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Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesinteriors
Product NameYugumo Standard Housekeeping Lockers
NomenclatureType 45
ManufacturerYugumo Fleetworks, Yugumo Corporation
Year ReleasedYE 45


:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.

General Information

Homeworld: alixxion

Language: A series of clicks and pheromones

Total Population: 3.2 Million

Culture: culture

The Wruuph are an Insectoid colony species which is in a symbiotic relationship with the Suu, as they have a common ancestor which they evolved from, one side favouring the abundant vegetation, the other favouring the more nutrient meat. The Wruuph are war-like and more violent in nature, they use weapons to train, fight the enemy and for fun, but it is not needed on their planet anymore as the surface animals have been tamed by the Suu, this has helped the carnivorous Wruuph as they get meat without having to lose any of the species. Believing that each animal is from one Great Spirit beast and that eating it gives them gifts from the spirits. Inside their hive, the Wruuph are live in each area of the hive as all Wruuph are part of the royal army or are bodyguards for the higher ranks of both species.

The Wruuph evolved on a planet with an ammonia-rich atmosphere and they have created respirators for themselves and the Wruuph for when they travel to other Planets that don't have the same amount of ammonia that they need to function and keep their cells working.

The Wruuph are between 7 foot to 12 foot from head to abdomen, and around 10 foot from head to ground. Their body have four arms and four legs, their hands have three claw-like fingers making a sort of claw and have a tough exoskeleton that can take some damage like a built-in armour, the Wruuph aren't that good-looking with their insectoid bodies but the Wruuph use pheromones that attract the opposite gender.

The Wruuph are fully carnivorous any vegetarian foods they eat comes back up quick quickly, they don't have a varied diet and can eat only eat meat.

The Wruuph are born in a larval stage that the parent looks after till the larva turns to a young Wruuph, the parents both look after the larva as there is no discrimination between genders.

The others of the Kal'kak empire are known as the Behimoni and the Dakalar.


Give an overview of the history of the species. This section can be expanded upon in a completely separate article if so desired. Include their first appearance in the RP, pre-RP history, and their previous national affiliations (if applicable).


Give an overview of the physiology of the species. This section can be expanded upon in a completely separate article if so desired. Include any subspecies, reproductive information, appearance information, and physical statistics (quantitative strength, speed, etc. values). If the species is humanoid, omit any physiological information that is identical to that of baseline humans.


Describe the diet of the species. Elucidate whether the species is carnivorous, omnivorous, or herbivorous. If the species is humanoid, omit any dietary information that is identical to that of baseline humans.


Describe the climate of habitable areas for the species. Elaborate on the the nature of the architecture, living practices, and, settlements of the species.

Life Cycle

Give a quantitative value to the average natural lifespan and civilized lifespan for the species. Enumerate and describe the aging landmarks for the average individual of the species.


Give an overview of the culture of the species. This section can be expanded upon in a completely separate article if so desired. Describe significant holidays, taboos, gender roles (if applicable), athletics, and, entertainment.


Describe everyday, civilian and military attire. If there are castes and/or social classes, describe the fashion differences that distinguish these classes.


Describe typical cuisine. This section should detail dietary staples and food culture.


Describe the species native language(s). You do not have to write a new language, but you should detail how the language sounds and it's tones.


Describe naming practices. Ideally, this section should make it easy for players to create names for their own player characters.


Describe the political organization of the species. Feel-free to utilize real world terms to summarize their political organization, however, provide ample description for how the political system functions.


Describe the general technological level of the species. State whether or not the species is space-faring, and if they are, state whether or not their ships are FTL-capable.


Describe the economic practices of the species and their associated national affiliation.

species/wruuph.1527195337.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 16:44 (external edit)