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Atraxis is located twenty five light years north of toehold.

Star Data

The star of the Atraxis System is a White Giant star. Below are statistics for the star.


  • Name: Atraxis
  • Type: A7 III White Giant
  • Mass: 2.8169 × 10e30 kg
  • Semi-Major axis: 1.017 AU
  • Orbital period: 2.35 × 10e7 years
  • Rotation: 49 hours

Planetary Data

There are 8 planets and 2 asteroid belts in this system. Below is their statistical information.

Planetary Overview
Order Name Type Distance Mass Radius
1 Atraxis I Rock Planet 1.88 x 10e7 km (0.13 AU) 6.42 x 10e24 kg 6052 km
2 Atraxis II Rock Planet 3.92 x 10e7 km (0.26 AU) 3.98 x 10e24 kg 5486 km
3 Belt of Woe Asteroid Belt 8.64 x 10e7 km (0.58 AU) - -
4 Atraxis IV Desert Planet 4.66 x 10e8 km (3.11 AU) 6.532 x × 10e25 kg 6759 km
5 Atraxis V Rock Planet 6.25 x 10e8 km (4.18 AU) 1.19 x 10e25 kg 7557 km
6 Atraxis VI Rock Planet 7.34 x 10e8 km (4.90 AU) 1.37 x 10e25 kg 8123 km
7 Atraxis VII Ice Planet 9.83 x 10e8 km (6.57 AU) 4.30 x 10e25 kg 2440 km
8 Spürsinn Belt Asteroid Belt 1.20 x 10e9 km (8.03 AU) - -
9 Atraxis IX Jovian 1.51 x 10e9 km (10.07 AU) 1.02 x 10e26 kg 60268 km
10 Atraxis X Ice/Rock 2.51 x 10e9 km (16.76 AU) 1.48 x 10e23 kg 2634 km

Atraxis I

Atraxis I is a uninhabited rock type planet with no atmosphere.

  • Type: Rock Planet
  • Orbital Radius: 1.88 x 10e7 km (0.13 AU)
  • Period: 648 hours (0.07 earth years)
  • Gravity: 9.11 m/s2 (0.93 x earth)
  • Planetary Population: 0
  • Natural Satellites: 0
  • Facilities: 0

More information: Heavy in iron/silica elements.

Atraxis II

Atraxis II is a uninhabited rock type planet with trace atmosphere.

  • Type: Rock Planet
  • Orbital Radius: 3.92 x 10e7 km (0.26 AU)
  • Period: 1.41 x 10e3 hours (0.16 earth years)
  • Gravity: 9.46 m/s2 (0.97 x earth)
  • Planetary Population: None
  • Natural Satellites: 0
  • Facilities: None

More information: Planetary rings

Belt of Woe

The Belt of Woe is an asteroid belt so named for its densely packed ball sized asteroids, rendering navigation difficult and dangerous.

  • Type: Asteroid belt
  • Orbital Radius: 8.64 x 10e7 km (0.58 AU)
  • Period: -
  • Gravity: -
  • Planetary Population: -
  • Natural Satellites: -
  • Facilities: None

More information: Difficult and dangerous to navigate.

Atraxis IV

Atraxis IV is a desert planet with a hostile atmosphere.

  • Type: Desert Planet
  • Orbital Radius: 67,232,363 million mi/ 110.8 million km
  • Period: 4.87 x 10e4 hours (5.58 earth years)
  • Gravity: 15.99 m/s2 (1.64 x earth)
  • Planetary Population: 200,000 (80% human 20% variety of other races)
  • Natural Satellites: 3 small moons
  • Facilities: 5 (1 Diej Prime colony, 4 managing/scouting facilities)

More Information:

  • Surface Area: 2.22×10^8 square kilometers
  • Rotation Duration: 21 hours
  • Land/Water Ratio: 99% Land / 1% Water ratio
  • Axial Tilt: 12 degrees
  • Seasons: 2
  • Atmospheric Pressure: 1 BAR
  • Atmospheric Composition: Nitrogen: 80%, Oxygen: 15%, Other: 5%
  • Weather:
    • Temperature by Day 122 Fahrenheit/50 Celsius
    • Temperature by Night 14 Fahrenheit/ -10 Celsius
    • Rainfall is less then 25 mm of rainfall per year, most evaporating prior to landfall.
    • Sandstorms with winds as high as 400 kmph/248 mph can last for hours, days, or even weeks, depending on equator proximity.

