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Homeworld: Eutherion

Home Nation: The Athatidesana Covenant

Population: approx. 11.3 Billion

General Information

The Kudhacari are a subterranean, spacefaring species hailing from the planet Eutherion in the galactic northwest. Other than their homeworld, the species only occupies one other habitable planetoid in the system: a large terrestrial moon in orbit around Eutherion IV. Smaller colonies throughout the Kudhacari home system exist, but few maintain permanent trappings of civilization.

Large overland predators forced ancient Kudhacari to find refuge under the surface during their vulnerable sleeping hours. Today, they have no aversion for the surface but still build and habitate underground. They have a bred-in affinity for digging and clawed hands suited for the task, and find architecture built in harmony with the earth β€” chiseled and sculpted from existing matter β€” more beautiful than sweeping, skyward structures.

As a people, the Kudhacari are a very social race. They live in large family units of 20 to 30 members, with cousins, aunts, and uncles are living in the same domicile. As younger Kudhacari find mates through friends or the workplace, they will band together to build a new place for the new family unit. The closeness that Kudhacari treat one another with means that it is near impossible for an outsider to invade an area without being noticed. Their reliance on large family structures also extends to their feelings on communities on a larger scale. Kudhacari are very protective of those they feel close to, even on a species-wide level.

Because the female population far outstripped their male counterparts long ago, Kudhacari are a non-monogamous people out of necessity. Though strong romantic bonds often do occur, most members of the species will have many reproductive partners, usually outside of their immediate family unit.

They do not worship any deities or adhere to any sort of organized religion. Still, the species does believe in the existence of spirits who live in harmony with the galaxy around them. Eutherion's surface, as well as the surface of any world, is considered the realm of the spirits, and that belief contributes to the practice of not disturbing natural landscapes and ecosystems.



A diminutive humanoid species, the Kudhacari are characterized by hard armored plates that flow from their heads, run down their backs, and finish over a small prehensile tail that wraps between their legs to protect the species' lower torso. They are a generally hairless, mammalian species, though they do grow eyebrows and older males from certain tribes can grow facial hair on their chin and under their nose.

The species has broad, leathery, leaf-shaped ears protected by scale plates that hang over to obscure them from sight and hinders their ability to otherwise hear sounds at their full physical potential. Small tufts of fur protrude from under the outer ear fold to protect the inner from contaminants. Though some races of Kudhacari do not have the sound-dampening scales disabling their hearing, exposed ear flesh is considered unsightly and grotesque.

With an average specieswide height of about 5 feet tall, Kudhacari are small, compact and stout creatures, though they can rage from 4' 4β€œ to 5' 2.” Because of their heavy, armor-like scales β€” as well as the skeletal and muscular systems to support their physique β€” the species has an average weight of approximately 130 lbs. and can range from around 110 to 160.

More specific physical traits, such as the color of their skin, scales, and eye patterns are dependent on their ancestral origins. There are seven notable nations of Kudhacari culture that make up their civilization.

Gross Anatomy

Scales & Tail

The most noticeable physical trait of the Kudhacari are the sharp scale plates that run down from their foreheads down their backs and along the tops of their short, prehensile tails. These are formed of a hard keratin that is soft at birth, but hardens as the Kudhacari grows older. A fully mature specimen's scales form an armor-like protection strong enough to prevent sharp impacts and resilient enough to absorb intense heat exposure 1). The plates along the top of the head do tend to stay slightly more soft and pliant than the rest, but are still heavy structures that can protect the Kudhacari from an attacker.

Some Kudhacari have darker, redder plate with sharper edges, while others are lighter and more blunt. The plates do continue to grow very slowly throughout life as they harden and become heavier. Old Traggiline tend to develop a hunched posture from dealing with the constant strain and increased weight.

Kudhacari tails are generally long and broad enough to wrap around through their legs with the tip reaching up to the navel, though a longer tail β€” which can reach as far as up to the nose β€” is a throwback to a more primitive form of the species. As is having scales that continue down one's arms towards the elbows and scales that continue down the sides of one's thighs that reach towards

Though the tails are prehensile, because of the hard scales, they have a rather limited range of movement, only really good for grasping by curling up.

Skeletal & Muscular System

Overall, Kudhacari tend to be stout creatures, with a musculature that supports carrying such a heavy weight day after day. They are physically active creatures who enjoy a healthy, athletic lifestyle. The majority of their muscles are contracted when at rest, and Kudhacari curl up into a natural fetal position when asleep. The species' skeletons are similarly hearty: Their bones must be able to hold their weighty frames and provide


Each hand on a Kudhacari supports four fingers and a thumb, having claw-like fingernails that were used by their ancestors for clawing into soil. Similarly, their feet have four claw-like toes, with hard spurs of keratin on the balls and heel on the underside.


Eye color is largely dependent on the Kudhacari s ancestral nation, and almost any naturally occurring color is possible dependent on that. From brown and green and blue to golden yellows, oranges, greys and everything in between, very few colors are considered unknown. Kudhacari eyes are commonly dominated by blackness, though, as their retinal aperture is capable of extreme expansion to accommodate the dim underground dwellings they call home.


Another interesting trait of the Kudhacari is their long tongues and sticky saliva. Their tongues can reach out to around six inches and their saliva has a high sugar content, making it very sticky and allowing Kudhacari to eat simply by dipping their tongue into their meals and slurping it up into their mouths. As such, Kudhacari meals tend to be noisy affairs.

There is a rare condition exists where the tongue is not solidly connected to the hyoid bone.and sufferers have trouble speaking properly. Some Kudhacari cultures find this humorous, while others would be appalled at making fun of someone with such a condition.


Kudhacari reproduce sexually, giving birth after a 6 month gestation. Single offspring are the most common, though twins and triplets account for about one-quarter of all births with 99 percent of twins and triplets being fraternal. For every 100 children born, only around 17 are male.

Females ovulate, on average, once every 22 days, and remain fertile throughout their lives. Likewise, males can reproduce at any point during their lifespan after adolescence. Still, old age often impairs Kudhacari from engaging in sexual intercourse.

Aging and Lifespan

After about 65 years, Kudhacari begin to physically deteriorate and it is virtually unheard of for one to live past 80. Years of physical stress from carrying around an ever-heavier coat of scales takes its toll on the Kudhacari physique and, by life's end, they are unable to do much more than curl up and sleep. Any more exertion causes great pain and can prove disasterous; tendons can snap, bones will fracture and buckle, and the ability to even stand upright is an extreme feat.

Life Phase Years in AV 2) Years in YE
Infancy 0-2 0-2
Childhood 3-7 4-8
Adolescence 8-13 10-16
Young Adult 14-17 17-20
Adulthood 18-64 22-77
Old Age 65+ 78+

To figure out your Kudhacari's age in proportion to Yamataian years use this formula: Take your Kudhacari's age, multiply it by 6 and then divide it by 5.

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2012/11/05 00:04 by raz and revolver.

PDR 1-3 depending on age, fitness, diet, etc.
β€œAjana Varsa” or β€œToday's Year.”

species/kudhacari.1354333168.txt.gz Β· Last modified: 2023/12/20 16:41 (external edit)