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SKCS Itano

The Star Kingdom of Cavalon Starship Itano was built in YE_39 under direction of Keller Dietrich.

The Itano launching missiles

About the Ship

The Itano, named for an ancient hero reknown for their skill with missile weapons, was developed as part of Keller Dietrich's overarching strategy to defend the tiny kingdom against the larger powers surrounding it. Prior to YE 39, the kingdom was banned from posessing starships by the 4th_elysian_celestial_empire. In YE 39 the planet's problems were dumped on the usostarorganization and the Frontier Service Corporation which led to a reversal (or more accurately a 'I really don't care, do whatever') of that policy.

With the kingdom's infrastructure trashed by the battle of B7R604 in YE 39, Keller Dietrich would end up ascending to become the leader of the kingdom. It would be clear to her that having to start with a clean slate would mean that the kingdom would never be able to produce enough starships to defend itself against the surrounding powers.

The Itano was developed at the first starship produced by the Kingdom, with the goal of producing a ship that would be abundantly useful for other nations to have around. The end goal being to develop allies that could mitigate the strength of the threats around the planet. Rather than focusing on anti-starship weaponry, the Itano focuses on anti-small-craft defenses. It contains powerful shields and an excessive number of missiles for defense. By excelling in intercepting small craft, missiles, and other enemy attacks it is expected that the Itano will be an attractive tool for co-operative military efforts which will in turn help protect Cavalon through threat of forigen defensive intervention.

It is also designed with the intent of carrying additional forces into battle in the form of smaller ships attached under the wings, however those ships are only planned craft and have not been developed at the time of the Itano's deployment.

Key Features

  • Missile and small-craft defense
  • Diplomacy

Mission Specialization

  • Diplomacy
  • Point Defense


The main body of the Itano is long, sleek, and tapers to a fine point. The rear end has two wings that extend from either side tipped with reaction control engines and radiator fins. The engines themselves have embedded areospike style engines, and a large radiator fin extends from the underside of the craft. The underside also contains the various hatches that open to expose the ship's missile launch systems, while the rear of the craft has an opening that can house a dozen shuttles.

Shields absorbing an impact

Statistics and Performance

The Itano is a large, medium technology level starship.


  • Class: Itano
  • Type: Cruiser
  • Designers: Star Kingdom of Cavalon
  • Manufacturer: Star Kingdom of Cavalon
  • Fielded by: Star Kingdom of Cavalon


Crew: 30 operators are recommended, for three 8 hour shifts. Though the ship is designed to also hold another 50 support staff for diplomatic duty

Maximum Capacity: 200


  • Length: 900 meters
  • Width: 300 meters
  • Height: 150 meters

Propulsion and Range

  • Hyperspace Fold Drive: 0.4ly/m
  • Sublight Engines: 0.3c

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.

  • Armor Tier: 14 Medium Capital Ship
  • Shield Tier: 14 Small Capital Ship, 6 facing.

Inside the Ship

Much of the Itano is automated, meaning there is not a lot of space for crew relative to other starships of the same size.


The CIC of the Itano has a raised command area for the captain and her displays/controls, with the support staff sitting below and in front. The captain's station can handle all functions of the ship, though normally these tasks are deligated out to support staff.

Diplomatic Area

The Diplomatic Area of the ship has several well stocked hotel style rooms for guests, as well as a pair of large conference rooms capable of seating 12 at a large round table.

Ship Systems

The Itano uses many basic and off the shelf solutions for its internal components.

Armored Hull and Hull Integrated Systems

The Itano heavily uses durandium armor both externally and internally.

Computers and Electronics

The Itano uses off the shelf electronics for its command and control systems.

Emergency Systems

The CIC of the ship can detach and eject in an emergency situation, and contains its own life support system that can sustain the crew for three days.

Life Support Systems

The ship contains basic life support systems that can provide air and water for the crew indefinitly, though food must be stored and restocked for long term operations.


The Itano uses a conventional fusion engine with an linear areospike configuration embedded in each wing. The ship also has intakes along the front, upper, part of the wings to convert the engines to an air-breathing mode while in atmosphere.


The ship is powered by banks of cold fusion reactors.

Shield Systems

The ship is protected by conventional electrostatic barriers, though the limited power output of fusion (compared to Aether or Hyperspace Taps) severely limits the effectiveness of the shields.

Weapons Systems

The SKCM-C 'Circus' is a tier 9 missile with a simple proximity trigger and a .5c flight speed. This small missile contains a thermal and a radar seeker, and is fully fire and forget. It can be programmed for complex flight paths and can be re-targeted in flight by a control ship.

The Itano contains 22,000 of these missiles.

Vehicle Complement


There is storage space for up to 12 small shuttles in the rear of the ship.

OOC Notes

Uso made this, and the article was FM approved 10/1/2017

starship/skcs_itano.1536666533.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 16:55 (external edit)