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Component Template

This template is designed to provide a consistent structure to articles about smaller pieces of gear that do not fit into any of the other templates available, ranging from weapon optics to volumetric projectors and even parachutes

Typically, articles using this template will be in the (Insert faction or corporation here):(Insert nomenclature or component name here) namespace.

====== Component Name (this line becomes the title) =====
(Brief Overview Sentences: Include Manufacturer, Years Produced, Current Users)

|  **Designer:**  |  (Link to designer/s)  |
|  **Nomenclature:**  |  (Display Nomenclature if applicable)  |
| **Manufacturer:**  | (Component and location of manufacture) |
| **Fielded by:**  | (Organizations using this component) |
===== History =====
(Optional; include background and history of component)
===== Function and Design =====
(Include what materials the component is made from and how it works, can be either an in-depth section or something more general)
==== Appearance ====
(Optional; can be included in above section or kept separate here, a few brief sentences describing how the component looks are required if this section is used)
==== Availability ====
(A few lines about who sells the item, if applicable, or how one can get their hands on the item as well as how readily available the item is i.e Mass-produced/Limited-run/Prototype)

  * **Recommended Retail Prices** 
    * (Component name here):(price)

===== OOC Notes =====
Put author information and art credits here.

OOC Notes

sirskully created this article on 2019/04/28 15:05.

๐Ÿšง This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.

templates/component.1560315378.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 17:10 (external edit)