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Chaulonzen is a star system located in the territory of the government. It has one habitable planet that was cleared for colonization in late ye_34



K4 V Orange Main Sequence

Radius: 5.80 x 105 km (0.83 x sol)
Mass: 1.26 x 1030 kg (0.64 x sol)
Temperature: 4300 K
Luminosity: 1.60 x 1026 W (0.42 x sol)
Designation: Close Companion

M4 V Red Dwarf

Distance: 2.52 x 107 km (0.17 AU)
Radius: 3.04 x 105 km (0.44 x sol)
Mass: 7.80 x 1029 kg (0.39 x sol)
Temperature: 2700 K
Luminosity: 1.40 x 1025 W (0.04 x sol)

Chaulonzen I

Type: Terrestrial World
Orbital Radius: 1.13 x 108 km (0.76 AU)
Period: 5.69 x 103 hours (0.65 earth years)
Physics: Habitable
Gravity: 12.12 m/s2 (1.24 x earth)
Hydrosphere: 65% % water, 25 % ice
Atmosphere: Calm
Biosphere: Savannah like
General Information: Chaulonzen I is a habitable world though is shows signs of age. Mountains are seemingly extinct and geological activity is almost at a stand still. The Weather of the world is mild at best, but supports a very vibrant biosphere with numerous plants and animals still vying for supremacy. The warm weather and dry air makes it a rare world. The world is not only ideal for the descendants of humanity, but is also ideal for Gartagen habitation. The government has wasted little time in opening up this world to general colonization and is encouraging farmsteads to be formed and utilized.

Chaulonzen II

Type: Rock Planet
Orbital Radius: 1.95 x 108 km (1.30 AU)
Period: 1.28 x 104 hours (1.46 earth years)
Gravity: 2.86 m/s2 (0.29 x earth)
Special: 5 small moons, wreckage of a crashed starship

Chaulonzen III

Type: Rock Planet
Orbital Radius: 3.17 x 108 km (2.12 AU)
Period: 2.66 x 104 hours (3.04 earth years)
Gravity: 13.94 m/s2 (1.43 x earth)

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2012/12/27 16:10 by ira.

system/chaulonzen.1357169852.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 17:00 (external edit)