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Faction Template

This is meant to be a template for creating a new faction in the setting.

====== Faction Name ======
General information about the faction goes here. 

^    Your Faction Name   ^^
| Image of your faction's flag and description of it goes here.||
^  Capital  |  Capital goes here.  |
^  Population   |  Population goes here.  |
^  Head of State  |  Head of State goes here.  |
^  Government Type  |  Government Type goes here.  |
^  Formation  |  Year of Formation goes here.  |
^  Current Year  |  Current year goes here.  |
^  Currency   |  Currency goes here.  |

==== History ====
Link to history page goes here.

==== Culture ====
Link to the culture page goes here.

===== Recruiting =====
Information about joining this faction goes here. 

==== Join Us! ====
Link to your faction's character creation guide here.

===== Information =====
Description of the links to subarticles that will be found below goes here.

==== Incorporated Species ====
Link to the species involved in this faction.

==== Government ====
Link to government page(s) goes here.

==== Treaties and Diplomacy ====
Treaties and diplomacy description goes here as an introduction to the list items to be found below.

==== Territory ====
The planets, systems, and location articles for the faction go here.

===== More About This Faction =====
Description of the types of articles to be found below is put here.

===== Great Things About This Faction =====

This is what players had to say about this faction:

|Text Here | 

===== OOC Notes =====

Approved here.

templates/faction.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 18:23 (external edit)