in the walls, ceiling and floor) as well as a complex array of centrifugally based gravitic sensor systems. This same substrate also serves as a high-resolution volumetric system and display mechanism, allowing any environment or conditions to be replicated around the user - many of which are almost entirely believable.


Commonly, the Lazarus emission managed anechoic contact chamber is installed in Lazarus Consortium installations and bases. It is usually a 6 x 6 x 6 meter cubic chamber with a 4 x 4 x 4 meter interior - making it quite large, with a 2 meter density in every wall direction - meaning if it is implemented, the design of the vessel is usually changed specifically to accommodate it - though usually, a small booth of 1 x 1 x 2 meters (3 x 3 x 4) is sufficient.

These chambers are also used to store unawakened ROM Construct bodies in the Lazarus Stasis Chamber System in order to ensure they are not prematurely awakened โ€“ and also in specialized testing chambers where the material substrate the walls are composed of is printed into 4 x 4 meter tiles which can be arranged as necessary.

Side-Effects of stimulation deprivation

When switched off, the chamber is simply a very well made dampening system, able to block out even starship and starbase grade sensors. This deprivation of any stimulation or incomming information to occupants due to this severe dampening effect is incredibly disconcerting for any machine or organism which relies on an exchange of information within its environment to orient itself - which includes all sentient species, AI constructs and synthetic beings.

Within around five minutes, it is common for any such being's unconscious routines to begin to believe that there is nothing beyond the walls of the chamber and nothing beyond themselves - since they have gone their entire lives experiencing background stimulus - making the experience very jarring and unnerving - akin to standing in complete darkness for an extended period of time.

Gradually, toward the fourty five minute mark, symptoms are further amplified as the concious mind of the being begins to loop back on itself to provide stimulus where there is none (akin to scratching an itch that has never been felt before - since sentient systema are addicted to information as fundamentally, they are pattern recognition engines).

These symptoms include, but are not limited to:

  • Itchy skin
  • Tinitus
  • Loss of spacial awareness
  • Pupil dialation
  • Increased heart-rate
  • Increased blood-pressure
  • A fail to successfully orient
  • Nausia
  • Audiatory hallucinations
  • Visual hallucinations
  • Tactile hallucinations

wip_2023_or_older/corp/lazarus/lemacc.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/12/27 08:11 by wes