Star port: located on the port of the Diej Prime colony

Frontier installation: yes

Naval Base: No

Scout Base: Yes

Colony Size: 310 km²/120 mi²

Low Oxygen atmosphere, high winds speeds, and high temperatures requires the use of a hostile environment suits outside of the colony dome or other advanced facility or vehicle.

Hydrography: 0 (No free standing water)

Population: 200 thousand colony inhabitants, Unknown number of indigenous inhabitants.

Government: Corporation run

Government by agencies which are insulated from the governed. Owned and governed by Diej Corp.

Law Level: Firearms are prohibited to citizens, company security allowed, strictly enforced law. Security has full discretion to judge and sentence.

Tech Level: Diej corp High Tech level, citizen variable tech level from what is found in the salvage dumps.

Atraxis V

Atraxis VI is an uninhabited rock type planet with trace atmosphere.

  • Type: Rock planet
  • Orbital Radius: 6.25 x 10e8 km (4.18 AU)
  • Period: 4.04 x 104 hours (4.62 earth years)
  • Gravity: 3.52 m/s2 (0.36 x earth)
  • Planetary Population: None
  • Natural Satellites: 0
  • Facilities: None

More information: Trace atmosphere.

Atraxis VI

Atraxis VI is an uninhabited rock type planet with no atmosphere.

  • Type: Rock planet
  • Orbital Radius: 7.34 x 10e8 km (4.90 AU)
  • Period: 9.84 x 104 hours (11.26 earth years)
  • Gravity: 3.52 m/s2 (0.36 x earth)
  • Planetary Population: None
  • Natural Satellites: 0
  • Facilities: None

More information: No atmosphere.

Atraxis VII

Atraxis VII is an uninhabited Ice type planet with no atmosphere.

  • Type: Ice planet
  • Orbital Radius: 9.83 x 10e8 km (6.57 AU)
  • Period: 1.47 x 105 hours (16.83 earth years)
  • Gravity: 9.37 m/s2 (0.96 x earth)
  • Planetary Population: 0
  • Natural Satellites: 4
  • Facilities: 0

More information: No atmosphere.

Spürsinn Belt

The Spürsinn Belt is an asteroid belt so named for its many large, heavy metal dense planetoids. This belt is easy to navigate with crude and simple navigation electronic packages favored by commercial haulers.

  • Type: Asteroid belt
  • Orbital Radius: 1.20 x 10e9 km (8.03 AU)
  • Period: -
  • Gravity: -
  • Planetary Population: 0
  • Natural Satellites: Many
  • Facilities: 0

More information: Easy to navigate.

Atraxis IX

Atraxis IX is an uninhabited Jovian planet with an extremely thick atmosphere. It has 37 uninhabited moons with a variety of environs.

  • Type: Jovian
  • Orbital Radius: xx million km
  • Period: 3.75 x 10e5 hours (42.91 earth years)
  • Gravity: 10.07 m/s2 (1.03 x earth)
  • Planetary Population: None
  • Natural Satellites: 37 small moons
  • Facilities: None

More information:

Atraxis X

Atraxis X is an uninhabited ice/rock planet with no atmosphere.

  • Type: Ice planet
  • Orbital Radius: 2.51 x 10e9 km (16.76 AU)
  • Period: 1.17 x 10e6 hours (133.96 earth years)
  • Gravity: 9.37 m/s2 (0.96 x earth)
  • Planetary Population: None
  • Natural Satellites: 1 moon
  • Facilities: None

More information: No atmosphere

OOC Notes

bullroarer created this article on 2017/11/30 07:43.

Article developed by sloanrocks2 and bullroarer.

Approved by wes here on 5/2/2018.

system/atraxis.1568456560.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 16:59 (external edit)