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Suǒ ěr

This is the first system in the sector that the ye_xx. ==== History ==== The system was first found by long range recon fleets, once they found that one of the planets around the star were suitable for life, they marked it and sent for the World Ships to bring the whole of the Konglong to their new home. Colonization of the first of the habitable planets began almost three years later once the the first of the world ships arrived. ===== System Data ===== ==== Suǒ ěr ==== halnastar.jpg * Type: A0 V White Main Sequence * Radius: 1.81 x 106 km (2.60 x sol) * Mass:7.16 x 1030 kg (3.60 x sol) * Temperature: 9,700 K * Luminosity: 2.99 x 1028 W (78.04 x sol) ==== Suǒ ěr I ==== It is an Rock Planet with a nonexistent atmosphere. The peoples of the Konglong have turned it into a Military training planet for harsh environments * Type: Rock Planet * Orbital Radius: 1.64 x 108 km (1.10 AU) * Period: 5.31 x 103 hours (0.61 earth years) * Gravity: 17.47 m/s2 (1.58 x earth) * Note: Thar Be Dragons Here! ==== Suǒ ěr II ==== Being another Rock planet in the system, the Konglong have created a Naval Ship storage yards here. * Type: Rock Planet * Orbital Radius: 3.48 x 108 km (2.33 AU) * Period: 1.64 x 104 hours (1.87 earth years) * Gravity: 22.30 m/s2 (2.28 x earth) * Note: Thar Be Dragons Here Too! ==== Suǒ ěr III ==== This is a rock planet with no atmosphere. There is nothing here at all. * Type: Rock Planet * Orbital Radius: 4.87 x 108 km (3.26 AU) * Period: 1.64 x 104 hours (3.10 earth years) * Gravity: 22.30 m/s2 (2.28 x earth) * Note: This planet has been reserved for development and exploitation later in the system's growth. ==== Suǒ ěr IV ==== This is a rock planet with no atmosphere. * Type: Rock Planet * Orbital Radius: 7.39 x 108 km (4.94 AU) * Period: 5.06 x 104 hours (5.79 earth years) * Gravity: 11.57 m/s2 (1.18 x earth) * Note: This is a lifeless world that but has numerous mineral deposits. The Konglong plan to establish a mining presence one the main colonization effort is over. ==== Tǔ ==== * Type: Terrestrial World * Orbital Radius: 1.35 x 108 km (9.06 AU) * Period: 1.26 x 105 hours (14.37 earth years) * Physics: Standard Iron/Silicate * Gravity: 11.39 m/s2 (1.70 x earth) * Hydrosphere: 60 % water, 30 % ice * Atmosphere: Standard breathable * Civilization: First Colony * Special: Surrounded by remnants of shattered moon * Note: Thar Be Dragons Here! ===== OOC Notes ===== tanka_001 created this article on 2015/10/15 21:53.

system/suo_er.1444971967.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 17:06 (external edit)