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Literally translating to 'One that doesn't belong' or 'Outsider', The Pakoli are a species of Solitary Nomadic Wasp like beings that live on Zeddados Prime. They play a very small role in the valsh_nar_empire, often acting as mercenaries and/or assassins for a convincing Kudah.


A Pakoli is a large bipedal wasp hybrid, its head being like that of a hornet. Its body is composed of a durable exoskeleton that ranges from dark green to golden brown to black in color, as well as a set of wasp like wings. Appendage wise they have two sets of arms and a set of legs.

Head: A Pakoli's head is tear dropped shaped much like that of a hornet. On either side of the head is a large compound eye that works very well and at close range allow precise binocular and stereoscopic vision. Also on the head is a short set of antenna that 'taste' the air and detect subtle movement. Finally there is a set of powerful mandibles that allow the Pakoli to tear, crush, and eat their food. The mandibles are strong enough to put a dent in some metals but not break though, though materials like bone are easily crushed.

Body: The body of a Pakoli's durable exoskeleton ranges from dark green to golden brown to black in color, they also will sometimes have stripes or spots running horizontally across them. The body itself consists of an athletic torso and a abdomen/gaster attached behind and below the 'hips'. The Gaster ends with a retractable stinger/ovapositer roughly 6 inches in length which is capable of injecting a strong venom into its victim causing paralysis as well as mild to severe tissue death. The stinger also serves as ovapostiter to deposit the Pakoli's eggs. Height wise a Pakoli measures between 6' (165cm) and 7' (213cm).

Limbs: Pakoli have two sets of thick muscular arms, each set ends with 4 digit hand with 3 fingers one thumb. Digitigrade with its legs (which are also thick and muscular) ending in a somewhat large hoof, which can be cleft or solid. A Pakoli's legs at resting are bent slightly forward, much like the rear legs of a canine.

Wings: Pakoli have a set of clear to rainbow sheen set of wings which gives them the ability to fly for short distances or to hover. Due to the size of the Pakoli, long duration flight is quite difficult and energy consuming.


A Pakoli is very close to a kudah internally, consisting of relitivly the same organs. The main difference is that unlike the kudah the Pakoli are a little more rough for wear and can take more stress on their bodies (not as much as a karshvick but more than a kudah ) Their exoskeleton being as durable as a tough leather. They also are also Omnivores though they do prefer meat when they can get it.

Reproduction for a Pakoli is slightly different then how the rest of the bipedal species in the valsh_nar_empire reproduce. Like kudah and karshvick they are asexual, however a host is not required for them to deposit their eggs in. Most Pakoli build a small nest hidden away somewhere where they can lay there egg, which in turn is sealed away with a food source inside. However they can also inject their egg into a host. The Pakoli then guards the egg until the larva consumes its food source (normally about 1-2 weeks) and emerges from the nest. Afterwards the younger Pakoli stays with its parent for about a month until it matures and is quite capable of fending for itself.

Psychic Resistance

Unlike the rest of the valsh_nar_empire Pakoli have no psychic talents what so ever, and are in fact naturally resistant to any psychic effects. This blockage separates them from the rest of the empire and also is the reason why they generally do not feel connected to any group in particular and fuels their nomadic lifestyle. A hindrance of this is that communication between species, or individuals can be challenging because of the dialects of valsh or Trade that they have to learn instead of shared knowledge like the others.

OOC Notes

riko created this article on 2015/08/24 22:37.

species/pakoli.1481718843.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 16:43 (external edit)