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Surfacer/Nightwalker Hybrid

Example of a Surfacer/Nightwalker Hybrid in Abwehran Officer Duty Uniform.

A hybrid of both Oberflächenbewohner and Nacht Bewohner sub-species, there are so few of these individuals that they barely reach 0.0000001% of the population. The more well known hybrids have come out of the Abwehran Imperial Family, who's bloodline descends from the two rulers of the Ancient Kingdoms from the great_conflict_era.


Hybrids often have the most varied physiology of the three sub-species since they draw from the genetics of both Surfacers and Nightwalkers.

Eye Pigmentation and Photosensitivity

Unlike Surfacers, a Hybrids eyes are almost always blue in pigmentation. However, not all hybrids get the photosensitive eyes that nightwalkers receive. In fact, only 1 in 10 hybrids receive photosensitive eyes from their Nightwalker parent. Other colors of eye pigmentation are extremely rare, but they are possible if the Oberflächenbewohner genes are dominant enough.

Skin Pigmentation

Hybrids have a wide-variety of skin pigmentation that they receive from both parents. All skin pigments that are common to Surfacers and Nightwalkers are common to their hybrid offspring. All skin pigments that are uncommon and rare to both parents are extremely rare to their hybrid offspring.

Hair Pigmentation and Style

Common hair pigments for a Hybrid are similar to the common hair pigments for both Oberflächenbewohner and Nacht Bewohner parents. The most common style of hair for a hybrid is straight hair, while curly and kinked are rare.

Height and Build

Due to the range of heights and builds between Surfacers and Nightwalkers, Hybrids trend towards the median of both sub-species. This means the range of Male Hybrid height is between 175 centimeters (5'9“) and 201 centimeters (6'7”) with either a stocky-muscular or a lanky build depending upon height. A Female Hybrid's height range is normally found between 170 centimeters (5'7“) and 183 centimeters (6') with either a stocky-toned or a svelte build.


The culture of a Hybrid is often based upon either the Unified Abwehran Culture of the Abwehran people or the culture of the dominant parent of the union.

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2013/02/28 20:51 by Abwehran Commander.

species/abwehran/hybrid.1574542973.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 22:03 (external edit)