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Places of the SARPiverse
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The Dakalar are an Insectoid colony species in a symbiotic relationship with the Wruuph. The Dakalar are peace-loving and kind in nature, they only use weapons in defense but that is not needed on their planet anymore as the surface animals have been tamed by the Dakalar, used for farming. The Dakalar believe that each living creature is from one Great Spirit beast.

Inside their hive, the Dakalar are split between Farmers that live nearest the surface, the Commoners live in the middle sections of the hive as the Commoners range from salesmen to scientists and doctors, and finally in the deepest part of the hive is the Queen and the leaders of each field of work.

The Dakalar are between 5 foot to 10 foot from head to abdomen, and around 8 foot from head to ground. Their body have two arms and four legs, their hands have three claw-like fingers making a sort of claw and have a tough exoskeleton that can take some damage like a built-in armor, the Dakalar aren't that good-looking with their insectoid bodies but the Dakalar use pheromones that attract the opposite gender.

The Dakalar are born in a larval stage that the parent takes care of until the larva turns to a young Dakalar, the parents both look after the larva as there is no discrimination between genders.

Home world: Alixxion

Language: A series of clicks and pheromones

Total Population: 4.5 billion


The Dakalar and the Wruuph had always been odds at each other until it escalated to a full-blown war that lasted 50 years before the day of unification that the leaders of both sides decided enough blood has been spilled for just a small difference in belief after the day of unification. The Dakalar had focused all their effort on advancing the well being of both species in both Science and weaponry to keep them safe, creating the tech needed to do this by using creatures from the planet that can work with the wide arrange of weapons the Wruuph brought with them.

After the unification, the Wruuph moved into the hives with the Dakalar and over time they formed bonds with each other, realizing that much of what they did was the same. The two species slowly made their two cultures, holidays they both shared became one holiday for the two species to have together. The Lords of Dakalar Hives brought Wruuph into the folds as leaders of the more militaristic positions.

With everything calming down and the planet becoming better for the two species, they decided it was time to try and see what other worlds were like, starting with the ones close to the home planet. The two planets orbiting the same sun as their own. One planet gave them new resources and items to make and use, the other couldn't be used for anything.


The Dakalar are massive insectoid creatures, that come in a variety of different colors depending on their parents and what hive they come from.

The Dakalar have a large ant-like head that contains compound eyes made from numerous tiny lenses attached together. They also have three small simple eyes on the top of the head that detect light levels and polarization. Two antennae are attached to the head; these organs detect chemicals, air currents, and vibrations; they also are used to transmit and receive signals through touch. The head has two strong mandibles, used to carry food, manipulate objects, construct nests, and for defense.

Their head connects to their chest which has chitin covering the parts of the chest front where the vital organs are located and completely covered on the back, with four arms connected to the chest, two on the higher on the chest close to the head and two connected lower down just past half way down the chest, their arms have three joints, one connecting the arm to the body, one that is half way down their arm that allows their arms to be more movable and the last joint connects the arms to the three claw hands.

Their abdomen is jutting out from under the rest of their body, this part is also covered in chitin for protection, with four legs spread out for stability, this part of their body is larger than the other two parts of the Dakalar's body. Like the arms the legs have special joints one called the Coxa that joins the leg to the abdomen, a smaller joint that between the 'coxa' and the 'femur'. The Femur is usually long and stouter than the other segments and contains the main muscles used in running, jumping and digging. The tibia is also generally long serving to increase the length of the leg, as well as adding an extra joint and thus extra flexibility. The claws attached to the legs are covered in a lot of tiny hairs to help with staying on even smooth substances.


The Dakalar's whole body is covered in a thick exoskeleton with thin but powerful arms and legs that can support their frame with ease.

The Dakalar have a large ant-like head that contains compound eyes made from numerous tiny lenses attached together. They also have three small simple eyes on the top of the head that detect light levels and polarization. Two antennae are attached to the head; these organs detect chemicals, air currents, and vibrations; they also are used to transmit and receive signals through touch. The head has two strong mandibles, used to carry food, manipulate objects, construct nests, and for defense.


The Dakalar's compound eyes are composed of a number of individual lenses, rather than a single lens as in a human's eye, the number of separate visual elements in adults is 28,000 per single eye.

This creates a considerable difference in the presentation of light stimulus to the Dakalar's brain, however, the ability of the Dakalar to navigate the world by means of visual stimuli suggest that they have overcome the problems inherent in this multi-faceted perception.

