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Neue Jaspis IIi

A small moon orbiting the gas giant of Neue Jaspis II, Neue Jaspis IIi is a moon with little mineral wealth and a thin corrosive atmosphere mostly comprised of ammonia.

Planetary Statistics


  • Type: small iron/silicate
  • Radius: 2632.25 kilometers
  • Surface Area: 8.71 x 10^7 square kilometers
  • Land Area: 8.79 x 10^7 square kilometers
  • Mass: 3.8 x 10^23 kilograms
  • Density: 4.97 grams per cubic centimeter
  • Composition:
    • 41.1% oxygen
    • 34.8% iron
    • 15% silicon
    • 5% aluminum
    • 1.2% other metals
    • 2.9% other elements


  • Gravity: 3.64 meters per second squared (0.37 Gs)
  • Escape Velocity: 4.38 kilometers per second

Rotation and Revolution

  • Period: 27.74 hours
  • Axis Tilt: 34.29 degrees
  • Orbital Radius: 1,481,010 kilometers
  • Orbital Period: 504 hours


  • Water: 0%
  • Ice: 0%


  • Type: Thin Corrosive
  • Pressure: 29.81 kiloPascals
  • Composition:
    • 76.8% ammonia
    • 23.2% hydrogen
    • trace other gases


  • Type: Standard
  • Minimum Temperature: 257 Kelvins (-15 Celsius)
  • Average Temperature: 303 Kelvins (30 Celsius)
  • Maximum Temperature: 361 Kelvins (87 Celsius)

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2013/07/15 22:07 by Abwehran Commander.

planet/neue_jaspis_iii.1611089977.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 16:26 (external edit)