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Cascade System

This is a system in the Northern section of the kikyo_sector that is home to two planets, Cascade Prime and Intellect. A Yamataian science vessel crashed on the outer planet, Intellect, a half dozen years ago but has not been found.

Star Data

The star of the Cascade system is a white dwarf star. Below are statistics for the star.

  • Name: Cascade
  • Type: White Dwarf
  • Mass: 2.1 ร— 10^30 kg
  • Radius: 450,000 mi

Planetary Data

There are 2 planets in this system. Below is their statistical information.

Planetary Overview
Order Name Type Distance Mass Radius
1 Cascade Prime Terra 50 million mi 5.972 ร— 2410 kg 4,100 mi
2 Intellect Terra 100 million mi 14 ร— 2410 kg 10,000 mi

Cascade Prime

  • Type: Terra
  • Orbital Radius: 90 million km
  • Period: 1 year
  • Gravity: 9.8 g
  • Planetary Population: None 1)
  • Natural Satellites: Two moons, Conscious and Intention
  • Facilities: None

More information: Cascade Prime is uninhabited by humans, but has natural wildlife.


  • Type: Terra
  • Orbital Radius: 180 million km
  • Period: 2 years
  • Gravity: 9.95 g
  • Planetary Population: None
  • Natural Satellites: Ring System
  • Facilities: None

More information: A small colony of Yamataian Scissor-Tail Flycatcher have made a home on the Southern island chain, which were brought to the planet after a freak accident of a scientific charter from Yamatai. The crashed ship can be found on the Southern pole. There were no survivors and the wreck has not been touched. The species feeds only on seeds as there is no natural wildlife.

OOC Notes

ametheliana created this article on 2018/05/15 20:18.

Approved here.

besides flora and fauna

system/cascade.1611066442.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 17:00 (external edit)