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:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.

Se'eshe are an arachnid, hivemind species that exists on Nesha Prime, discovered in ER 603, they are docile creatures who tend to keep to themselves but are deadly if provoked.


The history behind the Se'eshe is not that well known, this is because there has been very little if no means to communicate effectively between the Kingdom of the Se'eshe, what is known is based purely on evidence from tunnels and caverns found that the Se'eshe once inhabited and from fossiles found underground.

These fossiles indicate that teh Se'eshe have inhabited Nesha Prime for close to two hundred and forty one thousand years. There is also evidence that there were a lot more Se'eshe than the one's currently known to exist, suggesting that a hive-war could've occured that wiped out a large majority of them or some natural disaster was responsible.

However, during the Kingdom's quest to understand the Se'eshe, several things were made quite clear. Their blood is not only acidic, but also very poisonious, capable of killing a person in under a minute. The tail of a Se'eshe is also sharp enough to cut into the armor plating of a. a1-35_creniya_light_tank.

Physical Description

Se'eshe resemble arachnids of varying sizes, most seem to be roughly seven to ten feet tall and at least seven feet in length. Some have eight legs, others twelve, and a few have been observed as having close to sixteen.

Their legs are very long and have three different joints to them, allowing a Se'eshe to 'crouch' down very low to the ground. At the end of these legs are three smaller joints that are sharpened to an knifes edge, capable of cutting into the earth or even into solid metal.

They have two tails, one short and one long. The short tail is split into four smaller tails at the end and is used by the spider to sense vibrations in the ground, as this tail tends to slid on the ground. The long tail has a sort of stinger like edge at the back that is used mainly for defense and for injecting poison into pray or attackers. Their rear also has the limb they need to generate webs.

It's head is shaped similiar to an oval, with two long pincers that serve as part of it's mouth with close to twenty sharp teeth. It has three antennas and close to sixteen eyes.

Finally, their skin is a sikly smooth but quite tough.


Se'eshe are a hive-mind, thus they are found living together in large communities, they communicate via sonic waves. The coloration of their skin indicates their 'position' within the hive or what their duty is. Some are designated more as warriors, to protect their colonies from outside threats. Others are tasked with gathering food and digging 'deeper' tunnels and caverns.

Their society is paranoid of others, they stay away from loud noises or anything that has a lot of bright lights, which means they typically hunt more during the night than day.

Se'eshe who have a black-like coloration to their skin are hunters, while those that have a greenish tone are workers. Gold skinned Se'eshe seem to be those who 'lead' the hive. While bluish colored ones gather food and scouting for good locations to either expand the hive or move it.


Se'she reproduce by laying eggs in large clusters deep inside of the hive. Both male and female can lay eggs, although only the male protects the eggs while the female does not. When the eggs hatch, the males who protected them are killed by the females and their bodies are feed to the baby spiders. It takes up to a year for baby spiders to reach full maturation.

Genders Differences

Se'eshe have both male and females, but the only difference between the two is the length of their tails. Males tend to be the more aggressive of the hive, while females are typically more docile and better suited for harder labor due to being slightly smaller but also tougher skinned.

Female Se'eshe can also be identified by a cliep on their heads located just under their left antenna.


When the Kingdom found the Se'eshe, they initially left them alone. However, in ER 676, a group of scientists and soldiers decided to try and make contact with them to see if there was a way to communicate. Although communication was largely impossible, some Se'eshe 'did' leave the hive, either out of their free will or out of being ordered to do so, no one truly knows.

It took several years for the Neshaten to figure out a means of communications that would allow them to domesticate a small group of Se'eshe. This was done through the use of sonic waves, changing the pitch and volume, which would tell the Se'eshe what they can and can't do.

species/seeshe.1362649560.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 16:43 (external edit)