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First Mate

The chief mate is customarily a watchstander and is in charge of the ship's cargo and deck crew. The actual title used will vary by ship's employment, by type of ship, by nationality, and by trade. Informally, the Chief Mate will often simply be called β€œThe Mate” or β€œFirst Mate.”

The chief mate is responsible to the Captain for the safety and security of the ship. Responsibilities include the crew's welfare and training in areas such as safety, firefighting, search and rescue.


  • Secure and monitor ship board security.
  • Disburse payments to the crew after the sale of prizes and salaries, if any.
  • Handle the purchase of provisions for the ship, and to pay said vendors for their services and goods.
  • Arrange for the sale of prizes taken by the ship, and to collect those sums owed to the ship.

OOC Notes

Bullroarer created this article on 2017/11/08 19:27.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.

plots/baba_yaga/first_mate.txt Β· Last modified: 2023/12/21 01:01 by