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Jaspis I

The hottest planet in jaspis, Jaspis I combines the proximity to Jaspis Prime with a Dense atmosphere. However, since it still contains material wealth, Corporations still send personnel to mine its resources. Due to the heat, most of these facilities are found underground or mobile to stay out of the sunny side of the world. Because of the proximity to Jaspis Prime and the denseness of the atmosphere, Jaspis I's atmosphere is actually being torn off as it orbits with a trailing tail of hot gases forming in its wake, which causes quite the navigation hazard.

Planetary Statistics


  • Type: Standard iron/silicate
  • Radius: 5269.61 kilometers
  • Surface Area: 3.49 x 10^8 square kilometers
  • Mass: 3.56 x 10^24 kilograms
  • Density: 5.81 grams per cubic centimeter
  • Composition:
    • 30.9% iron
    • 21.7% silicon
    • 19.7% oxygen
    • 19.4% magnesium
    • 8.2% other metals
    • trace other elements


  • Gravity: 8.52 meters per second squared (0.87 Gs)
  • Escape Velocity: 9.48 kilometers per second

Rotation and Revolution

  • Period: 22.41 hours
  • Axis Tilt: 19.53 degrees
  • Orbiting: Jaspis Prime
  • Orbital Radius: 9.10 x 10^7 kilometers (0.61 Astronomical Units)
  • Orbital Period: 3.12 x 10^3 hours (0.36 standard years)


  • Water: 0%
  • Ice: 0%


  • Type: Dense Toxic
  • Pressure: 160.93 kiloPascals
  • Composition:
    • 84.3% carbon dioxide
    • 15.7% oxygen
    • trace other gases


  • Type: Hot
  • Minimum Temperature: 370 Kelvins (98.85 Celsius)
  • Average Temperature: 658 Kelvins (384.85 Celsius)
  • Maximum Temperature: 839 Kelvins (565.85 Celsius)


Population Statistics

Due to the extreme temperatures and dense atmosphere found on Jaspis I, the entire population is kept to a minimum and normally below ground. Because of this, the majority of the population is comprised of Nightwalkers.

Average Variable Population: 500

Major Facilities

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2013/06/01 11:50 by Abwehran Commander.

system/jaspis/jaspis_i.1561148048.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 22:54 (external edit)