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Nesha Prime (Planet)

  • Type: Terrestrial, forested world
  • Stellar Radius: 1.54 AU's from the star
  • Surface Gravity: 2g's
  • Length of Day: 34 hours
  • Length of Year: 423

Background History

Nesha Prime was settled by the remnants of the Neshaten; their three ships arrived in orbit, but only the smaller of the three survived. Wreakage of two larger colony can be seen from orbit, spread across two whole continants. The planet has thick forests and is broken up into several islands. There is a thunderstorm that is constantly active, always moving across the planet, this storm results in an island always having some form of weather at least once a month. In short, there is rarely any dry-weather. Thick clouds produced by this storm make flight travel impossible, and thus atmospheric orbital stations are built over every large continent to help house travelers and merchants who jump from one island to another.

Opening in the storm occur once every hour and only last for a few minutes, because of this, during these large storms delays are natural.


There are four continents, but each one is actually interconnected by land-bridges that are slowly disappearing. The major cities on each continent includ Netoshen, Lewren-Vascen, Sereia, and May'nale.

  • Netoshen: The main capital of the Neshaten Kingdom and one of the largest cities on the planet, with a diameter of roughly eight six miles round. The city is lined by very high walls with defensive emplacements to protect the city from possible invasion. The city is split up into sections, with the outer most section housing industrial centers and the inner most section housing residential and commercial areas. The city itself is nearly four thousand and eighty two square kilometers.
  • Kester: A city located on the same continant as Netoshen, serves as the primary trading hub for shipping and commerce. Kester is well known for it's shipyard production facilties which exist a few miles away from the city. Because of this, Kester is actually more heavily defended than the capital, but only by a slight amount. Kester serves as the patrol base for the continent.
  • Lewren-vascen: Lewran-Vascen is a city located on the western continent, this city is primarily an industrial complex, which helps mine crystals from the crystals caverns that permeate the continent and the waters around it. Because of how volatile the crystals are, the continent is considered a military zone, any shuttles headed to the continent must go to Lewren-Vascen first. Any shuttles wanting to fly inward must either be worker shuttles, or shuttles with the central government authorization, otherwise the military 'will' shot down any unauthorized shuttles.
  • Sereia: Located on the eastern continent, Seriea is an entertainment city that boosts some of the best entertainment on the planet, the city uses a combination of the continents natural beauty including its majestic water falls and plush forests to help generate entertainment by creating games or tourist attractions.
  • Gamray Shipyards: Located within the military zone just off the coast of the capital, the Gamray Shipyards were built just twenty years after the capital was established but originally only built water born vessels. They were converted to build starships in ER 645, but later replaced in ER 745 by a new shipyard built in orbit of the planet. Still, these shipyards are still important as they serve as an additional repair dock and even a construction bay for water born vessels. They can still build space born ships though, and were used to build the experimental FTL shuttles even when they weren't originally intended for that purpose.
  • Ram'tena: Ram'tena is the military city located around Gamray Shipyards. It's a massive city made up entirely of military personnal and also serves as the location of the Kingdoms main resaerch facilities.
  • Viral'ne: Viral'ne is a prison located in the harsh deserts of the southern continent, the prison is used to house the kingdoms most dangerous criminals and is also the location of executions.
  • May'nale1): Located on the Southern Continent on the western edge, serves as the trading port for the continent. May'nale is actually located in the deep forests of the continent and makes it home around a very large tree that is the most prominent feature of the city, while it serves as a trading port, it is also the planets main supplier of several raw materials, including steel, iron, copper, and many more.
  • Le'yena: An underwater research city located just off the coast of Netoshen.
  • Sasa'ne: The large spaceport and the location of the planets orbital elevator, located on the planets western equator.
  • We'mena: A city that is located on the eastern continant on the northern edge.

Points of Interest

  • Gemeni Memorial: Gemeni Memorial is the location of two of the largest evacuation transports had crashed on the surface of the planet. Although most of the ship is at the bottom of the ocean, at least some of it's debris is strewn about for over several kilometers, extending from a beach inland, the memorial itself completely encapsulates the debris field. Their is a plaque commerating the dead.
  • Germon Memorial: Germon is the name of the evacuation transport that burned up in the atmosphere and exploded. The memorial is located at the top of a mountain range, which holds the only piece of the ship to ever be found - a small hull fragment.

Military Zone

A military zone is an area on the planet that is protected by the military and often times frequented by military ships both space and water-born. Soldiers are common place along with their vehicular assets. There is a military zone located around every major city for protection, and around all of the planets defensive batteries and the Gamray Shipyards. Most military zones are accompanied by an FOB, or Forward Operating Base.


Nesha Prime has an unpredictable weather pattern due to the constant presence of a very large hurricane that covers nearly one fourth of the planets surface. There are high winds during most of the evening hours usually accompanied by a light rain, accompanied by sky lightning, or lightning that is generated yet there are no clouds in the area.

The Hurricane that covers nearly twenty five percent of the planets surface contains very high winds, which is the reason why most of the cities and buildings on the surface are built with structural reinforcements. The winds are clocked at nearly three to four hundred miles per hour toward the outer area of the eye, then begin to temper off toward the edges of the storm.

Wind breakers located in every city helps reduce the speed of the wind, typically within a city the winds average thirty to twenty one miles per hour and sometimes lower but occasioanlly even higher, as high as sixty or even eighty miles per hour. In places such as the capital, which has a lot of wind breakers due to its heavy reinforced concrete walls built to protect the city from invaders, coupled with wind breaker generators that are located in the outskirts of town, the wind typically tempers off to just under a hundred miles per hour.

This hurricane however isn't alone in its heavy winds, accompanied is a dangerous pheonomina known as Rase'ni'a or, Spiked Rain. Spiked Rain occurs mostly in the upper areas of the storm or when the climate is unusually cold, spiked rain is rain that has been crystalized and forms a ball with various spikes on its outer surface. The rain can kill any unprotected person, so usually when Spiked Rain is present people either stay in doors. Luckily, Spiked Rain only lasts for ten minutes and is usually replaced by regular rain afterwards. Spiked Rain can be recognized easily by how it comes on slowly, thus giving people ample time to seek shelter.



All major continental cities have a mass-transportation system. Subway ride on light rails that helps reduce friction and maintenance needed, because of the transit system and how its designed, all of the major cities can transport people via the mass-transit line between their respective cities. In short, the continental cities are the hubs for getting to other continents when people either don't have the funds or don't have the desire to ride shuttles that typically move between the cities.


Depicted in image above

planet/nesha_prime.1334095357.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 16:25 (external edit)