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K’Ai Psionics

Psionic abilities of the K’Ai are unique in that they allow the user to channel energy through the use of certain neurotransmitters that create a psionic zone around the individual. They provide a range of different abilities, ranging from psi-blades to mind reading.

Biology and Function of K’Ai Psionics and Abilities

Psionic abilities are inherent to the development of a specific part of the brain known as the proto-cortex. The development of the proto-cortex is influenced by genetics and is related to a specific mutation in the genes relating to perception and brain development.

How it works, is the proto cortex, when properly developed, converts certain neurotransmitters into molecules, which generates a zone around the individual. This zone draws from the low amount of energy held by these molecules and is depleted over time as the molecules are used up. When used up, a feedback loop is created, preventing the user from using these abilities for some time. The energy in these molecules comes from bluespace and its surrounding zones. When the zone is disrupted, it can cause damage to someone’s mind, or be used to sense someone.

Latent psionics have a zone projected, but lack the activation of the Proto-cortex, while active psionics, which will be covered later, have a functioning proto-cortex.

All individuals have this zone to some extent, but for those who lack a protocortex, the zone is minor and requires physical contact in order for psionic abilities to work on them.

Because of this, most psions can see, either through visual/ESP means, a glow around psionic people, indicative of the zone strength. For people with latent or no psionic abilities, this zone cannot be seen.


There are multiple classifications of psionic abilities which will be covered below. The following are the most common.

It is of note that it is very unlikely that someone carries all of these zones, but many psionic individuals carry some sensory zones, as it is the most common. They are listed from most common to least, and while it is possible to have many zones, the number of abilities in each zone decreases the higher you get, and is dependent on how well developed your proto-cortex is.

Sensory Faculty

Empathic abilities are more common, and only require the perception of the aforementioned zone. Like how psions can see other psion’s zones, if close enough, they can also perceive either through visual or ESP means, the emotional state and intent of the individual. This does, however, take quite a bit of training to understand and perceive, especially with other species. This is a lot like when mediums or hippies say “Oh yeah dude, your vibe is way off, man,'' and can easily be tainted by one’s own emotional state or other people in the room with strong emotions/intents. More adept psions can differentiate more easily, but this too requires some training.

Telepathic abilities require physical contact to work, unlike empathic abilities. Telepathic abilities involve the ability to sense someone’s thoughts and require direct contact between two individuals. It is a process in which the zones conjoin, and can only be achieved through an intense meditative state. The person must be willing, however, some high-level psions can forcibly probe minds, but it is incredibly traumatizing to all individuals involved and causes physical pain, depending on how much the person resists, and how strong their mental fortitude is.

Finally, the most powerful of the sensory faculty is known as body reading, or kinestipathy, it allows someone, upon holding someone’s limb, to detect any injuries or harm internally within it. It’s like what a doctor would do with a scanner but more advanced. This can also work for the brain, to allow access to trauma and mental disorders, and is minimally invasive.

Redaction Faculty

The redaction faculty is a bit more interesting. They fall under a few categories and are somewhat related to telepathic and empathic faculties.

These abilities allow someone to fix/redact things that already exist. The most basic form is Mental Redaction, but this is incredibly uncommon.

Mental Redaction is an incredibly dangerous and specialized zone that increases in difficulty exponentially. In its most basic form, it can be used to treat mental health issues, but when used by more powerful psions can be used to completely erase/implant memories, which is extremely difficult to execute, and not guaranteed to work.

Second, we have Body Redaction. At its most basic form, it allows the individual to heal minor injuries to someone’s body, again requiring physical contact with the person. At higher levels, this can be used to heal extreme injuries, but ONLY on other individuals and not oneself. This can damage the user’s nerves and biology, so it also requires careful meditation as you are literally transferring psionic energy into them in order to heal their body by accelerating their natural growth factors with ATP transfer.

This faculty requires specific devices to perform these tasks, consisting of EM field manipulators to change the processes in the brain and body.