Much like Mammal's eyes, the eyes of the Dakalar can be divided into four basic parts: the supportive material that keeps all the parts together; a light gathering part; a light receptor that converts the received light into electrical energy; and the nerves that carry the electrical impulses to the brain for analysis. In the compound eyes of Dakalar, these parts are repeated numerous times side by side in a space-saving hexagonal pattern.

The lens is formed by a transparent and colorless cuticle and it is usually biconvex, beneath this is the crystalline cone normally functions as a secondary lens.

The receptive parts of a Dakalar's eye are the retinula cells. Each ommatidium normally has eight retinula cells arranged to leave a central core space in the center of the ommatidium, into which each retinula cell projects a series of microvilli, these microvilli are the actual light detecting part of the cells.

The corneal lens is supported by primary pigment cells and by secondary pigment cells. The retinula cells are connected to axons at the base of the eye, it is these which carry the information collected by the lenses and converted into electrical impulses to the brain, thus allowing the Dakalar to see.


The mandibles constitute the moveable aspects of the insect mouth, the mandibles are the equivalent of jaws with the exception that they move transversely.

The mandibles are adapted for crushing and chewing they have become a secondary sexual characteristic and are extremely large in some of the older Dakalar.

Mandibles are used not only for feeding but also for attack and defense, and for manipulation of materials as in the nest building.

Thorax (chest)

The Dakalar's thorax has the two arms of the species, the thorax has the vital organs of the Dakalar under the thick exoskeleton and is vertical to the ground.

The thorax is the main engine room of the Dakalar. The thorax is built up of a series of concave upper and convex lower integumental plates. The thorax can be conveniently divided into three separate and normally easily visible sections called from the front, the prothorax the mesothorax and the metathorax.


The arms are split into different parts.

  • The Coxa, this is the most basal aspect of the arms and joins the leg to the abdomen.
  • The Trochanter is usually small and serves as a joint between the coxa and the Humerus.
  • The Humerus is usually long and stouter than the other segments and contains the main muscles used in digging, lifting and holding weapons if needed.
  • The Radius is also generally long serving to increase the length of the arm, as well as adding an extra joint and thus extra flexibility and are connected to the hands.

the Dakalar's hand are three-clawed with one in the middle of the other two facing into the other two, so when a Dakalar closes their hand the one claw is in between the other two.


The abdomen has the four legs spread apart or better stability, this is also where the Dakalar can store nutrients for later need, it is the biggest part of the Dakalar and is horizontal to the ground.

The abdomen is built up of a series of concave upper integumental plates and convex lower integumental plates, the whole being held together by a tough yet stretchable membrane. It contains the insect's digestive tract and reproductive organs, it consists of eleven segments through the 11th segment is absent in the adults.


The legs are split into different parts.

  • The Coxa, this is the most basal aspect of the leg and joins the leg to the abdomen.
  • The Trochanter is usually small and serves as a joint between the 'coxa' and the 'femur'.
  • The Femur is usually long and stouter than the other segments and contains the main muscles used in running, jumping and digging.
  • The tibia is also generally long serving to increase the length of the leg, as well as adding an extra joint and thus extra flexibility.
  • The Tarsus is the foot of the insect leg and can consist of five segments.
  • The Claws are situated at the end of the tarsus and serve to assist the insect in holding onto a substrate. Between the claws a special pad which acts using suction developed by large numbers of minute tubular hairs to help hold the insect to smooth substrates.

Cardiovascular and Digestive Systems

The Dakalar have an open circulatory system which differs in both structure and function from the closed circulatory system found in vertebrates. In a closed system, blood is always contained within vessels. In an open system, blood spends much of its time flowing freely within body cavities where it makes direct contact with all internal tissues and organs. The circulatory system is responsible for the movement of nutrients, salts, hormones, and metabolic wastes throughout the Dakalar's body. In addition, it plays several critical roles in defense:

  • It seals off wounds through a clotting reaction,
  • It encapsulates and destroys internal parasites or other invaders,
  • The hydraulic properties of blood are important as well. The hydrostatic pressure generated internally by muscle contraction is used to facilitate hatching, molting, and expansion of body after molting, physical movements, reproduction,
  • Aids in thermoregulation, it can help cool the body by conducting excess heat away from active flight muscles or it can warm the body by collecting and circulating heat absorbed while basking in the sun.

A dorsal vessel is the major structural component of a Dakalar's circulatory system. This tube runs longitudinally through the thorax and abdomen, along with the inside of the dorsal body wall, it is a fragile, membranous structure that collects haemolymphs in the abdomen and conducts it forward to the head.

