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Nekosoldat NH-29/YNNX-2

The YNNX model Nekovalkyrja is effectively a YE38 upgraded version of the NMX Nekovalkyrja, themselves a stolen copy of the old NH-29 Nekovalkyrja. They are specific to the Yuukan Republic faction, who made several combat efficiency upgrades… But also have many problems to do with their degrading genetic structure and general lack of nutrition.

Yuukan Republic soldiers are indoctrinated and fanatical, meaning it is unlikely you might encounter these elsewhere.

Physical Characteristics

Generally fearsome and angular, they have proportionally long limbs, and a hunched, savage appearance (Though this is just as much to do with living in trenches and tunnels their entire lives, as it is an intentional genetic trait). Musculature ranges from lean and athletic, to hulking and statuesque, but they generally keep some level of aloof attractiveness due to pure genetic legacy. Generally they remain in the area of 5'6“ft to 6'1”ft tall, but there are special 'reduced size' models engineered as light mecha/fighter pilots too.

All units have a nazca-style formation of silver lines on their lower back, forming the ACNI interface, as well as several identification markings on the skin.

In terms of digits, they have the standard humanoid four fingers, though with especially long finger and toenails made from a sharp synthetic material.

Skin colour can range from dull ivory or ruddy beige to a desaturated brown or straight up grey. They don't have the active camouflage of standard Nekovalkyrja, and that makes bright skin colours a liability. Hair has a huge variety, but tends to be either dark or desaturated.

Eye colours can be any colour of the spectrum, from dull grey to gleaming green, red or orange.

Creation Process

Nekosoldat bodies are created from a genetic template that is barely understood anymore, fabricated by cloning machines pushed far beyond their recommended speed tolerances. The vast majority are blank slate souls, raised as natural children in factory complex classrooms. They are taught to hate and fear the planets beyond Yuukan, as corrupt foreign empires are said to brainwash and drug their citizens into wars of galactic genocide. Nekosoldat at this point do not have names, and are only referred to by their serial numbers.

After learning basic maths, writing and social skills for a period of two years, they are assigned to a factory complex, and are put to work in a manual labour job whilst they discover themselves more concretely as a person. They are tested regularly for mental adherence to the state cause, and may at any time choose to join the military and become soldiers- Trading in dehumanizing tedium for mortal danger and possible martyrdom. Only after passing this threshold can they earn real names and are considered 'real' citizens.

Being converted into a Nekosoldat

Any refugees or enemy combatants the YNNX capture are converted into Nekosoldat at the first chance, regardless of their original race or region of origin. The folk of Yuukan see this as liberating creatures from their mortality, and giving such beings a chance at freedom and community that Yamatai never would… Of course, all such uneducated workers are mandatorily assigned to the factory classroom process. Just like all new born Nekosoldat, they are assigned a serial number and must begin their lives entirely anew, as a treasured seed that might one day blossom into a faithful soldier of the republic… or at least an indentured worker that they'll perpetually attempt to save and enlighten, forcefully if needs be.

Identification Markings

All YNNX Nekosoldat bear a identification barcode on the upper right bicep, and the state's emblem on the left shoulder blade.

Another common feature is genetically encoded facial markings, a feature soldiers specifically put there to mark them out from foreign Nekovalkyrja models, and as a general right of passage.

The specific shape signifies what training unit they were assigned to, with the ubiquitous 'black bar' of Nekosoldat from the especially productive Weisser Fluss military academy being by far the most common. Also pictured above is the geometric cresent of the Reinherziger Krieger school who forcefully condition their cadets for superior reaction times and reflexes, and the twin arrows of the Grüner Berg location, who screen their Nekosoldat for environmental hardiness and endurance.

Commanders often use this as a short hand for what a soldier is capable of, ascertaining their general skills at a glance.


Increased Strength and Reflexes

Easily as strong as a human body builder or other trained athlete, they can carry about 250 kilograms in 1G without issue. They are also far more nimble than their physiques might suggest, making them natural runners and close combat experts.

'Blast Furnace' Bio-Metabolism

Whereas a normal Nekovalkyrja can survive on vague scraps of organic material as food, the NH-29/YNNX-2 pushes this to further extremes. They can subsist on normally poisonous plants and stagnant water sources at will, a being truly designed for survival in harsh environments. The trade off is food with diminished nutrition causes their body temperature to rise, sometimes triggering a fever-like state of delirium in the brain.

Internal Hemosynthesis Capabilities

An ability that has degraded over several generations due to their pirated genetic code, the NH-29/YNNX-2 can still survive hideous damage and trauma due to nanomachines in their bloodstream. They do, however, tend to suffer irreparable damage to eyes and limbs more often. It's not uncommon to find one with a scar or mismatched eye colours.

Enhanced Senses

By using Hemosynthesis to change the shape of the iris, NH-29/YNNX-2 can enable themselves to see into the infra-red, ultra-violet, or even electromagnetic spectrum- Many are taught to actively train their enhanced binocular vision, in order to make use of rifles without scopes. Their ears are tuned for echolocation and dark environments.

A downside to this is that Yuukan lack the ability to properly repair problems with these systems, should things go wrong- It's often the cause a Nekosoldat might be given glasses to wear.

Digital Memory

Originally a service for training young Nekovalkyrja through electronically implanted memories, the NMX's inadequate use of the process led to the Yuukan development committee using it mostly for brainwashing and data recovery. Indeed, their lack of hemosynth tubes and supplies mean they sometimes sink to recovering a body, surgically repairing it, and putting the digital mind back in- A process presumably quite psychologically damaging for the Nekosoldat in question, but often the only option without an entire spacecraft borne facility in tow.

Inertia Control Ability

A specialist internal organ allows them to ignore local gravity fields, creating the effect of hovering over the ground, or flying up to 110 kilometres per hour. This can be done in a zero to two G environment, though it will tire the Nekovalkyrja out with extended use.

Wireless Communication

A special brain augmentation that allows them to transmit or receive radio signals as easy as common speech, with a range up to 250 kilometres. They can can also encrypt the signal in a way that only their intended recipient can decode it. Ever paranoid, Political Officer Nekosoldat make special use of this ability using many forms of code-talk and signalling music. All of the other castes have restricted frequencies which they are not allowed to use or monitor.

Adaptive Cluster Neural Interface

The YNNX rarely encounter any original NH-29 equipment worth interfacing with, and instead make do with both stolen vehicles and those originally intended for NMX brain slave use. Therefore their spinal column is modified with a wider variety of electromagnetic contacts, enabling them to interface with many different foreign equipment models.


The ability to have children is normally 'turned off' due to the Yuukan Republic's dire supply situation, with individuals produced at cloning facilities only. A special bureau of fertilization, staffed entirely by the Courtesan caste, is in charge of deciding who can and cannot be authorized to breed. Their choices are often highly erratic, and decision making process secretive. Contrastingly, male bioform components are sometimes created by accident, especially with Nekosoldat who were once male of a different species before being converted over. It's unclear if the supervising council knows about this error, or is struggling to identify why it happens.

OOC Notes

Primitive Polygon created this article on 2022/10/15 10:12.

Approved by Wes/Andrew on 2023/08/21.1)

species/nekosoldat_ynnx.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/30 05:34 by wes