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Arret is a rocky planet, filled with a habitable atmosphere of nitrogen and oxygen. It is perfectly suitable for life of many kinds. The biosphere includes lush green forests, vast mountain ranges, rivers, and oceans that take up much of the planet, though there are continuous continents all over the planet, offset by sporadic islands.

More about the Planet

The planet of Arret is a ‘Sister’ to xuno, which means that it’s in the same orbital ring as Xuno. However, due to the distance, they’re far enough away to not affect each other.

Arret is a rocky, mineral rich planet. It is very dense in metals and other elements. Rare resources such as Gold, Tin, and Thorium being as common as Iron and Titanium. This makes the surface beneath the soil very tough, bedrock being tougher than usual.


The Star is a type GV2, which is a large yellow star, within the kyzu System. The size of the star is around 2.009×107 W·m−2·sr−1. The system consist of 10 planets. 2 of them are in the habitable zone and the others are too close or too far. The xuno is populated while its neighbor Planet Arret has a similar ecosystem but has yet to be inhabited. The other planets consist of smaller dwarf planets and large gas giants. The Dwarf Planets known as Y0-1, Y0-2, Y0-6, and Y0-9. While the Gas giants are known as Y0-4, Y0-5, Y0-7, Y0-8, and Y0-10. There are 2 moons on both Arret and Xuno, while the dwarf planets have none, and the gas giants range from 4-19. Y0-5 having 19.


The environments on Arret are scattered, between temperate plains and forest. To Tropical rain forest and archipelagos. Even mountains and cold badlands, not to forget the large hot deserts on top of that. It is a very bio-diverse planet.


The current settlements, colonies, or towns that are on the planet.

  • Novo Kosovo


The current population that lives on the planet.

  • 1.3 Million Colonist

Planet Data

Planetary data, describing the planet via size, type, orbital years, gravity, satellites, as well as the population and facilities built there.

  • Type: Rock
  • Orbital Radius: 150 million km
  • Mass: 1 M ⊕
  • Period: 1.3 Years year(s)
  • Gravity: 1.07 g
  • Planetary Population: 1 Million
  • Natural Satellites: 2
  • Facilities: 16


Arret contains all of the elements on the periodic tableand has a majority of Iron, Titanium, and Tin. The planet has large quantities of other metals and non-metals as well as a percentage of semi-metals. There are non-renewable resources such as coal, oil, and natural gas present on the planet.

The planet contains mostly, Iron, Silicon, Titanium, Copper, Gold, and Tin. It has small amount of Coal, Oil, and Natural gases, with smaller amounts of silver, Platinum, and Noble gases. Rarely are there any super heavy metals and radioactive resources, however, there is a location with a large amount of Chromium and uranium in the same place.


Type: Small iron/silicate

Radius: 4270.19 km (0.67 x earth)

Surface: Area 2.29 x 108 km2

Land Area: 1.44 x 108 km2 (0.97 x earth)

Mass: 1.75 x 1024 kg (0.30 x earth)

Density: 5.50 g/cm3 (1.00 x earth)

Composition: 35% iron, 27% silicon, 22.1% oxygen, 7.2% magnesium, 5.4% other metals, 1.3% other elements


Gravity: 6.53 m/s2 (0.67 x earth)

Escape Velocity: 7.47 km/s


Period: 23.02 hours

Axis Tilt: 15.97°


Water: 71 %

Ice: 9 %


Type: Standard breathable

Pressure: 82.52 kPa (0.81 x earth)

Composition: 66.7% nitrogen, 22.4% oxygen, 7.7% argon, 3.2% carbon dioxide, trace other gases


Type: Temperate

Min Temp: 226 K (-46 °C)

Avg Temp: 293 K (20 °C)

Max Temp: 323 K (50 °C)


Chemistry: Carbon

Lifeforms: Prokaryotic microbes, plants, Dinosaurs, small mammals, and insects.

OOC Notes

OOC notes go here. dragon_god made this article.

planet/arret.1558268613.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 16:23 (external edit)