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Sirris VI

Home to many sentient alien species extinct or living, Sirris VI is a safe haven of life. It is home to the Gunja and was once home to the Deceivers before they abandoned it in favor of staying hidden from the galactic community. Many other pseudo-human species evolved on this planet but went extinct before they could achieve space travel.

More about Sirris VI

This planet is the second planet of the Sanctum Star System; despite looking as though the whole planet is a badlands when viewed from space, it is in a habitable zone and is teaming with life - it simply appears that way because the majority of plant life is orange rather than green. Sirris VI's hydrosphere is 79% water and 31% ice. The equator is as uninhabitable as the polar ice caps due to Sirris VI's relatively insubstantial tilt; despite this, however, areas between the equator and ice caps have provided an adequate environment to foster life and thus have allowed ecosystems to expand out to these biomes as well.


The star that Sirris VI orbits around has been named Sanctum by Section 6 and is a type K4 orange dwarf.


Sirris VI is life rich and has a number of diverse biomes with complex ecosystems, including jungles, woodlands, tundras, mountain ranges, two polar ice caps, tropical isles, and deep oceans. Almost everywhere on the planet, plants are shades of orange and brown with occasional tints of yellow and red.


The jungles of Sirris VI are vast and thick, yet sandwiched between the deserts, tundras, and oceans around them. Plant life bares similarities to the expected (ignoring that all of it is orange rather than green), including large trees and small shrubs, however, there are some notable species. One is a subterranean plant that literally lifts the earth up from above it. Similar to the woodlands, a small succulent stepable thrives in jungles and many other biomes; from a distance, it almost looks like fallen autumn leaves - and some would consider this plant to be Sirris VI's own grass. Many jungles of Sirris VI have also adopted a unique ecology where many plants and some animals benefit from bio-luminescence.

In terms of animals, an aggressive and persistent family of predators had made their way to the top due to pseudo-humans thriving on Sirris VI for quite some time: Man-eaters. These creatures sustained themselves on almost nothing but the flesh of intelligent animals and had the brain and brawn to boast it; fortunately, though, most of these man-eating species have been extinct for a long time due to the heavy decline of the pseudo-human population. Some ancient cousins still remain, but they aren't nearly as violent and usually hunt other animals; although this doesn't mean they won't attempt to hunt a pseudo-human, they will not do so if it isn't in their best interest.


The Gunja have a thousand or so relatively primitive cities underneath the planet's surface.


The Gunja population in Sirris VI reached around 2,816,700,000 as of YE 40. There aren't any other intelligent species living on it currently.


The following sections contain details about the various physical aspects of Sirris VI.


Below are the physical characteristics of Sirris VI.

  • Type: Rocky Planet
  • Radius: 6,371 kilometers1)
  • Surface Area: 5.1 x 108 square kilometers2)
  • Land Area: 1.071 x 108 square kilometers3)
  • Ocean Area: 4.029 x 108 square kilometers4)
  • Mass: 5.939 x 1024 kilograms5)


Below are the gravitational characteristics of Sirris VI.

  • Gravity: 9.804 meters/second26)
  • Escape Velocity: 11.15 kilometers/second7)

Rotation and Revolution

Below are the orbital characteristics of Sirris VI.

  • Rotational Period: 31 (Earth) hours
  • Axis Tilt: 19.38°
  • Orbiting: Sanctum
  • Orbital Radius: 85.271 million kilometers8)
  • Orbital Period: 202 rotations (or Sirris VI days)


Below are the aquatic characteristics of Sirris VI.

  • Water: 79%
  • Ice: 31%


Below are the atmospheric characteristics of Sirris VI.

  • Type: Breathable


Below are the climate characteristics of Sirris VI.

  • Minimum Temperature: -42 °C9)
  • Average Temperature: 21 °C10)
  • Maximum Temperature: 63 °C11)


Below is a map of Sirris VI's surface.

OOC Notes

lijosu created this article on 2018/08/29 21:34; approved it (using the checklist) on 2018/09/27 17:37.

Roughly equivalent to 3,959 miles.
Roughly equivalent to 2.0 x 108 square miles.
Roughly equivalent to 4.135 x 107 square miles.
Roughly equivalent to 1.556 x 108 square miles.
Roughly equivalent to 1.309 × 1025 pounds.
Roughly equivalent to 0.998 g or 32.165 feet/second2.
Roughly equivalent to 6.93 miles/second.
Equivalent to 0.57 astronomical units or 52.985 million miles.
Roughly equivalent to -44 °F.
Roughly equivalent to 70 °F.
Roughly equivalent to 145 °F.

planet/sirris_vi.1564053270.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 16:27 (external edit)