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The Pacifica system is a planetary system inside the Pacifica nebula in the southern portion of the starmap. It has been partially settled by the Exodus Fleet.

(Gridref 2501)

Star Data

What makes the Pacifica planetary system so interesting is its lack of a star. Instead of a star providing thermal energy to fuel life on planetary bodies, the fusion reactions of nearby young stars give off just the right amount of heat to facilitate life on its two terrestrial planets

The planets are trapped in an orbit around a point which does not exist, being pulled between a nearby young star cluster and a cluster of very dim, dying stars which are also nearby. The planets orbit around one of the Lagrange points between the two attractors, tidal forces causing them to rotate as normal planets would.

Planetary Data

There are 9 planets in this system. Below is their statistical information. Because they are not orbiting a star, their distance is given from the Lagrangian point which they orbit.

Only Hope and Prosperity are of any note, the rest are typical planets of their type.

Planetary data is unavailable to players until they explore the system.

Planetary Overview
Order Name Type Distance Mass Radius
1 Pacifica 1 Rocky 4.88 x 10 raised to 7 km 3.8 ร— 10 raised to the 24 kilograms 3185 km
2 Hope Terrestrial 9.56 x 10 raised to 7 km 6.0 ร— 10 raised to the 24 kilograms 7008.1 km
3 Prosperity Terrestrial/oceanic 10.1 x 10 raised to the 7 km 6.5 ร— 10 raised to the 24 kilograms 8058 km
4 Pacifica 4 Rocky 1.9 x 10 raised to 8 km 3.5 ร— 10 raised to the 24 kilograms 3215 km
5 Pacifica 5 Rocky 2.1 x 10 raised to 8 km 4.1804 ร— 10 raised to the 25 kilograms 11150 km
6 Pacifica 6 Icy 2.5 x 10 raised to 8 km 1.1944 ร— 10 raised to the 25 kilograms 8110 km
7 Pacifica 7 Icy 2.9 x 10 raised to 8 km 5.3748 ร— 10 raised to the 25 kilograms 12150 km
8 Pacifica 8 Neptunian 3.2 x 10 raised to 8 km 1.9 ร— 10 raised to the 26 kilograms 25400 km
9 Pacifica 9 Gas giant 3.7 x 10 raised to 8 km 1.87696176 ร— 10 raised to the 27 kilograms 70491 km

Pacifica 1

  • Type: Rocky
  • Orbital Radius: 4.88 x 10 raised to 7 km
  • Rotational Period: 12 hours
  • Orbital Period: 0.7 Earth years
  • Gravity: .81 gees
  • Planetary Population: 0
  • Natural Satellites: None
  • Facilities: None


  • Type: Terrestrial/oceanic
  • Orbital Radius: 9.56 x 10 raised to 7 km
  • Rotational Period: 23.50 hours
  • Orbital Period: 0.9 Earth years
  • Gravity: .95 Gees
  • Planetary Population: ~15,000
  • Natural Satellites: 2 moons
  • Facilities: 1 major city, several outlying settlements


  • Type: Oceanic
  • Orbital Radius: 10.1 x 10 raised to the 7 km
  • Rotational Period: 30.73 hours
  • Orbital Period: 1.1 Earth years
  • Gravity: .79 Gees
  • Planetary Population: 0
  • Natural Satellites: None
  • Facilities: None

Pacifica 4

  • Type: Rocky
  • Orbital Radius: 1.9 x 10 raised to 8 km
  • Rotational Period: 11 hours
  • Orbital Period: 1.3 Earth years
  • Gravity: .873 gees
  • Planetary Population: 0
  • Natural Satellites: None
  • Facilities: None

Pacifica 5

  • Type: Rocky
  • Orbital Radius: 2.1 x 10 raised to 8 km
  • Rotational Period: 9 hours
  • Orbital Period: 1.7 Earth years
  • Gravity: .65 gees
  • Planetary Population: 0
  • Natural Satellites: None
  • Facilities: None

Pacifica 6

  • Type: Icy
  • Orbital Radius: 2.5 x 10 raised to 8 km
  • Rotational Period: 15 hours
  • Orbital Period: 2.1 Earth years
  • Gravity: .69 gees
  • Planetary Population: 0
  • Natural Satellites: None
  • Facilities: None

Pacifica 7

  • Type: Icy
  • Orbital Radius: 2.9 x 10 raised to 8 km
  • Rotational Period: 7.8 hours
  • Orbital Period: 2.3 Earth years
  • Gravity: .764 gees
  • Planetary Population: 0
  • Natural Satellites: None
  • Facilities: None

Pacifica 8

  • Type: Neptunian
  • Orbital Radius: 3.2 x 10 raised to 8 km
  • Rotational Period: 15 hours
  • Orbital Period: 2.9 Earth years
  • Gravity: .91 gees
  • Planetary Population: 0
  • Natural Satellites: None
  • Facilities: None

Pacifica 9

  • Type: Gas giant
  • Orbital Radius: 3.7 x 10 raised to 8 km
  • Rotational Period: 67 hours
  • Orbital Period: 4.81 Earth years
  • Gravity: 3.1 gees
  • Planetary Population: 0
  • Natural Satellites: None
  • Facilities: None


system/pacifica.1570411010.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 17:04 (external edit)