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The Aurora particle

:!: Work in progress: Depreciated material. Kept for later reference. :!:

A product of the Aurora mechanism and AXIS hybrid core, the X and Y bosons (known as Aurora twin Particles) have a number of interesting behaviors and military applications.

Aurora Particle Barrier

Forming the barrier

When properly charged and aligned away from their natural layout into a form resembling ordered non-periodic pattern, aurora particles begin responding to the actions of other exotic particles, including matter. The closer to these patterns they are arranged, the more efficiently the barrier works. When alignment fails, the barrier collapses, releasing whatever energy it contains into the environment as electromagnetic waves.

Barrier action

For example, when struck by a projectile, the kinetic potential is absorbed into the barrier, propagates along it in shockwaves, visible ripples that distort the light traveling through the barrier. As the shockwave returns, the force deflects the projectile back off the field but also reduces the alignment.

If the alignment is not high enough to deflect the round, its velocity and energy potential are reduced and the round does less damage against whatever it hits on the other side.

After which, the rectifiers rectify the barrier, returning the aurora particles back to their original alignment and venting excess energy as light, returning the strength of the barrier. If the rate of misalignment and energy potential surpasses the work of the rectifiers, the barrier fails and the particles are lost into the environment: new particles must be vented from condensers to reform a new barrier or taken back from the environment.

While by no means β€˜permanent, the barrier provides a surprising amount of protection to units, surpassing the combined field system widely in use.


The barrier can be altered in shape, the repulsion effect crating a slick aerodnamic profile over a traditionally unaerodynamic object. With enough aurora particles and the proper charge, the buoyancy of the repulsion effect can not only create a friction reducing effect but even thrust, allowing a unit to achieve escape velocity.

Aetheric interaction

Interestingly, aetheric weapons that come into contact with the field will cleanly pierce the barrier yet lose much of their charge potential, drastically reducing their effectiveness.

Aether could be deflected but not with a barrier. Instead, a specialized alignment would have to be made and it could only be effective against slow moving aether (close to stationary), such as that seen on close combat weapons. Further still, they could be used to further confine the beam and even permit an aether blade to parry another.

Communication & field generation

Rectifiers and stabilizers control the pattern and arrangement of the particles, ensuring maximum cohesion whenever possible. Used properly, they can use the barrier to no only absorb electromagnetic and electrostatic charge but also release it, as an antennae. Theoretically, it should be possible to replicate a combined field system but the technology does not yet exist.

Material enhancement

In practice, Aurora particles can be used to alter materials to behave similarly to yarvex, by aligning the contents of their protons temporarily. Unlike yarvex, cracked, fractured or broken, the materials will still attempt to adhere together.

When hit, the energy count rises quickly. If surpassed by the particle count, this enhancement effect fails.

Interestingly, this can also be done with physical cover to a degree, not just specialized armor systems.


A number of theoretical uses as an offensive weapon exist beyond its obvious use as an area-effect weapon against populated areas. For example, when compressed, the two particles and charges may be forced to overlap, fusing to become large electrically neutral particles, keeping their high energy potential. They must be regulated by an aurora-particle barrier or risk seriously damaging the weapon or system they are being fired from. When fired, the energy potential is expressed as mass and velocity and the effects are similar to those of large aether weapons, usually using charges of similar magnitudes.

Other notable behavior

Natural state

When released into open space, the two bosons and their respective charges spontaneously align into super-symmetry and absorb electromagnetic energy that passes through them, including visible light (which they scatter incandescently), making communications extremely difficult and interfering with unshielded electronics, usually miniaturized equipment. If the count is high enough around an opponent, the basic physical systems that depend on electromagnetic waves beyond the confines of the craft are reduced in effectiveness and may even fail. For this reason, it is quickly becoming common to scatter them when preparing for combat for the stealth advantage they provide.


Unfortunately, they interfere with most biological processes and interfere with gluon action when their charge potential is high, leading to gradual decay of unprotected systems making them lethal to organic life which is not protected in a sealed environment.

The same process interferes with phased systems

If the particle count is high enough and the ambient energy (which is usually supplied from advanced military systems) happens to be high enough, the particles risk rapidly propagating, rather than naturally dissipating back down to safe levels, making large areas inhospitable. Theoretically, within a year, a city could be made desert-like if propagation got out of control within 6 months. This effect is usually put to work in larger condensers in conjunction with an aurora mechanism, helping aid the particle count.

With proper rectifiers and stabilization equipment, environments can be decontaminated over time and damage even prevented if used early enough.

Interestingly, those subjected to dosages of the particle without lethal effect commonly lose their skin, hair and eye pigmentation and risk a very small chance of never recovering it.

wip_2023_or_older/corp/lazarus/axis/documented_particle_behavior.txt Β· Last modified: 2023/12/27 08:10 by wes