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A fiery, inhospitable world orbiting Paracrux, Jhersa has only been surveyed from afar with no explorers every orbiting or setting foot upon the world due to the intense heat and radiation.

Planetary Statistics


  • Type: Standard iron/silicate
  • Radius: 6789.54 kilometers
  • Surface Area: 5.79 x 10^8 square kilometers
  • Land Area: 5.85 x 10^8 square kilometers
  • Mass: 7.41 x 10^24 kilograms
  • Density: 5.65 grams per cubic centimeter
  • Composition:
    • 33.2% iron
    • 31.1% oxygen
    • 17.6% titanium
    • 13.7% silicon
    • 4.3% other metals
    • trace other elements


  • Gravity: 10.67 meters per second squared (1.09 Gs)
  • Escape Velocity: 12.04 kilometers per second

Rotation and Revolution

  • Period: 16.05 hours
  • Axis Tilt: 11.17 degrees
  • Orbiting: Paracrux
  • Orbital Radius: 5.24 x 10^7 kilometers (0.35 Astronomical Units)
  • Orbital Period: 3.08 x 10^3 hours (0.35 standard years)


  • Water: 0%
  • Ice: 0%


  • Type: Dense Corrosive
  • Pressure: 128.17 kiloPascals
  • Composition:
    • 75% ammonia
    • 25% oxygen
    • trace other gases


  • Type: Infernal
  • Minimum Temperature: 379 Kelvins (105 Celsius)
  • Average Temperature: 392 Kelvins (119 Celsius)
  • Maximum Temperature: 445 Kelvins (172 Celsius)

Special Features

Jhersa Ring

A ring of stellar debris orbiting Jhersa, preliminary surveys indicate high contents of metals available in the Ring. This makes it a more viable target for exploitation when compared to the planet itself. It orbits the planet at an orbital radius of 600,302 kilometers with a period of 768 hours.

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2013/06/08 12:41 by Abwehran Commander.

planet/jhersa.1572701584.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 16:25 (external edit)