Energistics Faculty

The energistics faculty consists of literally transferring energy from one individual to another or the space around them. It must be contained within the psionic zone, or it will instantly dissipate. These are by far the most powerful abilities and are generally so rare that they are only seen on their own.

The first energistics faculty is rather simple, and it is called Locale-Energistics. It allows the user to create an object of choice, such as a blade or tool, that can be used on objects or people but must remain in contact with the user at all times. If dropped, it will no longer exist, and that energy will dissipate.

The second and last is Ranged-Energistics, which allows the harnessing of psionic energy by harnessing one’s zone using technology or channelled psionic ability. This is generally easy to do but is draining on one’s mental capacity. It requires a lot of effort to transfer said energy to an object. Even when successful, it can leave the user exhausted. This also applies to transferring between individuals and can be used to harm someone as well as help them. This is in this zone because it is more difficult to harm someone than to heal someone, but the healing abilities are more powerful as well in this category.

This faculty requires specific devices to perform these tasks, consisting of hardlight and laser manipulators to harness the psionic energy.

Manipulation Faculty

Manipulation allows the manipulation of real-world properties. Really the only thing possible with this is Telekinesis, and other such things.

The most well known form is telekinesis, which scales in various tiers. The higher the ability's level, the better one is at at it, strength wise.

This faculty requires specific devices to perform these tasks, consisting of graviton emitters in order to utilise the energy from psionics for Telekinesis.

Coercion Faculty

Coercion is the rarest faculty, and it is the ability to change another's perceptions, through broadcasting a psionic signal into another person's mind. While this does NOT allow mid control, it DOES allow for the modification of perception.

Whether it is thrusting someone into a dream through touch, or simply making yourself appear in a different area, coercion can be very powerful, and is generally only limited to the highest echelons of psionic ability.

A reminder that this is not an excuse to metagame/godmod/powergame.

This faculty requires specific devices to perform these tasks, consisting of EM field manipulators and ST-like tech to change the perception of others.

Classifications of Psionic Strength

Alpha - Paramount
Alpha-1 Extremely Powerful Every single faculty in its maximum form, and are considered akin to gods Known only by legend, there is no record of one of these types of psions ever existing
Alpha-2 Extremely Powerful All five faculties at a masterful level
Alpha-3 Very Powerful All five faculties at a greater-than-baseline level
Alpha-4 Powerful All five faculties at a baseline level
Alpha-5 Somewhat Powerful All five faculties at a lower-than baseline level
Beta - Grandmaster
Beta-2 Very Enhanced Four faculties at a masterful level
Beta-3 Very Adept Three faculties at a masterful level
Beta-4 Enhanced Two faculties at a masterful level
Beta-5 Adept One faculty at a masterful level
Delta - Master
Delta-3 Significantly Above-Average One faculty at a significantly greater-than-baseline level or three faculties at a greater-than-baseline-level
Delta-4 Well Above-Average Two individual faculties at a greater-than baseline level
Delta-5 Above-Average Any one individual faculty at a greater-than baseline level
Gamma - Operant
Gamma-4 Baseline Any two individual faculties at the lowest strength or one with that of a baseline ability
Gamma-5 Minimal Any one individual faculty at a lower-than-baseline-level
Epsilon - Latent
Epsilon-5 Latent The individual lacks actual psionic activation, instead having the ability to possess psionic ability in the future

The Lundin Foundation

The Lundin Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to the registration and research of psionic abilities and faculties. Under an interstellar treaty, all psionics in the CIN are to be registered under the Lundin Psionic Registrar and are generally catalogued according to their abilities.

See more about them at The Lundin Foundation.

OOC Notes

Classification Levels above Delta-4 are restricted to Game-Master only. Levels above Alpha-5 are purely theoretical and are not permitted for use, unless permission is granted from the setting manager.

Manipulation and Coercion faculties are restricted to Game-Master only.

This article is licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 2.0 by Atticus McIlraith as of 2022.

species/kai/psionics.1664056265.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 22:03 (external edit)