The Dakalar's digestive system is a closed system, with one long enclosed coiled tube called the alimentary canal which runs lengthwise through the body. The alimentary canal only allows food to enter the mouth, and then gets processed as it travels through the body. The alimentary canal has specific sections for grinding and food storage, enzyme production and nutrient absorption. Sphincters control the food and fluid movement between three regions. The three regions include the foregut, the midgut, and the hindgut.

Mating and reproduction

The Dakalar reproduce sexually, for a week in a year with their mating partner because females of the Dakalar have only one week in a year that they can have a baby. The area for mating is close to the back of the abdomen and is covered by the exoskeleton until the female and male move the segments so that their sexual organs are visible then they can reproduce. The female's organ is right at the back of the abdomen and is opened out as the female pulls the segments back, the male organ is close to the front of the underside of the abdomen. The male uses his front legs to hold on to the women as they go into mating using the claws to stay in place on the female, and then the male implants their seed into the woman.

Dakalar can mate when they want, but the female is only fertile for this two months in the year, after mating in this time the egg grows in the female abdomen for three weeks then is laid, after a week out in the open the egg hatches.

Dakalar can lay between 1 to 3 eggs at a time.


The Dakalar are herbivorous that eat fungi, fruit, and vegetables.


The Dakalar evolved on a planet with an ammonia-rich atmosphere and they have created respirators for themselves and the Wruuph for when they travel to other Planets that don't have the same amount of ammonia that they need to function and keep their cells working.

The Dakalar live in warm and humid places underground in great caves where they have built their homes and building out of sandstone from the older days, similar in look to ancient Greek architecture that few the years they have added metal reinforcements modifications to keep them from falling apart.

Life Cycle

The race, in general, can live for around 100 years


This stage is when they are born till they have eaten enough calories to where their bodies are ready to change, this normally takes a few weeks to a few months depending on the family. At this stage, they aren't able to defend themselves, and the parents normally take the time out to focus on the hatchling. At the end of this stage of the Suu's life, the larvae spin a cocoon that covers their whole body and lasts for three weeks while the larvae change into the Dakalar.


The larvae are white maggot-like creature has only a mouth on the front and thick spiracles coursing down their body, all the way to other end.


The larvae have the digestive system and cardiovascular system of the Suu but on a smaller scale,


The Dakalar emerges from the cocoon with a clear body as soon as it hatches from the cocoon, they shed their exoskeleton once every week for the first six months then once a year, each time the new exoskeleton is a darker color.


The Dakalar have a serious of clicks and chirps they can make to talk with each other, and pheromones that also tell others what is going on.


Each Hive have their own Queen, which is the overall leader of the Hive and a group of high ranking officials for each department of the Hive, known as the Halik, these officials are known as the lord of their department, for example, the lord of science and the lord of the fleet are two of the officials.

If the Royal family is Dakalar, the children of the current Queen will have to complete the Trial of the Queen, the children don't have to do this trial if they do not want to become the next queen of the hive. Choosing to not become queen is still an accepted decision and the family members are still looked at as royalty.

There are Queens Six in total, one for each Hive. They are the six royal families that have been around since the dawn of the species.

Name City Familly Ideals Species
Sal'Ti'Loc Gavincal Loc Help those in need, even if it puts your own life in Danger. Wruuph
Jan'Se'Von Paradicin Von An advancement no matter how small is still valid. Dakalar
Cal'Gu'Elv Enith Elv Every role is important to the universe. Dakalar
Xan'Vi'Cix Calanar Cix There is nothing that we cannot do with unity Dakalar
Dav'Fx'Xis Valn Xis Being the strongest means seeing those who are weak and helping them become stong as well. Wruuph
Tak'Ju'Woq Ingrun Woq brutality and war won't help our species, Honor will. Dakalar

The title of Lord is an honorary


The Dakalar use biological weaponry, created from the various creatures of the planet, they use Biotech to for all their technologies. The weapons can either use living ammo in the form of small creatures or by using body fluids like stomach acids.

Weapon info:

Armour info:

Power info:

The Dakalar have biological ships that they hatch instead of building these ships, the ships are bred for certain roles in the Empire, they can be bred for war or science.


How it looks:

What the insides are like:

life cycle:


The Dakalar do not use currency as they share out everything making sure that everyone is looked after, each person gets what they need.


Created By Bloodyscarlet

species/dakalar.1700312627.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 16:40 (external edit)