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IIS Halberd

The IIS Halberd is the frontier hub for Iemochi Innovations & Sales, a odsf military station - built by vekimen_defensive_task_force through the gartagen_union. It was built as part of an ongoing deal with the Vekimen, with IIS providing their R&D facilities to the Vekimen in return for participating in their economy and helping it develop.

The station was bought with a all-expenses-paid standard VDTF fleet (totally under IIS control and not counting for VDTF forces), a time may occur that the Halberd leaves VDTF territory - which is not likely to happen in the first several years of purchase. During the time where the Halberd is serving in Vekimen-controlled space, the fleet and its onboard defences will act as security, though they may be recalled for VDTF defence. If these forces leave VDTF space, IIS will be charged unless they sort out a contract prior.

The deal also extended to that in the case IIS wishes to buy the rights to a Vekimen world, the cost of the territory will be reduced by the cost of the Halberd. Sector 4 of the station is rented out for military training for whoever wants it. All products produced are made under IIS licence, all research is IIS. Section 1's tactical centre controls the IIS local fleet

The Halberd also acts auxillary shipyards and dockyards for Iemochi Applied Technologies, which will likely produce ships for its various clients such as section_6.

OOC Notes

ethereal created this article on 2017/11/12 14:32.

Firmly canonised by FM Ira.

location/iis_halberd.1511321172.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 15:55 (external edit)